Sweden: Right to health and safe work is always a priority for the Swedish Painters’ Union – #iwmd23

The Swedish painters’ union is in the middle of negotiations for a new collective agreement. We risk ending up in a no-deal situation with possible conflict. As a result, we will do everything possible to avoid this happening.
The right to a safe and healthy working environment is always high on the union’s agenda. We have taken many battles throughout the years to ensure that our members do not risk suffering accidents that prevent them from coming home from work in the end of the working day.
The occupational health and safety issue is constantly relevant both in Sweden and all around the world.
Today is International Workers’ Memorial Day and through our delegation for collective bargaining, we want to contribute and highlight that occupational health and safety is a fundamental principle and right at work.

Georgia: Labourstart conference starts with a minute’s silence to honour fallen workers – #iwmd23

Trade unionists and labour activist started Labour Start Conference in Georgia with minute of silence to remember everyone who did not come back from work.

Nigeria: National President of CCESSA addresses construction workers on 28 April – #iwmd23 [Video}

Ayodeji Adeyemo the National President of CCESSA addresses construction workers on 28 April

Ghana: Wood and Forestry union TWU holds social dialogue to improve OHS – #iwmd23

The Timber and Woodworkers Union (TWU), BWI affiliate in Ghana held a social dialogue meeting on occupational health and safety (OHS) policies in Kumasi on April 28th, 2023. The meeting brought together representatives from the TWU, government officials, employers, and workers to discuss ways to improve OHS policies and practices in the Wood and Forestry Sector.

Burkina Faso: SNTBB marks 28 April with safety seminar

The National Union of Building and Wood Workers (SNTBB) of Burkina Faso celebrated the International Commemorative Workers Day (#JICT2023) by a national seminar held in Tenkodogo on April 29, 2023 under the theme: “Role of the Union in ILO C167 ratification; Role of OST in enterprises for better worker health”

India: The 28 April message is ‘Health and safety is non-noegotiable!’ – #iwmd23

#MakeItHappen Health and safety is a non-negotiable! Unions in India conduct awareness meetings in Delhi (MAMU), Punjab (BMS) and Himachal Pradesh (AHPWDIPHCWU)

Senegal: Construction workers’ union calls on employers to implement OHS as a fundamental right – #iwmd23

The National Syndicate of Construction Workers and BPT (SNTC/BTP), an affiliated with the IBB in Senegal, commemorated the International Workers Commemoration Day 2023 with a workplace campaign in Eiffage Senegal and calling on employers to act for the implementation of SST as what a fundamental workers right.

India: Cement plant safety workshops on 28 April – #iwmd23

The Indian National Cement Workers Federation convened health and safety workshop at selected cement plants. Also, KSCWCU conducted health and safety meeting to mark the day.

Uganda: Energy and construction workers push for comprehensive PPE compliance

UBCCEWAU from Uganda took part in IWMD2023 with their members from Energy and construction sectors in a campaign to push for compliance for PPE in all infrastructure and construction projects.

Nigeria: NUCUCFWW joins with BWI affiliates around the world – #iwmd23

NUCUCFWW, from NIGERIA joined BWI affiliates around the world in commemoration of the IWMD2023. The Union is calling for the implementation of OHS as a fundamental right for workers in Construction Industry and for free PPE’s.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living