Tag Archives: Faber-Castell

Peru: BWI signs OHS declaration with Faber-Castell

BWI and its affiliate, the Union Trade Union of Workers of A.W. Faber Castell in Peru (SUTFACAP) inked a Joint Declaration on Safe and Healthy Workplaces with the management of the multinational company, Faber-Castell.
Signatories to the declaration were SUTFACAP General Secretary Celso Arce, BWI Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean Nilton Freitas and Faber-Castell Peru General Manager Fernando Cabrera. The declaration expresses the commitment of the workers and company to work together to promote healthier and safer workplaces.
A similar declaration was signed last year by trade unionists and the Faber-Castell management in Brazil.
“BWI and its affiliated unions in Latin America, the Caribbean and worldwide are committed to ensure the prioritisation of life over profit as bannered by our global campaign: Global Alliance on Safe and Healthy Workplaces.
This OHS Declaration with Faber-Castell in Peru showcases the importance of field-based trade union action to realise OHS as a fundamental right of workers, and comply with the UN’s 2030 agenda,” Freitas said. #IWMD2022