Poland: Przewiduj, przygotuj się i reaguj na kryzysy POSTAW NA BHP [update]

W przyszłym tygodniu – 28.kwietnia 2021 r. – zainaugurujemy obchody Światowego Dnia Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy, które w tym roku odbędą się pod hasłem:

Przewiduj, przygotuj się i reaguj na kryzysy

Międzynarodowa Organizacja Pracy (MOP), która koordynuje obchody Dnia na świecie, nawołuje do budowania rezylientnych (niezawodnych i odpornych) systemów bhp i zachęca, aby czerpiąc z doświadczeń związanych z pandemią COVID-19 i jej ogromnego wpływu na niemal każdy aspekt świata pracy, wdrażać w firmach działania, które pomogą lepiej zarządzać bezpieczeństwem pracy, efektywniej chronić zdrowie pracowników, a także skuteczniej i szybciej reagować na niespodziewane i trudne sytuacje w przyszłości.

Więcej informacji o tematyce Dnia i materiały promocyjne znajdą Państwo na stronie www.ciop.pl/28kwietnia.

Wśród materiałów do pobrania polecamy m.in. polskie tłumaczenie streszczenia raportu MOP przygotowanego z okazji obchodów Dnia (kwiecień 2021 r.) Plik do pobrania: https://www.ciop.pl/CIOPPortalWAR/file/91958/PL_SaveDay_RaportMOP.pdf

MOP zaprasza do udziału w webinarium inaugurującym obchody, które odbędzie się 28 kwietnia w godz. 13.30-14.45. Link do rejestracji

Zachęcamy do akcentowania obchodów Dnia w miejscach pracy poprzez m.in.:

  • zapoznanie się z materiałami przygotowanymi z okazji Dnia oraz ich upowszechnianie w firmach i organizacjach;
  • organizowanie wewnętrznych webinariów/spotkań na temat możliwych usprawnień systemu bezpieczeństwa pracy;
  • tworzenie dla pracowników ścieżki/ platformy do zgłaszania swoich uwag i propozycji dotyczących poprawy warunków pracy zarówno teraz, w okresie pandemii, jak i w przyszłości.

Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy

Ukraine: Union and employers sign declaration on occupational health and safety

The BWI-affiliated Ukraine Construction and Building Materials Workers’ Union (PROFBUD) and the Ukrainian National Building Chamber (the employers’ and business association of Ukraine) on 15 April signed a joint declaration recognising the importance of safe and healthy workplaces.
The declaration is part of BWI’s “health and safety is our right” campaign leading to the International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April. It commits the declaration signatories to policies and practices that promote occupational health and safety. It also supports the call to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to recognise workplace health and safety as a fundamental right. #SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD21


Australia: VTHC ‘every killer can be stopped’ event

Every year, Victorian Trades Hall Council hosts a memorial service to remember those Victorians who lost their lives at work.

Please join us on the 28th of April for International Workers Memorial Day 2021 to commemorate the workers we’ve lost in the past year.

The ceremony will include a minute’s silence at 11am and an opportunity to lay wreaths.

This event is a COVID safe event and numbers are capped, so RSVPs (and masks) are essential. The memorial service will be held in person at Trades Hall, however this is subject to change pending COVID conditions.

Remember the dead and fight like hell for the living.

 April 28, 2021 at 10:30am – 11:15am at the Trades Hall – online registration

Spain: UGT and CCOO La salud y la seguidad, un Derecho Fundamental en el Trabajo

CCOO y UGT reclaman la plena integración de la salud laboral en la salud pública

Como cada año, CCOO y UGT recuerdan el 28 de abril a los trabajadores y trabajadoras que han sufrido las consecuencias de los accidentes y enfermedades laborales y seguirán denunciando las precarias condiciones de trabajo que están en el origen de esta lacra social. MásDeclaración


Canada: USW District 3 Day of Mourning Telephone Town Hall | USW Canada

Every April 28, Steelworkers gather in communities across Canada to mark the National Day of Mourning for workers killed and injured on the job. It’s one of the most important events in the year as we remember those we’ve lost and recommit ourselves to fighting for the health and safety of every worker.

Once again, due to COVID-19, we are unable to gather, but it is important that we still connect. That’s why you are invited to mark the Day of Mourning by joining our Telephone Town Hall for Steelworkers on April 28.

Let’s come together on the phone to mourn for the dead and fight for the living.

Join our Day of Mourning Telephone Town Hall for District 3 members on Wednesday, April 28 at 6:00 p.m. Pacific.

If the union has your current phone number on file, you will receive a recorded notice one day before the telephone town hall. If you do not receive the call, please fill out the registration form below. On the day of the event, all you have to do is answer the phone when we call you on the evening of Wednesday, April 28. You simply stay on the line to join the telephone town hall.


Global: Anticipate, prepare and respond to crises – Invest now in resilient occupational safety and health systems

The COVID-19 pandemic has led governments, employers, workers and the general population to face unprecedented challenges in relation to the virus and the many effects it has had on the world of work. The World Day for Safety and Health at Work will focus on strategies to strengthen national occupational safety and health (OSH) systems to build resilience, in order to face crises now and in the future, drawing on lessons learned and experiences from the world of work.

This content is available in

Type: Campaign
When: 28 April 2021
Where: ILO HQ – Geneva
Contact(s): Manal Azzi (azzi@ilo.org); SafeDay Team (safeday@ilo.org)

Since emerging as a global crisis in early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had profound impacts everywhere. The pandemic has touched nearly every aspect of the world of work, from the risk of transmission of the virus in workplaces, to occupational safety and health (OSH) risks that have emerged as a result of measures to mitigate the spread of the virus. Shifts to new forms of working arrangements, such as the widespread reliance on teleworking, have, for example, presented many opportunities for workers but also posed potential OSH risks, including psychosocial risks and violence in particular.

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021 focuses on leveraging the elements of an OSH system as set out in the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187). The world day report examines how the current crisis demonstrates the importance of strengthening these OSH systems, including occupational health services, at both the national and undertaking level.

The ILO will take this opportunity to raise awareness and stimulate dialogue on the importance of creating and investing in resilient OSH systems, drawing on both regional and country examples in mitigating and preventing the Spread of COVID-19 at the workplace.


Canada: Un message des dirigeants nationaux pour le Jour de deuil – SCFP

Le 28 avril, à l’occasion du Jour de deuil national pour les travailleurs tués ou blessés au travail, nous nous recueillons à la mémoire de tous ceux et celles qui ont perdu la vie et nous nous engageons à poursuivre la lutte pour des lieux de travail sains et sécuritaires pour tous.

Visionnez le message vidéo des dirigeants nationaux du SCFP :

Chaque année au Canada, environ 1000 travailleurs perdent la vie au travail. Ces décès sont évitables et ils ne devraient pas survenir. Chacun de ces décès est une tragédie.

Depuis le dernier Jour de deuil national, le SCFP a perdu 14 membres dans des accidents de travail. Dix de ces décès sont attribuables la COVID-19.

« Nous transmettons notre amour et notre solidarité aux familles, aux amis et aux collègues de ceux que nous avons perdus. Chaque travailleur devrait avoir droit à un milieu de travail sain et sécuritaire, et nous luttons chaque jour en ce sens », a déclaré le président national du SCFP, Mark Hancock.

Cette journée est toujours très émotive. C’est encore plus vrai cette année à cause de la pandémie.

« Nous tenons à exprimer notre solidarité et notre soutien à tous les travailleurs et travailleuses qui continuent d’offrir des services publics essentiels, malgré les risques pour leur santé et celle de leur famille. Cette crise montre à quel point il est important de faire front commun pour exiger des conditions de travail sécuritaires », a souligné le secrétaire-trésorier national du SCFP, Charles Fleury.

Ce 28 avril et chaque jour de l’année, le SCFP continuera de lutter pour un meilleur cadre législatif, pour une meilleure sensibilisation et pour que ses membres aient accès à l’équipement de protection individuelle dont ils ont besoin.

Jour de deuil


Canada: A message from CUPE National Officers on the Day of Mourning

A message from the National Officers on the Day of Mourning

On April 28, the National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job, we remember all the workers we have lost, and we vow to keep fighting for safe and healthy workplaces for everyone.

Watch a message from CUPE’s National Officers:

Every year in Canada, around 1,000 workers lose their lives on the job. Their deaths are preventable and should not happen. And each one is a tragedy.

Since the last Day of Mourning, CUPE has lost 14 members to workplace-related fatalities. 10 of these deaths were due to COVID-19.

“Our love and solidarity go out to the families, friends, and co-workers of those we have lost,” said CUPE National President Mark Hancock. “A healthy and safe workplace is the right of each and every worker under the sun, and this is why we fight for the living.”

This is never an easy day. It is especially difficult this year because of the pandemic.

“We want to express our solidarity and support for all workers who are continuing to offer essential public services, despite the risks to their health and to that of their families,” said CUPE National Secretary-Treasurer Charles Fleury. “More than ever, this crisis highlights the need for us to stand together for safe working conditions.”

This April 28, and every day, CUPE will continue to fight – for better legislation, for better education, and for the vital personal protective equipment our members need.

Day of Mourning

Get up to date news and information


28 April, USA: Workers Memorial Day 2021 -AFL-CIO resources

Additional Workers’ Memorial Day materials and resources from US national union federation AFL-CIO, to use when planning events (statistics, sample press materials, sample proclamations/ resolutions, etc.).


AFL-CIO’s campaign for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

Workers Memorial Day home page to view this year’s materials and artwork: http://aflcio.org/workersmemorialday

Hashtags you can use to build solidarity online around Workers Memorial Day and the PRO Act:
#IWMD2021 #WMD2021 #1uSafety #PROAct

Britain: Workers’ Memorial Day – updated TUC Resources

International Workers’ Memorial Day on Wednesday 28 April #IWMD21

The TUC has produced some new resources to help reps and activists mark the day, reminding everyone why safety at work is so important.

You can find all events, info and resources here: www.tuc.org.uk/wmd
Click to tweet or share to Facebook.

Here are 5 ways to get involved with Workers’ Memorial Day:

  1. Register for the TUC national zoom with special guest speakers
  2. Check out the historical timeline of workplace tragedies and the fight for safer work
  3. Visit the online memorial and pay tribute to a worker who lost their life
  4. Search for your local Memorial Day event or add your own
  5. Download posters and graphics to print off or share online

Want more? Find further ideas here.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living