Tag Archives: Palestine

Ireland: Dublin vigil for slain journalists

Members of the NUJ gathered on the steps of the Hugh Lane Galley in Dublin’s Parnell Square on Monday 29 April to remember the journalists killed in the war in Gaza.

The gallery steps overlook the capital city’s Garden of Remembrance and poignantly had previously been the venue for a vigil held to mark the killing of journalist Lyra McKee.

NUJ vice presidents Gerry Curran and Fran McNulty, Cearbhaill O’Siochain chair of the union’s Irish Executive Council (IEC), press ombudsman Susan McKay and Ian McGuinness, Irish organiser were among those who read from the list of the 109 journalists featured on the IFJ list of slain journalists.

A minute’s silence was observed following the reading of the list. In welcoming the attendance, which included a group of visiting Czech journalists and colleague trade unionists, Séamus Dooley renewed calls for a permanent ceasefire and said the NUJ remains gravely concerned at the treatment of journalists by the Israeli government.

The event marked International Workers’ Memorial Day and focussed on the killing of journalists in Gaza.  Last year the EC hosted a similar event at the Garden of Remembrance to remember all journalists killed in the line of duty in the period since the last Irish Delegate Conference.

Séamus Dooley said the journalists killed were slain because of their profession. In remembering those who have died we should also remember those injured and all who had lost loved ones.

It is vital, he said, that journalists should be free to enter Gaza and to report on the war. The terrible horror which has unfolded in Gaza was a story which must be covered.

NUJ News release

Palestine/Britain: 28 April demand to stop killing journalists in Palestine

Members of the NUJ London Freelance Branch were joined by supporters and campaigners in Westminster opposite Downing Street to mark Workers Memorial day calling for an end to the killing of journalists in Gaza and the middle east. A good crowd heard from Gazan journalists, Palestinians and their supporters.

They were joined by Owen Jones and Jeremy Corbyn MP.  The names of those journalists killed – that NUJ is aware of – was read out,  and it took sadly considerable time to complete (listed in link below).

NUJ LFB: Remembering journalists killed in the Israel-Gaza war

All pictures copyright NUJ LFB member and Waltham Forest Trades Council delegate Mick Holder.

Media workers and health workers in other parts of the UK, including Sheffield, similarly marked 28 April by protesting the Israeli army’s killing and injuring of workers in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank during the current conflict.



Arab Trade Union Confederation statement for 28 April

President of the Arab Trade Union Confederation, Shaher Sa’ed: “Occupational safety and health at work represents one of the most fundamental rights of workers”

Acting Executive Secretary of the Arab Trade Union Confederation, Hind Benammar: “Implementing national policies of occupational safety and health at work becomes an emergency”

The Arab region celebrates the World Day for Safety and Health at Work [International Workers’ Memorial Day]. This occasion, always, reveals alarming indicators. More than two million male and female workers annually lose their lives and more than 400,000 workers are exposed to injuries due to work accidents, that take place in light of the economic repercussions that represent nearly 4% of the global GDP.

In this regard, Shaher Sa’ed, President of the Arab Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), stated that “it is no longer acceptable to continue lightly dealing with the issue of occupational safety and health, that represent one of the most fundamental rights of workers. The concerned parties, ministries of labour, ministries of health, employers and representatives of workers should review occupational safety and health policies within the framework of a social dialogue in accordance with the international labour conventions on occupational safety and health, mainly Conventions 155, 161, and 187.”

In general, the Arab region witnesses many lacunas in the legislations and regulation of occupational safety and health systems.

In this regard, Hind Benammar, the acting executive secretary, mentioned that “although the issue of occupational safety and health is a concern among all social partners, it is required that this consensus be articulated in national legislation and policies based on the inclusion of occupational safety and health in the curricula of education and trainings, reviewing labour inspection systems in both quantity and quality, and funding health and safety programmes.”

As for the lacunas of Arab ratification of international labour agreements related to occupational safety and health, the acting executive secretary stated that “only Algeria and Bahrain have ratified Convention No. 155. Iraq, Morocco, and Tunisia have ratified Convention No. 187. However, no Arab country has ratified Convention No. 161, on the importance of the government’s engagement with occupational safety and health. On our part, as trade unions, we made all the necessary efforts to secure all safety measures for our workers in all our negotiations. Our aim is to encourage all Arab countries to ratify these agreements and implement national policies respecting occupational health and safety agreements.”

Palestine: PGFTU calls for improved health and safety at workplaces

The BWI-affiliated Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) made an urgent appeal to Israeli employers to ensure the decent working conditions of Palestinian workers employed in their labour market and settlements. The union called on employers to secure the health and safety of all workers, including migrant workers from Palestine. It also said that COVID-19 regulations should be fully implemented at the workplaces, including physical distancing and full personal protective equipment (PPEs) for all workers.

“Palestinians workers working for Israeli companies should be protected by the same laws on health and safety as Israeli workers, and should not risk working in unhealthy working environment without PPEs,” PGFTU Secretary General Shaher Saad said.

The PGFTU said that despite an increase in the daily wage of construction workers, from ILS 1,200 to 1,400 (US$ 334-389), during the crisis, there is still a high risk posed to workers, as  the increase tempts them to take job offers without considering their health and safety. The union also warned of a similar danger, where workers are employed in medical waste facilities without providing them with internationally-recognized occupational safety and health equipment.

Palestinian workers believe that the salaries provided by Israeli employers are more than double the wages they receive from their country.  However, Palestinians working for Israelis are not protected by labour laws covering Israeli workers, such as health benefits, sick leave, vacation time and other workers’ rights, including non-discrimination based on gender and religion.

BWI news report.