Category Archives: BWI Argentina 2018

Ukraine: PROFBUD remembers workers who didn’t return home from work

PROFBUD, Ukraine. In memory of workers who did not come back home from their work.

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, flower, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, tree, crowd and outdoor

Global/Turkey: BWI 28 April poster – Unions make work safer! [TURKISH]

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in multiple languages, including Turkish. [here]

Uganda: Safety campaigning to mark International workers’ Memorial Day

UBCCEAWU, an affiliate  of the global construction union federation Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), is holding an event at the Lafarge-Holcim Hilma cement plant on 26 April to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day. The aim is to raise safety awareness and the dangers of neglecting occupational safety and health.

Argentina: UECARA will disseminate safety resources for 28 April

Creación de imágenes visuales y material de sensibilización de este día a nivel mundial. Materiales a difundir entre afiliados y en las redes sociales de UECARA.

Argentina: UOCRA safety awareness campaign for women in construction

Creación de imágenes visuales de sensibilización sobre SST en construcción para mujeres y para población en general
Difusión del nuevo Manual de SST en Plantas de Hormigón Elaborado (creado por UOCRA y lanzado en 2018) Charlas sobre SST desarrolladas por el Depto. de SST de UOCRA desde marzo 2018.