Moldova: SINDICONS 28 April workplace inspection, flash mob and vigil

? On the International Day of Safety and Health in Work, marked today, April 28, the leadership of the Federation of Construction and Construction Materials “SINDICONS”, together with the leadership of the State Inspectorate of Labor i and the Federation of the Patronage of Construction and Production of Construction Materials in the Republic of Moldova have paid a visit at the mine in Chisinau
✅The working conditions were analyzed from the mine, how the requirements in the field of safety and health in work are respected, which are the benefits of mining. Social partners in the construction branch organized a flashmob in which they called for the respect of standards in the SSM field, emphasizing that the right to safety and health in work is a primordial right. At the same time, those present commemorated the victims of the work accidents.
!! According to official statistics, in the Republic of Moldova during the year 2021, 627 incidents of injuries were reported to the State Inspectorate of Labor in the field of labor, due to which 664 people suffered, 78 of which have died.