Category Archives: 2020

Global: Unions demand recognition of COVID-19 as an occupational disease | IUF UITA IUL

The IUF joins with our sister international union organizations in calling for speedy official recognition of COVID-19 as an occupational disease by governments and national health and safety bodies. Official recognition of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 as a preventable occupational hazard, and work-related COVID-19 as a work-related disease, would require employers to take necessary measures to protect workers against the risk of exposure, establish liability for failure and provide compensation to workers and their families sickened and killed by COVID-19.

A short policy brief  explains how and why this recognition is needed to protect workers, their families and their communities.

New Zealand: Workers Memorial Day a time to reset health and safety – NZCTU

Today, 28th of April, is Worker’s Memorial Day. “We must all take responsibility for better health and safety at work in New Zealand. 100 working people were killed in workplaces in the last year,” said Council of Trade Unions President Richard Wagstaff. “It is a sombre reflection that today we also open up many workplaces under COVID-19 level 3, and the health and safety of working people is on everyone’s mind.”

At midday today, union members across New Zealand and the world, will be taking a minute to light a candle and remember the 100 people killed in workplaces, 100 lives too many.”

“We also turn our minds to the international theme of Worker’s Memorial Day, which is ‘Stop the Pandemic at Work’, timely for the re-opening of many worksites under the cloud of COVID -19. We know that internationally there have been thousands of working people exposed. Hundreds of those working in healthcare around the world have died at work trying to save others.”

“In New Zealand, we are proud that our ‘go hard go early’ lockdown has prevented any workplace exposure deaths from COVID-19. We should be taking the same attitude to all health and safety risks at work. “

“The Council of Trade Unions will today be surveying those who went back to the work site today about whether the ’10 checks for a safe return to work’ have been followed. Alert Level 3 is no return to ‘business as usual’ for health and safety. Let the Level 3 re-opening be the reset button we need to treat every workplace risk with the same level of caution we will for COVID-19 – there is no reason any Kiwi should be killed at work,” Wagstaff said.

Global: 28 April message from Catalene Passchier – ILO Workers’ Group

A 28 message from Catelene Passchier, Chair of the Workers’ Group and Vice Chair of the Governing Body of the ILO, Special adviser to the FNV president. Read the transcript 


Global: Trade unions across the globe are marking 28 April – ETUC

#IWMD20 Have a look at trade union actions across the world

? Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living #Covid19 #Coronavirus

Argentina: 28/4 – 19.00 hs. Por ZOOM Prevención del nuevo coronavirus en el ámbito laboral.


En el marco del Día Mundial de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, el martes 28 de abril tendremos un WEBINAR para reflexionar sobre la prevención del nuevo coronavirus en el ámbito laboral.

⏰ Martes 28/4 – 19.00 hs.
? Por ZOOM

Dr. Carlos Rodríguez: médico, especializado en medicina del trabajo, docente universitario, experto de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), ex ministro de Trabajo y Seguridad Social de la Prov. de Santa Fe.
Dra. Lilian Capone: médica neumonóloga, especialista en Salud Ocupacional, secretaria de Salud Laboral de CTA Provincia de Buenos Aires, coordinadora del Espacio Intersindical de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
Lic. Miguel Fiorito: Licenciado en Seguridad y Salud, presidente del Colegio de Higiene, Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de la Provincia de Santa Fe.
Lic. Silvina Devalle: Psicóloga, miembro del Centro de Estudios Laborales y Sociales (CELyS Argentina).

Dr. Gonzalo Cristini: Abogado, Concejal de Villa Constitución.

USA: California’s Workers Memorial Week – We invite you to participate!

Every year on April 28th, we hold Workers’ Memorial Day to remember the millions of workers who have been injured or killed on the job, acknowledge the suffering experienced by families and communities, and to renew the fight for safe, healthy, and secure workplaces for all workers.

This year, we are calling on California state leadership and employers to protect workers from COVID-19. We invite you to join us throughout Workers Memorial Week (4/27 – 5/1) to uplift stories through your social media platforms that illustrate how the current health crisis is impacting workers, and exacerbating existing hazards and injustices. Let’s stand together to demand stronger protections for industries across the state now and beyond.

Participate by utilizing our Digital Toolkit, where you’ll find sample hashtags, tweets/posts, and graphics to upload to your respective social media pages. We also encourage you to repost any Workers Memorial Day content you come across – keep an eye out for other unions and worker centers in our network, who have been collecting stories of workers impacted by COVID-19 over the past few weeks (you can find those organizations listed under “allies to tag” in the toolkit).

Each day, we will have a theme and related demands to uplift the ways in which workers have been impacted by this crisis and what our state leaders need to do to better protect our communities:

  • Monday (4/27): General Health & Safety Day
  • Tuesday (4/28): Enforcement and Workplace Safeguards (Stronger Cal/OSHA Enforcement, PPE, Social Distancing, Hand washing, Expand Aerosol Transmitted Disease (ATD) to apply to all industries)
  • Wednesday (4/29): Financial Security
  • Thursday (4/30): Right to Refuse and Anti-Retaliation Protections
  • Friday (5/1): Health & Safety for All (May Day)

Here’s the facebook page for the week of action. Get in touch if you have questions or want to deepen your engagement in Workers’ Memorial Week!

Stay well, everyone!

Alice Berliner | Coordinator
Pronouns: She/Her
Southern California Coalition for Occupational Safety & Health
1000 N. Alameda St., Suite 240 | Los Angeles, Ca 90012 | Facebook

Global: ILO webinar – Stop the pandemic. Safety and health at work can save lives

ILO webinar
28 April 2020 15:00-16:00 (Geneva)
Please register at this link 

The aim of this webinar event is to stimulate dialogue on the importance of ensuring safety and health at work, not only to protect the lives of workers but also to ensure business continuity.

Global OSH experts will bring us the views of the scientific community, workers and employers on:

  • Safety and health and the response to the pandemic
  • The mental health impact of COVID-19 in different work scenarios
  • How to prepare for return to work under a risk-controlled scenario

Mr Joaquim Nunes, Chief, LABADMIN/OSH
Ms Manal Azzi, Senior OSH specialist and coordinator of the world day report and campaign
Ms Silvana Cappuccio, ILO Workers’ Group member from Italy
Mr Kris De Meester, Senior Adviser at the Federation of Enterprises, Belgium
Mr Richard Jones, Head of Policy and Regulatory Engagement, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Mr Lode Godderis, Leuven Centre for Environment and Health, Department of Public Health and Primary Care
Ms Chris Laszcz-Davis, Founder and President of The Environmental Quality Organization and Co-Chair, Occupational Hygiene Training Association (OHTA)
Ms Michelle M. Robertson, Executive Committee, International Ergonomics Association
Mr Barry Kistnasamy, Head of Occupational Health, Department of Health, South Africa
Ms Teresita S. Cucueco, OIC Assistant Secretary and concurrent Director IV, Bureau of Working Conditions, Department of Labor and Employment, Philippines

Please register at this link 
Kindly send your questions to the panellists ahead of the webinar to 

Further information


World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 – Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives–en/index.htm

UK: Coronavirus – Remembering all the workers who’ve died after exposure to Covid-19 at work | TUC

28 Apr 2020

Today is International Workers’ Memorial Day, when trade unions around the world remember workers who lost their lives and commit to keep the living safe.

This is the story of Peter, Mary, Cheryl, Zeeshan and Emeka – five UK workers who were taken by Covid-19.

Today is International Workers’ Memorial Day, when trade unions around the world remember workers who lost their lives and commit to keep the living safe.

This year we especially remember the frontline workers who lost their lives to Covid-19 while looking after our loved ones and keeping our country running.

We will be forever in debt to the workers who have died during this pandemic – our nurses, doctors, care staff and other essential workers.

Remember the dead, fight for the living.

Bangladesh: OSHE demanded to recognise Covid-19 as an Occupational Disease

Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation has published a statement on the occasion of International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD), 28 April 2020.

Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE)  demanded on this special day to stop pandemics at work and asked the government to immediately recognize the Covid-19 as an occupational disease in Bangladesh.

An urgent efforts are needed to ensure that vulnerable group of workers and employees with Covid-19 should have appropriate access to proper housing, with space for quarantine and social distancing while sleeping and eating, potable water and proper sanitation facilities on and off the job, free health care, safe transport, safe work practices and income protection.

A just response to the coronavirus pandemic is one that demands access to healthcare, safety and hygiene, social protection, and basic human rights. Now more than ever civil society must strive to not only provide aid where it is needed, but to act in solidarity with emergent working class and social movements demanding a better and safer world for all.

Stay Safe!

With best regards,

A.R. Chowdhury Repon

Executive Director

USA: Join us this Workers Memorial Day to honor those who lost their lives – USW

The COVID-19 pandemic prevents us from gathering in person, but it won’t stop us from memorializing our Steelworker sisters and brothers who were injured or killed on the job on the last year.

Join us , April 28, at noon EST as we stream our 2020 Workers Memorial Day ceremony on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and our website.

USW Website:

We’ll take a few moments to reflect on those we’ve lost then do what we do: pivot into action to continue pushing for laws to make our workplaces safer.

Stay tuned for a series of educational webinars on our Facebook page kicking off this this week from our Health, Safety and Environment Department. Also look for information from Rapid Response about worker safety legislation we’re pushing. And watch for our Education Department’s video watch party series starting with the film, “Silkwood,” a drama based on health and safety concerns at a nuclear facility.

Finally, a reminder to visit in the U.S. and in Canada often as we’re adding resources there daily to help us all get through this.