Category Archives: 2023

Peru: Meetings and forums on work safety to mark 28 April

FTCCP  will hold an International Workers’ Memorial Day Forum on musculoskeletal disorders affecting construction workers, demand to reduce the weight of cement sacks to 25 kg, decree Nº 011- 2019-TR Safety and Health at Work Regulations for the Construction Sector. The 2 hour forum will have as speakers lawyers, ILO experts and trade unionists. The target audience is composed of workers and trade unionists.

FENATIMAP will hold a 28 April safety awareness meeting.  They will hold a discussion on work safety and health for 20 forestry workers and technicians of the Export Wood Trading Company Tahuantinsuyoin in the locality of Manantay, La Chacrita, in Pucalpa, Amazonian region of Ucayali in Peru.


Ethiopia: Multiple safety actions by EIFMWCOTU on 28 April

EIFCMWCOTU is organising three workplace visits and tripartite meetings to  demand the realisation of the fundamental right to occupational safety and health. The BWI affiliate will also organise  work safety committees at five different companies and furthermore engage social partners on OHS.

Kenya: Safety training and capacity building to mark 28 April

Kenyan BWI affiliate KQMWU will hold a safety training session to promote awareness and capacity to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

KUPRIPUPA will raise awareness on worker safey and health and commemorate IWMD through the planting of trees in workplaces.


Tanzania: Numerous activities will mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

BWI affiliates in Tanzania are planning multiple activities for 28 April.

TAMICO is holding organising through OHS campaign activities at four separate infrastructure project sites via  social media campaign and face to face actions.

TUICO will conduct four joint OHS trainings/in-house training sessions, workplace visits,  inspections and related media work.


Lebanon: GFBCTU holds awareness campaign to put ILO right to safety into effect

GFBCTU, a BWI affiliate in Lebanon, held an OSH awareness campaign at Holcim on 25 April as part of this year’s observance of International Workers’ Memorial Day. Members of the union said that OSH is a fundamental right of workers that should be recognised and prioritised by Holcim. #IWMD2023 #MakeItHappen

Scotland: 28 April events throughout Scotland

Events throughout Scotland – STUC listing

Aberdeen, Persley Walled Garden, Bridge of Don, Friday 28th April, 12.30pm for 1.00pm

Alexandria, Tree, Christie Park Memorial, Saturday 22nd April, 1.00pm

Alloa, Workers Memorial adjacent to Clackmannanshire Council Headquarters, Friday 28th April, 10.30am

Bathgate, Workers Memorial, Bathgate Sports Centre, Torpichen Road, Friday 28th April, 12.30pm

Bonnyrigg, Michael McGahey Memorial, George V Park, Bonnyrigg, Friday 28th April, 12.30pm

Coatbridge, Summerlee Industrial Museum, Heritage Way, Coatbridge, Friday 28th April, 12 noon

Dundee, Memorial Tree, adjacent to Discovery Point, Riverside Drive, Friday 28th April, 12 noon

Edinburgh, Memorial and Tree, West Princes Street Gardens , Friday 28th April, 12.30pm Falkirk, Callendar Riggs Saturday 29th April

Glasgow, Workers Memorial, People’s Palace/ Winter Gardens, Glasgow Green, Friday 28th April, 12 noon

Greenock, Grand Hall, Inverclyde Council HQ followed by wreath laying in Clyde Square, Friday 28th April, 11.45

Hamilton, Townhouse, Beckford Street, Friday 28th April, 11.45

Inverness, Workers Memorial Friar’s Shott/Huntly Street, Inverness, Friday 28th April, 12.30pm

Irvine, Memorial Garden, Kilwinning Road, Thursday 27th April, 6.30pm

Kilmarnock, Memorial Tree, Dean Country Park, Saturday 29th April, 10.45am

Kirkcaldy, Memorial Tree, Beveridge Park, Friday 28th April, 11.00am

Paisley, Workers Memorial , Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Friday 28th April, 12 noon

Renfrew, Workers Memorial Cairn, Robertson Park, Paisley Road, Friday 28th April, 11.00am

Stirling, International Workers Memorial Tree, Old Viewforth, Pitt Terrace, 10.30am at the tree

Global: How the Commonwealth is moving on safety

On this World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28 April 2023), the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the world’s leading chartered professional body for people responsible for safety and health in the workplace, celebrates the 10 months that have passed since the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a safe and healthy work environment as a fundamental principle and right.

With IOSH being part of the family of Commonwealth-accredited organisations, we’re doing this by focusing on the Commonwealth’s growing commitment to developing good occupational safety and health (OSH). So, here we profile OSH professionals from 10 Commonwealth players (including the Commonwealth Secretariat, in London) – one for each month since the historic ILO adoption – to show how they’ve each ‘struck a blow’ for the ILO… and an exciting new era for OSH around the globe.

Here are two of the 10 Commonwealth profiles (a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal countries), featuring the President of UK headquartered IOSH, Lawrence Webb and the Commonwealth Secretariat, based in London, but you can link to all the other Commonwealth profiles at How Commonwealth is ‘striking a blow’ for ILO | IOSH.

Read more here


UK: Strike Day rallies to commemorate International Workers’ Memorial Day

Strike Day rallies to commemorate International Workers’ Memorial Day

Civil service union PCS is holding its third day of national strike action across Britain on 28 April, which coincides with International Workers Memorial Day. The union says:

International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) is an annual event when labour and trade union movement members from across the world come together to remember those that have lost their lives at work, and to renew our commitment to fight for the living and make work safe.

PCS is organising events across the UK to follow the morning picket lines.

There will be a rally in central London at Whitehall (opposite Downing Street, SW1A 2AT) at noon, with speeches from PCS deputy president, Martin Cavanagh, as well as striking PCS members.  It is expected that the rally will also be addressed by prominent Labour MPs and general secretaries from other unions. There will also be a silence to mark #IWMD23.

In Durham, local strikers are asked to meet at the HMPO Durham picket line (Freeman’s Place, Durham DH1 1SL) from 10:00am.  A short march will leave from there at 11:15am to the Market Square (DH1 3NJ) for a strike rally at noon.  The Durham rally will be addressed by PCS president, Fran Heathcote, as well as a range of other speakers, including Mary Foy MP.  The Durham rally will also include a silence to mark IWMD.

There are also plans for post-picket line gatherings in Bristol and Liverpool, with speakers and refreshments for striking PCS members.  You can find details of these and other events happening near you on the events pages of the PCS website.

USA: Workers Memorial Day 2023 — A Time for Reflection and a Call to Action

The following excerpt is from Confined Space, the excellent US work safety and labor issues blog.  To read the complete story click here:

“Ahh…. as Friday approaches, many working people breathe a sigh of relief. The weekend is in sight, spring is in the air, and there may be some time for a little R&R, even in the crush of chores, kids, and other family matters that need attention. Of course, some will gear up for a full-on working weekend, ensuring that stores and gas stations remain open; mail and packages get delivered; buses, trains, and taxis keep operating; medical services are provided; and our loved ones in nursing homes are cared for.

This coming Friday, April 28, is more than just another Friday. It is Workers Memorial Day, the day when people around the world pause, recognize, remember, and honor those workers who have paid the ultimate price — suffering, dying, or becoming disabled as a result of injuries and illnesses related to their jobs.  And then redouble their efforts to make sure that workplaces are safe for the living…” More

Philippines: Unionised workplaces are safer workplaces #iwmd23

International Workers’ Memorial Day Activities in the Philippines

We mark this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day with the theme: Mas Ligtas ‘Pag May Unyon! Unionized Workplaces are Safer Workplaces! Organize and mobilize for workers’ safety, health, and rights!
We remember all the workers who have died due to unsafe workplaces and call for justice for all victims of OSH rights violations. We also aim to raise awareness on OSH as a fundamental right and principle at work and how unions can make workplaces safer.
We invite you to take part in our Workers’ Memorial Day 2023 Activities on April 28:
• Just a Minute Silent Protest
One-minute silent protest and pledge towards fighting for workers’ health, safety, and rights.
#JustAMinute Silent Protests can be conducted in workplaces (canteen during breaktimes, company gates before or after shifts, shuttle bus pick up areas before travelling), schools, hospitals, communities, homes, and other spaces of gathering.
• Remembrance and Resistance: A Workers’ Memorial Day Solidarity Event and Open Mic Night, 7:00 PM onwards at Human Rights and People Empowerment Center, Fil Garcia Tower, Kalayaan Avenue, Quezon City
An evening of performances and solidarity to commemorate the lives of workers who died while on duty, calling for justice and action towards fighting for workers’ health, safety, and rights. This event is co-presented by Mayday Multimedia, Human Rights and People Empowerment Center and UP Manila Political Science Program NSTP students.
Do you want to take part in this year’s Workers’ Memorial Day activities? Leave a comment, send us a message here on Facebook or email us at