An International Workers’ Memorial Day message from Brother Chorn Chivorn, member of local union CFSWF. #iwmd22
An International Workers’ Memorial Day message from Brother Chorn Chivorn, member of local union CFSWF. #iwmd22
During a work place visit at the Kenol-Sagana-Marua road project in Kenya, members of KBCTFIEU campaigned for better workplace health and safety as part of BWI’s global commemoration of International Workers’ Memorial Day. They were joined by Union to Union’s General Secretary, SIDA’s desk officer, and the SEKO international programs officer. #IWMD2022
According to the recommendation of the World Labor Protection Day on April 27, 2022 by the United National Labor Protection Day under the motto “Joint action together for a positive, safe and healthy life culture” MIHI Sheki district committee Central K Library staff in the auditorium of the office system, Labor Protection Commission of the district committee, public lawyers, first colleagues.
The seminar was held with the participation of the chairmen of organizations and management and company heads. Chairman of MIHI Shaki district committee R. Mammadov made a speech and gave detailed information to the seminar participants about labor protection, technical safety and other safety rules. He stated that each union member has knowledge in this area and follows accepted rules.
The importance of social dialogue in labor safety during the pandemic. Social dialogue is an important condition not only for protecting the physical and psychological health of all employees, but also for eliminating the negative effects of the pandemic on the economy and labor spheres. Then, the collective agreement signed with the heads of enterprises within the service area of the district committee gave detailed information to the seminar participants about the articles envisaged on labor protection in the contracts.
At the end, the chairman of the Labor Protection Commission Rovzat Hajizakaryayev, Shamsiyat Askerova, the head of the Children’s Music School No 3 in Shaki, Mehriban Mammadova, the chairman of Sheki Regional Culture Office of Colleagues Organization of Shaki.
Their reports on their work were heard. Chairman of the Labor Protection Commission of MIHI Shaki District Committee R. Hajizakaryayev was awarded with an honorary decree by the district committee for his long-term effective activity in the work of colleagues. During the seminar, an exchange of views was held around the questions of the meeting participants.
Chaque année, le 28 avril est le Jour commémoratif des personnes décédées ou blessées au travail. C’est l’occasion de se rappeler que le travail fait encore trop de victimes et que nous devons continuer à faire de nos lieux de travail des endroits où il est possible de gagner sa vie sans la perdre.
Cette année, cela est encore plus vrai avec l’entrée en vigueur de nouvelles dispositions de la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail qui vise à faire de la prévention dans tous les milieux de travail.
Événements et activités
Des cérémonies et minutes de silence seront tenues dans différents lieux à travers le Québec.
L’événement se tiendra à la place Square-Victoria. Vous êtes attendus à partir de 9h30.
Lieu de rassemblement: devant le bureau de la CNESST situé au 1650, rue King Ouest, à Sherbrooke
Deux rassemblements devant les bureaux de la CNESST à 17 h 15:
Rassemblement à 12 h devant le bureau de la CNESST à Québec avec banderole indiquant le nombre de décès.
Bas Saint-Laurent
Rassemblement intersyndicale à 9 h 30 devant le bureau de la CNESST et prise de parole :
180 rue des gouverneurs, Rimouski
Rassemblement devant le bureau de la CNESST ou le bureau du ministre Legault.
Mobilisation pour une minute de silence dans les milieux de travail avec diffusion sur les médias-sociaux.
Rassemblement de 12 h à 13 h devant les bureaux de la CNESST à Val-D’Or, au 1185 rue Germain. Personnes responsables : Gilles Chapadeau et Sonia Charette
Pour plus de détails, consulter la page Web des conseils régionaux.