USA: “54,000 deaths a year is way too many” – National COSH report

For Workers’ Memorial Week 2015, the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health has released Not An Accident: Preventable Deaths 2015.

This annual report provides details on and context for the yearly toll of worker fatalities in the U.S.

“54,000 deaths a year is way too many,” says National COSH Executive Director Mary Vogel. “We need tougher penalties. We need prosecutions for criminal violations. And we need to listen to workers, and use proven strategies that cut down on risk, reduce injuries and save lives.”

Key stats

Natrional COSH news release

Global: The true cost of precarious work

BWI has highlighted fatal injury figures from cement giants Holcim and Lafarge which reveal the true cost of outsourcing and precarious work. Their annual reports show that almost 300 people lost their lives working for these companies between 2011 and 2014.

BWI demands “Holcim and Lafarge, before their mega merger, reconsider their reckless employment policies and labour practices and start putting people before profits. No merger without workers’ health and safety rights!”

BWI news release

Australia: ACTU says “Make company directors personally liable for workplace deaths”

On International Workers’ Memorial Day ACTU says “Company Directors would be made personally liable for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) fines resulting from workplace death, even if they restructure their business to avoid payment.” more

Italy: Medicina del Lavoro – 28 April briefing

An International  Workers’ Memorial Day briefing from Medicina del Lavoro.

Labour murders in Turkey: The day to mourn and remember

April 28th should be proclaimed The Day the Mourn and Remember Those who Lost Their Lives in Work Murders


Remember the perished, campaign for those remaining!  

Actively pursuing their lawsuits over the last 7 years, Holding an hour long vigil at Galatasaray square first Sunday of each month,

Worker Families Seeking Justice (The families of those who lost their lives due to work murders) continue their struggle to achieve justice.

The families request April 28th to be proclaimed The Day the Mourn and Remember Those who Lost Their Lives in Work Murders in Turkey. 

Families are organizing two events to make this request be heard louder.  

We want you to be with us.

We can stop the work murders together!

26 April Sunday 13:00, Şişli Kent Cultural Center

  •        Worker Families Seeking Justiceand their pro-bono lawyers tell their experiences in seeking justice throughout the last 7 years.
  •        Support for Justice Seekers Group will launch the 2014 version of the Work Murders Almanac, which they have been releasing since 2012.

28 April Tuesday 19:00, Taksim Tram Stop

  • Wearing black,Worker Families Seeking Justice and their supporters march along İstiklal Street.

We have an ONLINE PETITION to proclaim April 28th The Day the Mourn and Remember Those who Lost Their Lives in Work Murders

Sign now:


  • 301 miners died in Soma massacre in 2014. At least four Soma massacres happen in Turkey each year.
  • 1886 workers lost their lives while working in Turkey in 2014.
  • Regarding labor murders, Turkey ranks as first in Europe and third in the world.



Contact: 0537 242 64 13 – 0535 213 58 03 – 0533 543 33 01

Event page  • Leaflet in Turkish

BWI: Philippine affiliates launch ‘Workers’ rights on wheels’

Building and Woodworkers International (BWI) Philippine affiliates Associated Labor Unions (ALU) and National Unions in Building and Construction Workers (NUBCW) will observe the International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD) on Tuesday, April 28th and jointly launch the ‘Workers’ Rights on Wheels’ (WROW) as a tool to raise awareness among employers, government and workers of their labor rights and responsibilities.

Not more 200 members from ALU and NUBCW will march with their WROW vehicles to the Philippine Labor department’s Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) office to publicly address government negligence amid the rising patterns of safety lapses in the construction work sites that caused the death and injury of several workers.

The participants will then handover a call to action addressed to the Center containing demands to revive the tripartite safety inspection patrol, stronger penalty against project owners and contractors who violate safety standards and prescribed wages, and limit to only three the layers of sub-contracting.

Prior to the march, participants will be given updates on ban asbestos campaign and will be given tips on improving health and safety practices in the workplace. The morning gathering will be highlighted by an indoor candle lighting ceremony in observance of the IWMD.

Website: • BWI news release

Trade unions will call on citizens’ solidarity in Hungary

The Democratic League of Independent Trade Unions (LIGA) who has in the past organised flash-mobs, stunts and other actions, will once again top the list of the most original trade unions with an action in front of the Eastern Railway station of Budapest. The union will draw on the ground 78 human size shapes, in commemoration of the 78 fatal occupational accident victims of the year 2014 in Hungary. A video will be displayed to catch the reaction of people walking by. LIGA’s slogan will be “Don’t walk through it!”

The action will start on April 28th at 5 am.

LIGA will also be organising a Health and Safety seminar on the 28th of April and will have the first establishing meeting of LIGA’s Health and Safety Committee

For more information on LIGA’s action for this 28th April, please contact

Unions bring hazardous workplaces to tripartite discussions in Nepal

For this 28th April, three ITUC affiliates along with other unions belonging to the JTUCC Nepal, will organise a major event, with participation from more than five hundred senior union leaders. Employers and the Minister of employment will be invited. In this event, the unions will release a video addressing risks in hazardous workplaces.

For more information on Nepalese 28th april activities, please contact Bishnu Rimal

Joint union activities for 28 April in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong CSWGU will conduct joint activities with other local unions raising issues on compensation and prevention of industrial/occupational injury.

Indonesia: 28 April activities from Kahutindo

The BWI affiliate in Indonesia, the building and woodworkers’ union Federasi Serikat Pekerja Kahutindo  will be conducting dialog and discussion on the implementation of the Social Security System.

Federasi Serikat Pekerja Kahutindo  website

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living