Spain: “La prevención no es una broma”, campaña de USO para el 28 de abril

“La prevención no es una broma”, campaña de USO para el 28 de abril

La campaña de USO este 28 de abril alerta de la escasa importancia que tiene la prevención en España y que da lugar a una elevada siniestralidad laboral

Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, el 28 de abril, USO lanza la campaña “La prevención no es una broma”. Con ella, se persigue llamar la atención sobre el problema estructural de falta de cultura preventiva en nuestro país que hace que se produzcan 3.116 accidentes al día. De ellos, 1,9 son mortales.

USO considera una necesidad que la salud laboral y la prevención de riesgos se conviertan en una prioridad, tanto para las Administraciones Públicas como para las empresas. Las muertes en el trabajo siguen produciéndose por las mismas causas, año tras año, y esta situación tiene que cambiar.

La crisis sanitaria ha puesto en evidencia las grietas y desigualdades del mercado laboral y la fragilidad y carencias del sistema preventivo. Tras estos dos años, desde USO seguimos denunciando que prima la prevención “sobre el papel”, solo destinada a evitar sanciones; se invierte lo mínimo en prevención; que la precariedad laboral y la subcontratación son factores de riesgo; que se siguen ocultando e infradeclarando los daños que se producen en el trabajo. Y, sobre todo, que desgraciadamente está asumido que puedes enfermar o morir en el trabajo.








Juego de naipes sobre los principios de la acción preventiva

Desde USO, queremos advertir sobre los incumplimientos más básicos en materia de PRL. Por ello, en la campaña “La prevención no es una broma”, USO lanza junto con materiales informativos sobre el síndrome post-covid o qué hacer ante un accidente laboral, un juego basado en los principios de la acción preventiva recogidos en el artículo 15 de la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos:

  • Evitar los riesgos;
  • Evaluar los riesgos que no se puedan evitar;
  • Combatir los riesgos en su origen;
  • Adaptar el trabajo a la persona, particularmente en lo que respecta a la concepción de los puestos de trabajo así como a la elección de los equipos y los métodos de trabajo y de producción, con miras, en particular, a atenuar el trabajo monótono y repetitivo y a reducir los efectos del mismo en la salud;
  • Tener en cuenta la evolución de la técnica;
  • Sustituir lo peligroso por lo que entrañe poco o ningún peligro;
  • Planificar la prevención, buscando un conjunto coherente que integre en ella la técnica, la organización del trabajo, las condiciones de trabajo, las relaciones sociales y la influencia de los factores ambientales en el trabajo;
  • Adoptar medidas que antepongan la protección colectiva a la individual;
  • Dar las debidas instrucciones a los trabajadores y trabajadoras.

Cada carta recoge un principio preventivo. Elige una y comprueba si en tu centro de trabajo se cumplen alguno de los principios de la acción preventiva recogidos en el artículo 15 de la LPRL. Si no es así, ponte en contacto con tu delegado o delegada de prevención.

Ireland: Workers’ Memorial Day 2022 | ICTU

Congress IWMD logo

Thursday 28th April 2022 – Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living

Workers’ Memorial Day on April 28th will be marked with a ceremony to be held in the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin.

Congress representatives will be joined by the HSA, Ibec, CIF and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment for a number of short addresses and the laying of a commemorative wreath by Minister Damien English TD. Please contact us at if you wish to attend.

Workers representing a variety of sectors will lay flowers in memory of those who have been killed, injured or made ill at work.

Congress is asking all affiliated unions to encourage events in workplaces to mark the day.

There are a wide range of initiatives that unions can consider including:

  • Get involved in creating awareness by using the official Workers’ Memorial Day Ireland logo on your website, social media presence, presentations, email signatures, displays and in offices and workplaces.  The logo is available below; just right-click and save.
  • Website/Newsletter content
  • Social media content. For example, take a photo of your activity or event and share it on social media.  Please use the hashtag #WorkersMemorialDay and #IWMD22 on any posts and tag relevant organisations
  • Add an overlay to your organisation or personal Twitter account at
  • In-house training sessions or a toolbox talk
  • Guest speaker presentation to staff
  • Team activities focusing on workplace safety and health
  • Press release to your local/national media marking your event or the day itself
  • Your own ceremonial event or minutes silence to mark the occasion

Source: Workers’ Memorial Day 2022, ICTU


Construction unions in Turkey campaign to raise awareness of the high death rate in building workers

Turkish BWI affiliates will hold  joint panel on  occupational health and safety to  issue a statement and raise awareness of the high level of construction workers’ deaths in Turkey.

Ethiopia: Construction union EIFCWMCO plans multiple events leading up to 28 April

Ethiopia construction union and BWI affiliate, EIFCWMCO, plans multiple events leading up to 28 April that include campaign, lobbying, ceremonies, workplace visits and workshops.

20th April Ethiopia EIFCWMCO Establishment of 10 new OHS Committees in 10 Companies Minimized hazards in the work places

21st April Ethiopia EIFCWMCO Campaigning and lobbying for OHS policies at workplace To Expose Companies with bad practices in OHS

23-25th April Ethiopia EIFCWMCO Campaigning and lobbying for OHS policies at workplace To Recognize Companies withgood practices in OHS

26th April Ethiopia EIFCWMCO Workplace visit to Work Skill OHS Laboratory in Addis Ababa To Familiarize with OHS equipments produced by the Laboratory

27th April Ethiopia EIFCWMCO Workshop with workers and employers on OHS issue in Ethiopia Experience Sharing and Bringing fair work place

28th April Ethiopia EIFCWMCO Workers memorial day celebration “To remember work place Accidents and reduce Injuries”

28th April Kenya UNRISK Promoting the recognition of health and safe workplaces as a fundamental right “Strengthen the health & safety committees already constituted to adhere to labor laws instituted in the acts and regulations”


Kenya: KUPRIPUPA plans for 28 April include campaigning and safety meetings

Kenyan BWI affiliate  KUPRIPUPA has plans for 28 April that include safety meetings, empowering workers on labour law, developing negotiation skills, campaigning and lobbying for safety awareness.


Zimbabwe: Safety campaign to recognise safety as a human right

Zimbabwean BWI affiliates ZCATWU, CLAWUZ, GAPWUZ and
ZEWU will be running a safety awareness campaign and recognising occupational health and safety as a fundamental human right.

The affiliates also intend to monitor all safety misconduct and violations at the workplaces and bring it to the attention of the employers/management to rectify the issues. There also have committed to sign at least three  BWI OHS Declarations to be a fundamental right for the workers at workplace


Namibia: Construction safety, prevention, training and awareness campaign to mark 28 April

To mark 28 April BWI global affiliate MANWU will hold a state level coalition meeting to capacitate young trade unionists in addressing work safety issues including Covid-19 prevention and workplace mitigation strategies.

MANWU will also conduct a workplace construction safety, prevention and  awareness campaign.

Young workers will also given safety training with the aim of creating a a team of young campaigners to ensure that OHS standards at workplaces within the Construction industry are fully  adhered to.


Over thirty BWI affiliate unions in Latin America are making plans for 28 April

Over thirty BWI affiliate unions in Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador,  Jamaica, Curazao, Bermuda, Colombia, Peru and Brazil plan meetings with workers in workplace, OHS Talks in workplaces, virtual or face-to-face OHS-related trainings, public statements issued, national or sectoral mobilisations and the  creation of campaign materials.


Argentina/Brazil/Panama: Video messages from OHS leaders on 28 April

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of affiliates in three South American countries: Panama, Argentina and Brazil.

SUNTRACS, UOCRA and SINTICOM Campinas will be producing promotional videos from unions leaders of work safety with Workers’ Memorial Day messages.


Australia: ACTU update on 28 April events plus social media resources

ACTU Centre for Health and Safety Update 2022/13

As you would be aware, International Workers’ Memorial Day takes place annually around the world on 28 April – it is an international day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work.

This year, Trades and Labour Councils (TLCs) will be holding a mixture of in-person and live-streamed events.

You can find details of the various TLC events here, and we encourage you to participate.

The ACTU has also prepared some sharables that you are welcome to use – please note some more will be added next week so please do check back then.

Kind regards

Jenny Holden
Executive Assistant to Assistant Secretary, Liam O’Brien

Australian Council of Trade Unions
Level 4/365 Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
t (03) 9664-7340
e w
Facebook /AustralianUnions
Twitter @UnionsAustralia
Instagram @AusUnions

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living