USA: LA raises one voice calling for dignity, respect, and justice

Workers’ Memorial and May Day Mobilizations Join to Highlight
Disproportionate Injuries and Fatalities to Latino and Immigrant
Workers, Immigration Relief, and Fair Wages

Los Angeles – The Los Angeles Workers Memorial and Los Angeles May Day Coalition, two strong and diverse networks led by workers, labor, community organizations, immigrant rights and health and safety advocates, and allies gather in Los Angeles Tuesday, April 28, 2015 to: a) highlight occupational health and safety trends
disproportionately afflicting immigrant and Latino communities, and
b) issue a call to action on May 1, International Worker’s Day, in
Los Angeles during back-to-back press conferences.

The 10 a.m. dual program at the West Steps of Los Angeles City Hall
commemorates fallen and injured workers and kicks off efforts to
engage thousands in the historic May Day gathering of people downtown Los Angeles.

Injured workers, community, faith, labor, economic justice, and human rights organizations, along with immigrant families, will provide testimonies and urge Angelinos and other stakeholders to do more to create injury-free and fatality-free workplaces, and to join the May Day march, rally, and, new to 2015, an immigration resource fair at Grand Park.

WHAT:  Press conference to observe Workers Memorial Day and announce May Day mobilizations, including an Immigrant Families Resources Fair, in Los Angeles May 1.

WHEN:  Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 10 AM.

WHERE:  West Stairs, Los Angeles City Hall, N. Spring Street

WHO:  Workers, including a nurse, garment worker, port truck driver, airport worker.  Families eligible for DAPA.  LA City Councilmember Gil Cedillo; Linda Lopez, Office of the Mayor, Immigrant Affairs (invited); Pilar Marrero, Office of Supervisor Hilda Solis (invited); Angelica Salas, CHIRLA; Dan Barnhart, UTLA; Steve Zimmer, LAUSD Board; Jim Manguia, St. John’s Well Child and Family Center; Becky Ronquillo, KIWA.

The Los Angeles Workers Memorial and the Los Angeles May Day
Coalition are led by the following organizations:  Asian Americans
Advancing Justice, CARECEN, CHIRLA, KIWA- Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance, CLEAN Carwash Campaign UCLA Labor Center LA County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, SEIU 121RN, SEIU USWW, SEIU ULTCW, SEIU 721, Fight for 15, NDLON, St. John’s Well child and Family Center, CD Tech, CLUE-LA  ,Miguel Contreras Foundation , UTLA , SoCal COSH, SEIU 99, ELACC , ROC-LA  ,CCED , UFCW 770, MLK Coalition of greater Los
Angeles , PWC , UTLA, Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement, LA Brown Berrets, Unite Here, Sierra Club, ELACC, SoCal 350, Roofers Local 36, ICE Out of LA Coalition, LA Coalition Against Wage Theft, CIYJA, Garment Worker Center, IDEPSCA, UCLA-LOSH, IDEPSCA, LAANE, Cal – State Dominguez Hills Labor & Social Justice Club, Cal – StateDominguez Hills Labor Studies Program.

ITUC Pledge on Toxics : “If you expose us, we’ll expose you”

Occupational cancers kill at a rate of more than once a minute worldwide, according to a comprehensive review of the available evidence by the ITUC.  The global union body, speaking out ahead of the 28 April International Workers’ Memorial Day, says this preventable waste of life must end and has a stern warning for rogue employers : “If you expose us, we’ll expose you.” More

Moldova: CNSM actions on 28 April

Since 2010, upon trade unions’ initiative, the 28th of April has been officially recognized as the World Day for Safety and Health at Work in the Republic of Moldova. Confederation together with its affiliates organizes a large activity on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. At this activity were present more than 800 people.

The objective of this activity was calling and mobilization of the trade union members to act for the prevention of the occupational risks, decrease of the accident risk and disease factors. This call consists in avoiding and diminishing the risk factors on the human organism.

At the meeting participated CNSM representatives, State Labour Inspection, and ILO. The trade unionists from Moldova advocate for the development of the workplace accidents prevention mechanisms, prevention of the professional diseases, improvement of the work conditions in the national enterprises, compliance with the international and national standards.

The situation in the Republic of Moldova is as follows: annually, there are about 500 people with get injured and 40 people who die because of the accidents at the workplace. The indexes of the professional diseases are quiet low and decrease each year.

This activity has been reflected in mass media (national newspapers, radio, TV) as well as in the trade union newspaper “Vocea Poporului” (people’s voice) and on CNSM website.

UK: FACE THE FACKS – The Human Face Of Workplace Killing (Part One)

USA: Our Loved Ones Died At Unsafe Workplaces

Venezuela: 28 de abril CTV

Saludos compañera y amiga te remito las actividades que efectuara nuestra Confederación con motivo del día mundial de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo no sin antes  pedirte excusa por lo tardío de la información.

No reuniremos en Caracas no solo como CTV, si no en la unidad de acción sindical con los sindicatos que afilian el sector salud de allí emprenderemos una agenda de acciones y de resoluciones en conjunto.

Realizaremos por la redes sociales una campaña de concienciación en base la fecha su importancia, nuestras propuesta, y la campaña de a CSI.

Nuestro secretario de organizacion participara como orador de orden en el concejo municipal de Palavecinos en el Estado Lara, con motivo del primero de mayo y del dia mundial de la SST.

Bulgaria: FTTUB celebrates World Day for Safety – April 28

International Workers’ Memorial Day news from Bulgaria.

Via Google translate:

“FTTUB was part of the commemoration of the World Day for Safety, April 28. President’s Union of Transport Trade Unions in Bulgaria, Ekaterina Yordanova laid a wreath at the monument of the people died in accidents in front of the Confederation. Flowers and wreaths in memory of those killed and injured in accidents at work and offer my congressional leadership of the Confederation, led by President Plamen Dimitrov, representatives of the main members of the headquarters of the Confederation, the legislative and the executive.

“Among those present were Dr. Ademov – Chairman of the Labour and Social Affairs of the National Assembly, Gulab Donev – Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Vasil Velev – President of the Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria Biser Petkov – Governor of NSSI. A memorial ceremony attended by the President of the union to Despred member FTTUB – Boyka Hristova, team members of the Union of transport trade unions, representatives of the Women’s and Youth Committee FTTUB.

“CITU urged all social partners to be highly involved with for safe working conditions in order to prevent occupational accidents and diseases.”

IWMD message from BWI Asia Pacific

Hungary: MaSZSZ activities for International Workers’ Memorial Day

April 27 evening 19.30   Function and laying of wreath at the April 28 Trade union Memorial commemorating victims of workplace accidents and damage to health. The memorial, erected by MSZOSZ is the traditional meeting place of unionists, safety reps and actors of the OSH community.

April 28, 16.00   Flashmob / rally by the Hungarian Trade Union Confederation (MaSZSZ), and its youth sections  raising public awareness of the worsening trends in workplace safety and health in Hungary. In 2014 there was 14.2% increase -around 20.000- of serious, and 4% increase – 69- fatal workplace accidents! All this resulted in much pain, human suffering, not only for our colleagues and families, while the government have decapacitated the inspection and prevention authority.

The Hungarian Trade Union Confederation calls for effective measures of prevention and adherence to the workplace safety and health regulations, and to the reinstating of the health and safety authority!

Contact: Károly György,

Turkey: Worker deaths information resource from ISIG

Istanbul Council of Occupational Safety and Health release the names of workers killed every month, as well as what industries they worked in. They collect a greater number of fatalities than the government.

Further details ISIG Reports


Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living