Tag Archives: BWI

Central Asia/Eastern Europe: BWI affiliates campaign for safe working conditions and revived labour inspections


On IWMD, BWI affiliates in Central Asia and Eastern Europe campaigned for safe working conditions and demanded to revive labour inspection #BWI2020IWMD


Indonesia: Federasi Serbuk 28 April activities


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#internationalworkersmemorialday 28 April adalah ‘prasasti’ untuk memberi hormat bagi para buruh yang mati di tempat kerja dan sakit akibat kerja, tentu akibat dari buruknya perlindungan bagi para pekerja, • Kita harus mengambil kesempatan ini sebagai kampanye pencegahan kecelakaan kerja dan kondisi kesehatan yang buruk di tempat kerja, • Serikat Buruh harus mengambil tanggungjawab ini, mengampanyekan keselamatan kerja dan menuntut perusahaan-perusahaan untuk mematuhi protokoler kesehatan yang semestinya diberikan kepada para pekerja, • Federasi SERBUK Indonesia sangat konsen pada isu keselamatan kerja, yang diwujudkan dalam Aliansi-aliansi K3, • Oleh karena itu jangan lewatkan pidato politik Ketua Umum SERBUK Indonesia, Subono. Dalam rangka peringatan International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD) 2020. • Pidato politik yang disambung dengan sesi wawancara bersama akan disiarkan melalui Facebook Persatuan Buruh dan Instagram @persatuanburuh • Sekian dan terimakasih, Salam K3! __________ #internationalworkersmemorialday #serikatburuh #buruhberserikat #buruhbersatu #serbukindonesia #perkuatperkawanan #perhebatperlawanan #persatuanburuh #pidatopolitik #workers #workersstruggle #workingclass #banggaberserikat #keselamatandankesehatankerja #hidupburuh

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BWI affiliate Federasi Serbuk has published its plans for 28 on its Instagram page

South East Europe: Trade union members campaigning for safer working conditions

Trade union members in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) continue to work and campaign for safe working conditions. PROTECT WORKERS! STOP COVID-19! #BWI2020IWMD

Belgium: Social partners in construction sector conclude agreement during pandemic

BWI Belgian affiliates welcomed an agreement reached with social partners in the construction sector last 15 April which makes the rules of social distancing in workplaces a priority.

Dominican Republic: Under quarantine FETRACOM joins the ‘Protect Workers Stop to COVID-19’ campaign

Amid national quarantine, FETRACOM, Dominican Republic joins ICM’s campaign: ” Protect Workers! Stop to COVID-19 ”


Tanzania: TUICO supports the BWI campaign ‘People before profit’

Jacqueline Sarungi from TUICO, Tanzania, supporting the BWI Campaign #Lifebeforeprofit #BWI2020IWMD #iwmd20

Global: BWI launches ‘protect workers, stop COVID-19’ video

As part of BWI’s week-long campaign to mark the International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April, we prepared a short video on how unions and workers can protect their health and safety against COVID-19. 

 BWI cannot overemphasis the need to do these simple, yet life-saving acts.

✅ Wash your hands.
✅ Wear a mask.
✅ Keep your distance.

Please help BWI share this message. Share this video.  Help us save lives.

Protect workers. Stop COVID-19. #BWI2020IWMD #iwmd20

Argentina: UOCRA youth join ‘Protect workers”‘ campaign

UOCRA Youth, Argentina joins ICM campaign: ” Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19 “. #Lifebeforeprofit
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020 #iwmd20

Europe: Covid-19 is deepening existing inequalities, particularly for women

Congo: Protégeons les travailleurs contre l’exploitation des employeurs liés au COVID 19

Protégeons les travailleurs contre l’exploitation des employeurs liés au COVID 19 #iwmd20