All posts by Jawad

Global: Health and safety is our right | IndustriALL

Health and safety is our right

In the lead up to International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April, IndustriALL is putting the spotlight on health and safety in the workplace. A staggering more than 3 million workers die every year because of their work, and tens of millions are injured. Health and safety at work is neither a perk to be bargained for nor a favour to be asked. It is our right.

In a huge win for the world’s workers, in 2022, the International Labour Conference made health and safety a fundamental principle and right at work. That means that all ILO member states commit to respect and promote the fundamental right to a safe and healthy working environment, whether or not they have ratified the relevant ILO Conventions.

While fatal accidents have fallen, the fatal frequency rate — the number of fatalities per million hours worked, is not evenly distributed across sectors and regions, with mining, metals, ship building and ship breaking, textiles, electronics, chemicals, showing disproportionate impacts. Women workers face disproportionate risks of occupational health and safety exposure  due to their reproductive and productive role in society.

“As IndustriALL we support our unions in their quest to stem the tide of deaths in the world of work. We will continue to fight for a better tomorrow with a focus on risk assessments and a rights based human centred approach to occupational health and safety,” says IndustriALL health and safety director Glen Mpufane.

IndustriALL Global Union is campaigning for and promoting a right- based approach to occupational health and safety that includes:

  • The ratification and implementation of ILO Conventions on safety and health across all the sectors in which it organises
  • Rally behind the adoption, ideally a convention on the safety and health protection against biological hazards
  • Implementation of the Hong Kong Convention

Australia: New worker protections against silica will save lives

Australian national union federation ACTU has welcomed a 22 March 2024 decision by the country’s Labor government and work health and safety (WHS) ministers to move closer to a full ban on engineered stone and implement new regulations to protect all workers from exposure to silica dust.

ACTU assistant secretary Liam O’Brien: “Next month we mark International Workers’ Memorial Day, a day where we remember those who have lost their lives at work and fight to ensure others don’t have the same fate. The passing of these protections is a fitting tribute and testament to the hard work of unions in keeping us all safe at work.

“Unions will always fight to keep workers safe from harm. Unions thank WHS Ministers for listening to workers and health experts in banning engineered stone. None of this would’ve been possible without the campaign of unions, like the CFMEU, and organisations that demanded strong action to keep workers safe.

“The war on silicosis is not over until these new rules are in place, properly enforced, and employers and workers are aware of them. The best way to protect yourself and your workmates is to join your union.”

UK: TUC calls on safety reps to inspect their workplaces

The UK Trades Unions Congress is calling on all union safety reps to  take part in the @TUC_Education week of action by signing up to inspect the risks in the building you work in.

More details on the Building safety inspections – week of action

Poland: Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy 2024

Poland’s Central Institute for Labour Protection (CIOP) – National Research Institute, has announced that on 28 April its activities will focus on the impact of climate change on safety in the work environment. It says heat, extreme weather events, UV radiation or air pollution, increased exposure to hazardous chemicals, as well as diseases transmitted by parasites are some of the challenges we face due to climate change. It notes these factors can have a significant negative impact on our safety and health at work. CIOP is encouraging “actions that will raise awareness of this problem in your work environment and allow you to develop solutions to ensure safe and healthy work in times of changing climate.”

Polish 28 April webpage

USA: The AFL-CIO 28 April webpage is live

Sticker with "Mourn for the Dead | Fight for the Living"The AFL-CIO’s Workers Memorial Day web page is now live – orders can be placed for posters, stickers and fliers in both Spanish and English. Materials can also be downloaded here. The toolkit will be released shortly. AFL-CIO has selected the theme  ‘Good Jobs. Safe Jobs. Protect Our Rights.’ The focus is on promoting contracts that ensures good jobs are fundamentally safe and also  to protect and deepen health and safety rights. Affiliates are requested to share their 28 April events so AFL-CIO can help with promotion. 28 April queries should be directed to Ayusha Shrestra –

A sticker with the words, "Honremos a los muertos. Luchemos por los vivos. Dia de conmemoracion de los obreros caidos."

A poster with the words, "Good Jobs. Safe Jobs. Protect our Rights. Workers Memorial Day April 28."

28 April resources: Climate risks for workers

28 April resources: Climate risks for workers


ITUC climate change webpages.

ITUC global shifts – just transition webpages.

Biological hazards and the work environment: Trade union position and priorities ahead of the International Labour Conference 2024 first discussion on occupational safety and health protection against biological hazards, ITUC, December 2023.

Peligros biológicos y entorno laboral: Postura y prioridades de los sindicatos de cara al primer debate de la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo 2024 sobre protección de la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo contra los peligros biológicos, CSI, Diciembre 2023.

Risques biologiques et environnements professionnels: Position et priorités des syndicats en prévision de la première discussion de la Conférence internationale du Travail 2024 sur la protection de la sécurité et de la santé contre les risques biologiques sur les lieux de travail, CSI, Decembre 2023.


Climate and workers’ health webpages.


ILO social protection, climate change and just transition webpages.

ILO ACTRAV (workers’ bureau) environment and climate change webpages.Working on a warmer planet: The impact of heat stress on labour productivity and decent work, ILO, July 2019.


Adaptation to Climate Change and the world of work webpages.

Adaptation to Climate Change and the world of work: A guide for trade unions, ETUC, 2020.

Related toolkits in other languages.

EN • DE • FR • ES • IT • PT • NL • HR • PL • GR • FI_videoCZ_Guide


HesaMag special edition, Workers and the climate challenge | etui Winter 2023

The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work in an Era of Climate Change, NELP, 27 March 2023.

Environmental heat stress on maternal physiology and fetal blood flow in pregnant subsistence farmers in The Gambia, west Africa: an observational cohort study, The Lancet Planetary Health, volume 6, issue 12, e968-e976, 1 December 2022.

Muhammad Hidayat Greenfield. An urgent need to reassess climate change and child labour in agriculture, The Lancet Planetary Health, first published online 18 May 2022.

MCN Position Statement: Climate-Integrated Disaster Preparedness Needed to Protect Most Vulnerable Workers, Migrant Clinicians Network, December 2021.

Xiuwen Sue Dong and others. Heat‐related deaths among construction workers in the United States, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, First published online 22 July 2019.

ETUC Resolution on the Need for EU Action to Protect Workers from High Temperatures, adopted December 2018.

Climate crisis a major workplace risk, warns ITUC

#iwmd24   |   Climate risks for workers   |    ITUC International Workers’ Memorial Day/Day of Mourning theme announced

The climate crisis is creating new and heightened occupational risks to workers, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is warning.

Extreme weather and changing weather patterns are affected job security and health for workers, the global union body says. In response to the crisis, it says, the theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April 2024 will be ‘Climate risks for workers’.

 Heat-related deaths and diseases in workers in agriculture, construction and other outdoor jobs have soared, ITUC notes. It adds work in extreme weather can cause fatigue and increases in workplace injuries and stress-related disease. Elevated levels of airborne pollution associated with heatwaves can lead to increased hospitalisations and deaths, it warns. And it adds higher UV exposures place workers at risk of chronic health problems, including skin cancer and eye damage (macular degeneration).

The ITUC alert comes in the wake of climate-related health warnings from UN agencies. A World Health Organisation (WHO) December 2023 statement noted the year had witnessed “an alarming surge in climate-related disasters, including wildfires, heatwaves and droughts, leading to the displacement of populations, agricultural losses and heightened air pollution. The ongoing climate crisis has significantly increased the risk of life-threatening diseases such as cholera, malaria and dengue.”

A September 2023 International Labour Organisation (ILO) just transition policy brief, Occupational safety and health in a just transition, noted the climate crisis “without proper controls in place, may increase the risk for injury, disease and death for workers due to heat stress, extreme weather events, exposure to hazardous chemicals, air pollution and infectious disease, among others.”

ILO added: “Numerous health effects on workers have been linked to climate change, including injuries, cancer cardiovascular disease, respiratory conditions, and effects on their psychosocial health. There has been an increase in the estimated number of deaths among the global working-age population due to exposure to hot temperatures.”

ITUC notes that climate change is also putting workers at increased risk from infections. “The climate crisis, urbanisation and changing land use are impacting on occupational health and safety and have led to biological hazards posing new risk or risks in new places,” a December 2024 ITUC briefing on biological hazards notes.

It is a point reinforced in the ILO just transition policy brief, which warns “risks from vector-borne diseases, such as malaria or dengue fever, will increase with warming temperatures, including potential shifts in geographic range of these vectors as a result of climate change.

“This development affects all workers, especially outdoor workers who are at higher risk of contracting vector-borne diseases, from vectors such as mosquitoes, fleas and ticks. Moreover, infectious diseases may also affect workers via waterborne and foodborne pathogens, such as Salmonella spp. when they have direct contact with contaminated water or food.”

ILO has said it will commemorate World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, and will follow the theme adopted by ITUC and unions worldwide, focusing on “the impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health”. ILO added it will produce supporting promotional materials including a poster and report and will organise a global event with experts and guest speakers from governments, employers and workers “to discuss how to protect workers and respond to this global challenge.”

ITUC will produce its own guides and social media resources which will be available on its dedicated International Workers’ Memorial Day website,


ITUC climate change webpages.

ITUC global shifts – just transition webpages.

Hazards climate and workers’ health webpages.

#iwmd24 | The climate crisis and workers’ health

ILO adopts climate risks theme for 28 April 2024

The impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health

Every 28 April, the International Labour Organization (ILO) commemorates the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, focusing on a timely theme related to occupational safety and health.This year, the theme will mirror the theme adopted by unions worldwide, and will focus on exploring the impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health.Changing weather patterns have notable impacts on the world of work, particularly affecting workers safety and health. Examples of occupational risks exacerbated by climate change include heat stressUV radiationair pollutionmajor industrial accidentsextreme weather events, an increase in vector-born diseases and increased exposure to chemicals.The ILO will produce several materials for the World Day 2024, including a report, promotional materials, as well as a global event with experts and guest speakers from governments, employers and workers to discuss how to protect workers and respond to this global challenge (April 2024 Exact Date To be announced).

Promotional Materials


Contact Information

Safe Day Team

Email :

Manal Azzi, Occupational Safety and Health Team Lead

Email :–en/index.htm




France: CFDT calls for the right to walk out of overheated workplaces – #iwmd23

Construction confederation BWI member, CFDT, made a 28 April call to have heat recognised as ‘bad weather’ and thus allow workers to stop their work.

CFDT homepage