Tag Archives: Video

Serbia: Video – Međunarodni dan bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu

UGS Nezavisnost

Sindikat UGS NEZAVISNOST has posted a 28 April message on Facebook.

Asia-Pacific: IUF video message – Remember the dead and fight for the living on International Workers’ Memorial Day

28 April message from the of the global food and farming union IUF’s Asia Pacific region Regional Secretary . Continue reading Asia-Pacific: IUF video message – Remember the dead and fight for the living on International Workers’ Memorial Day

Global: One day, two important events for the health and safety profession

IOSH is encouraging members to support two annual global events

Continue reading Global: One day, two important events for the health and safety profession

USA: Families and co-workers remember those lost on the job for Workers’ Memorial Week – National COSH

Life-Saving COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) Must Be “Rapidly Approved and Rigorously Enforced,” Say Safety Activists
Families and Co-Workers Remember Those Lost on the Job for Workers’ Memorial Week

LOS ANGELES – Gathering at a virtual National Speak Out to observe Workers’ Memorial Week, safety activists said today that a new COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) will save lives and must be “rapidly approved and rigorously enforced.”

For more click here

Colombia: 28 DE ABRIL: ¡La salud y seguridad es nuestro derecho!

From Santa Marta, Colombia, the Broad Front of Working Women (FAMT), affiliated with INTERGREMIAL (Colombia), joined the demonstration on April 28 for vaccines for all and all, NO to tax reform and basic income For all Colombians and Colombians.

Global: Remembering those we have lost, demanding change so we lose no more – UNI Global Union

Even before the catastrophic spread of COVID-19, 7,600 people died daily because of work-related illness or injury. And during the pandemic, millions of essential workers represented by UNI Global Union and our affiliates—often migrants, women, and people of colour—have risked exposure to this deadly virus to support their communities and their families. Tragically, an untold number have died.

“This International Workers’ Memorial Day, we remember the workers who are no longer with us. We hold their loved ones in our thoughts. We recognize they did not sign up to risk their lives when they worked so bravely to keep our societies running,” said UNI Global Union General Secretary Christy Hoffman. “And we honour them today—and the many others killed or injured from working—by fighting for the living.”  Read more here

Serbia: 28.april međunarodni i nacionalni Dan bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu (2021.)

28.april međunarodni i nacionalni Dan bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu (2021.) Savez Samostalnih Sindikata Srbije

Global: “On #IWMD21, we remember the workers who are no longer with us” – UNI Global Union

ImageSee @CHoffmanUNI‘s full video ?https://t.co/SXyUh9uSh0 pic.twitter.com/QImXM804CF


Gibraltar: Ceremony to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

Unite the Union (Gibraltar Branch) in collaboration with the Gibraltar Cultural Service will be commemorating Workers Memorial Day with a ceremony on the 28th April at the Alameda Gardens commencing at 10.30am.

Germany: Workers` Memorial Day 2021: Videoansprache von Hubertus Heil

“Leben mit der Corona-Pandemie” ist Schwerpunkt-Thema des diesjährigen Workers’ Memorial Day. Wie in den vergangenen Jahr gedenken wir auch am 28. April 2021 denjenigen, die auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder am Arbeitsplatz verunglückt sind oder infolge einer Berufskrankheit verstarben. Der Gottesdienst in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche wird (ab 18 Uhr) online übertragen, unter: www.ekbo.de/livestream