Korea: KFCITU demands safety laws make main contractors liable for industrial accidents

In the lead-up to International Workers Memorial Day, the Korean Federation of Construction Industry Trade Union (KFCITU) held a rally in Seoul demanding that new OHS regulations make main contractors liable for industrial accidents for dependent contractor! #IWMD2019 BWI@work

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Macedonia: On 28 April SGIP says unions make work safer

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#OHS #SGIP #IWMD2019 BWI Global Youth Network

Unions make the work safe. Representatives of security and health employees are saving lives. Security at work is the obligation of everyone!
#OHS #SGIP #IWMD2019 BWI Global Youth Network

Gabon: Libreville 28 April commemoration for UTBTPBSP

In anticipation, UTBTPBSP Gabon celebrated on 18th April on the IWMD in Libreville under the theme: “Commemorate the dead, fight for the living. with a special thought for KASSA BOUSSOUGOU a 29 year old woman who died following an occupational disease.
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Ghana: TWU activities for 28 April includes successful workplace campaign

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Timber and Woodworkers’ Union (TWU) of Ghana celebrated International Workers’ Memorial Day  on 23 April with a workplace campaign at Samartex, a wood company that employs 150 workers. The campaign convinced the employer to hire a full-time Health and Safety officer.

Europe/Sweden: BWI global youth assembly – pictures

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BWI Global Youth Network

BWI European Youth Assembly (EYA) has just started in Stockholm with the opening speeches of Johan LINDHOLM, President of BYGGNADS, Sweden and BWI European Regional Vice President and Vasyl Andreyev, Interim Chair of BWI International Youth Committee and Jakob Wagner, Youth Secretary of BYGGNADS.


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Image may contain: 2 people, people standing
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
Participants of the BWI European Youth Assembly visited 4 different worksites of Swedish companies JM and PEAB to inspect on OHS conditions in 4 groups. Each group shared their observations to others afterwards and compared the conditions in their respective countries with the conditions in Sweden

Ghana: April 28 government announcement that a work safety bill is to be passed this year

Occupational Safety and Health Bill to be passed this year

Parliament will pass the Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) Bill into law by the end of the year as part of efforts to promote workplace health and safety.

“It is vital we acknowledge that the future of work is now with us and it behoves on us to adopt, adapt and modify the nature of work and our workplaces to stay current and compliant with the OSH standards.”

Mr Ignatius Baffour-Awuah, the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, said this on Friday on the “World Day for Safety and Health at Work” in Accra.

The event, on the theme: “Safety and Health and the Future of Work,” was organised by the Ministry in collaboration with the Volta River Authority (VRA).

Mr Baffour-Awuah called on all stakeholders in the working environment to conform to the requisite work and health safeties, as it was crucial to the attainment of the National Medium-Term Development Objectives.

He said the world of work was changing at a faster rate, with the influx of modern technology, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things among others, which came with hazards and deficiencies.

“We cannot act oblivious about the accidents and injuries these technologies may pose to the labour force,” he said.

Mr Baffour-Awuah said social partners had demonstrated enough commitment to the promotion of OSH standards to guarantee employees’ welfare and wellbeing, adding that stakeholders must not relent on that effort.

He said the significance of safety and health at the workplace was undeniably key to the full attainment of decent work agenda in Ghana.

Mr Baffour-Awuah said although there was overwhelming evidence that certain categories of the Ghanaian workplace were exposed to occupational risks and hazards, significant strides had also been made in the administration of the OSH standards through sensitisation, advocacy, compliance and enforcement.

“It is my fervent expectation that Ghana achieves the SDGs on OSH earlier than the stipulated timeframe; a task I employ all of us to embrace, other than that, our celebration of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work will be an exercise in futility,” he said.

He said the move would require investment, research, training, skills development and capacity building because employees wanted to work in an environment where their safety could be assured.

The Minister said employers, on the other hand, were seeking men and women with demonstrated safety consciousness to hire and engage, knowing that reliable assurance of safety was a guarantee of business development.

He noted that the Government was interested in a healthy workforce that could implement its policies and programmes towards growth and sustainable development of the country.

Mr Andrew A. Tagoe, the Deputy General Secretary, General Agriculture Workers Union of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), called on the Government to develop and implement a national OSH legislation and regulation.

He said the Labour Inspectorate Division of the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations must be empowered to intensify its inspection at all workplaces to ensure safety.

Source: GNA


Wales: Marking International Workers Memorial Day 2019

Safe work is a right, not a privilege. Each year on 28 April trade unionists mark Workers Memorial Day.
It is alarming to note that every year worldwide, more people are killed at work than in wars. Each year, 28 April is designated as Workers’ Memorial Day, providing the opportunity to reflect on the many people who are killed, seriously injured or made ill while doing their jobs.

Wales TUC  President Shavanah Taj honours those who have suffered by calling on people to join a union to fight for a stronger voice at work and improve workplace health and safety.

Most workers don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic accidents. They die because an employer decided their safety wasn’t that important. Workers’ Memorial Day commemorates those workers and so if you’re not in a union, join a union. If you’re a member of a union, become active and become a union heath and safety rep. Unionised workplaces are safer workplaces and today on International Workers’ Memorial Day we remember the dead and fight for the living.

Shavanah Taj, Wales TUC  President

Join a union today

Watch Shavanah’s full message for Workers’ Memorial Day 2019:

Take part in Workers’ Memorial Day 2019

This year Workers’ Memorial Day falls on a Sunday so you may like to organise an event in your workplace on the following Monday, 29 April. Your event could be a minute’s silence, a commemorative rally, a workplace meeting or just a small get-together. You could also arrange a larger commemorative event such as planting a memorial tree in a public place, putting up a plaque, dedicating a sculpture, a piece of art, or a bench, to remember workers who have been killed at the workplace or in the community.

Tell us how you’re marking Workers’ Memorial Day on Twitter (using #IWMD19) or Facebook.

Dangerous substances

The theme for Workers’ Memorial Day 2019 is: “dangerous substances – get them out of the workplace”.

Take a look at the TUC’s guides on AsbestosDiesel exhaust and Occupational cancer

Cymru: Diwrnod Coffa Gweithwyr Rhyngwladol 2019

Wales TUC Workers’ Memorial Day message on YouTube

Global: ITF adds its voice to the international campaign against dangerous substances

The International Transport Workers’ Federation has encouraged everyone to join the international call to take control and remove dangerous substances from work.


Global/Sweden: BWI European Youth Assembly meeting demands ‘Life before profit’

The BWI European Youth Assembly meeting held in Stockholm on 13 April demanded business put ‘Life before profit’. Pictures below.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living