Global: Prendre le contrôle – éliminer les substances dangereuses du lieu de travail (CSI)

Toutes les 11 secondes, une personne meurt en raison des conditions dangereuses dans lesquelles elle travaille. La prise de conscience gagne du terrain, mais le cancer est toujours la première cause de décès dû au travail dans de nombreux pays. Cette année, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs, la CSI appelle à «zéro cancer».

«Nous travaillons pour ‘gagner notre vie’ mais les travailleurs sont toujours exposés à des substances mortelles. Aujourd’hui, nous rendons hommage aux personnes qui ont perdu la vie au travail. En leur mémoire nous continuons à nous battre pour vivre,» a déclaré Sharan Burrow, la secrétaire générale de la CSI.

En dépit de la longue période qui peut se dérouler entre l’exposition à des substances dangereuses et le diagnostic du cancer, la recherche met de plus en plus souvent en évidence le lien existant entre le cancer et ses causes professionnelles. La CSI, en partenariat avec la campagne de la revue «Hazards», a réalisé un guide pratique qui résume les principaux risques de cancers professionnels.

«Grâce aux syndicats, le travail est plus sûr. Les travailleurs sont les mieux placés pour savoir où se trouvent les dangers sur leur lieu de travail et c’est leur connaissance et leur action collective qui permettent d’améliorer durablement la santé et la sécurité. Nous plaidons en faveur de conditions toujours plus sûres, depuis le lieu de travail jusqu’aux normes internationales élaborées par l’Organisation internationale du travail. Il est fondamental de garantir la santé et la sécurité au travail. La Déclaration du centenaire de l’OIT offre une réelle opportunité de réaliser les importantes avancées qui permettraient de sauver des millions de vies. Il ne faut pas la manquer,» a précisé Sharan Burrow.

C’est également ce qu’a annoncé M. Baskut Tuncak, le Rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur les droits de l’homme et les produits et déchets dangereux, pour qui la communauté internationale doit «veiller aux opportunités dont nous disposons actuellement pour éliminer les inégalités de traitement existantes entre les pays exploités par des entreprises peu scrupuleuses au travers de leurs chaînes d’approvisionnement.» Puis, s’exprimant sur la nécessité de renforcer la sécurité internationale, il a ajouté: «les instruments mondiaux interdisent ou limitent l’utilisation ou l’émission de moins de 0,1% seulement des substances chimiques industrielles toxiques et des pesticides suscitant une préoccupation mondiale auxquels les travailleurs et les populations locales sont exposés.»

De nouveaux produits chimiques arrivent sans cesse sur les sites de travail, et très peu ont fait l’objet d’un contrôle approfondi pour évaluer leur cancérogénicité. L’amélioration des normes de test est indispensable pour éviter d’autres décès. L’OIT est la principale organisation chargée d’améliorer les normes pour des millions de personnes à travers le monde. La CSI exhorte les employeurs et les gouvernements à se montrer à la hauteur de cette mission et à accepter la nature fondamentale de la santé et de la sécurité organisationnelle lors de la Conférence du centenaire de l’OIT en juin 2019.

Les syndicats de toute la planète se mobilisent aujourd’hui pour rendre hommage aux travailleuses et aux travailleurs et obtenir de meilleures conditions de santé et de sécurité au travail. Consultez les dernières nouvelles sur

Affiche – Réaction chimique
Infographie – Les cancers et leurs causes professionnelles


GLOBAL: Taking control – removing dangerous substances from the workplace (ITUC)

Every 11 seconds a person loses their life because of lethal working conditions. While awareness is growing, cancer remains the number one workplace killer in many countries. On this International Workers’ Memorial Day, the ITUC is calling for zero cancer.

“We call it making a living, yet working people continue to be exposed to lethal substances. Today we pay our respects to those who paid the ultimate price at work. In their memory we continue to fight for the living,” said Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary.

While there is a delay between exposure to dangerous substances and the diagnosis of cancer, research sheds increasing light on the link between cancer and its workplace causes. The ITUC, together with Hazards campaign, has produced an at-a-glance guide that summarises the most prominent cancer hazards at work.

“Unions make work safer. People are best placed to know where dangers lie in their workplaces and it is through their collective understanding and action that lasting health and safety improvements are made. We are pushing for ever-safer conditions, from the workplace right up to the level of international standards at the International Labour Organization. It is fundamental to guarantee safety and health at work. The ILO’s Centenary Declaration is a real opportunity for meaningful progress that could save millions of lives. It must not be missed,” said Burrow.

This was echoed by Mr. Baskut Tuncak, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the implications for human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes. He said that the international community must “look at the opportunities that we have at present to eliminate some of the double standards that exist between countries that are being exploited by unscrupulous businesses, through their supply chains.” Commenting on the need to reinforce international safeties, he said, “global instruments only ban or restrict the use or emission of less than 0.1% of toxic industrial chemicals and pesticides of global concern to which workers and communities are exposed.”

New chemicals are entering workplaces all the time, very few of which have been comprehensively assessed for carcinogenicity. Improved standards for testing are needed in order to avoid more deaths. The ILO is the leading institution for securing better standards for millions of people around the world. The ITUC is calling on employers and governments to live up to this mandate and accept the fundamental nature of organisational safety and health at the ILO Centenary Conference in June 2019.

Trade unions around the world are mobilising today to pay respects and push for better safety and health conditions at work, follow the latest on

Poster – Chemical Reaction
Infographic – Cancers and their work causes



For more information, please contact the ITUC Press Department on +32 2 224 02 53 or by e-mail:

Germany: IG BAU-Bundesvorstandsmitglied Carsten Burckhardt über die Bedeutung des Workers’ Memorial Day.

IG BAU-Bundesvorstandsmitglied Carsten Burckhardt über die Bedeutung des Workers’ Memorial Day.

Global: On 28 April IndustriALL launches year long safety campaign

Cambodia: Building and woodworkers rally to demand action to ban asbestos


Cambodia April 28 Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Confederation rally this morning to remember workers killed through work International Workers Memorial Day and demand action on an asbestos ban in Cambodia and improved OSH #IWMD19 @unionsaustralia @SolidarityCntr @ituc

Mauritius: CMWEU calls for risk assessments to be required by law


For IWMD on 25 April, CMWEU, an affiliate of BWI in Mauritius conducted a campaign at the House of Parliament. The union called for the Risk Assessment Report to be mandatory in the law.

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, sky and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, tree, sky and outdoor

Ukraine: PROFBUD remembers workers who didn’t return home from work

PROFBUD, Ukraine. In memory of workers who did not come back home from their work.

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, flower, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, tree, crowd and outdoor

Tunisia: Joint construction union site visits and campaigns to mark 28 April

On 25 April, FGBB, BWI’s affiliate in Tunisia mobilised its members in four major companies to celebrate IWMD. The unions visited AFRICA WORKS a construction company and three cement companies— Colacem, Jabal Al Wassat Cemen,t and Carthage Cement to campaign for better health and safety conditions. The FGBB used the opportunity to distribute OHS campaign materials.

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Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 5 people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Kazakhstan: Youth activists and trade unions join together on 28 April

Kazakhstan: Construction and wood workers’ global federation BWI reports trade union leaders and young activists came together for the Occupational Health and Safety Congress to celebrate IWMD BWI@workFacebook

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Indonesia: SERBUK takes action to demand government protects the lives of construction and wood sector workers

BWI@work Facebook post

Federasi Serbuk hit the streets of Jakarta demanding the Indonesian Government takes action to protect the lives of construction and wood sector workers! Later today they will be holding a public discussion in conjunction with the University of South Jakarta on making work safer. #IWMD2019 #SafeWork

Image may contain: 8 people, outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, crowd and outdoor
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and outdoor

Happening now: Federasi Serbuk hit the streets of Jakarta demanding the Indonesian Government takes action to protect the lives of construction and wood sector workers! Later today they will be holding a public discussion in conjunction with the University of South Jakarta on making work safer. #IWMD2019 #SafeWork

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living