ветовният ден за безопасност и здраве при работа се отбелязва всяка година на 28 април от международното синдикално движение и Международната организация на труда. На този ден се почита паметта на жертвите на трудови злополуки и професионални заболявания и отново се напомня на световната общественост, че те могат да бъдат предотвратени. Мотото на кампанията за 2021 г. е: Здравето и безопасността са основни трудови права. Да запазим живота на работното място! Усилията на МОТ са насочени към осигуряването на достоен труд за всички. Безопасността и здравето при работа са от изключително значение за постигане на четирите стратегически цели, които си е поставила организацията: Повече
The Federation of Forestry, General Industry, Timber, Agriculture and Plantation of the Indonesian Prosperous Labor Union (HUKATAN) signed three Declarations on Healthy and Safe Workplaces today with PT Wirakarya Sakti, PT. Lontar Papyrus Pulp, and PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper covering 9,577 workers!
On 28 April, the Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI) and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) commemorate workers who have lost their lives to workplace accidents and diseases and highlight our ongoing fight for healthy, safe and decent working conditions. more • #iwmd21
Building and Wood Workers Trade Union of Cambodia (BWTUC) signed two Declarations on Healthy and Safe Workplaces today with Thai Boon Roong Cement and Charkrey Ting Cement covering 786 workers! #SaveLivesAtWork#IWMD21
Seitsemän tapaturmaista kuolemaa työmailla vuonna 2020. Tänään on kansainvälinen työntekijöiden muistopäivä.
Keskiviikkona 28.4. vietetään kansainvälistä työturvallisuuspäivää ja työntekijöiden muistopäivää. Päivän aikana muistetaan ihmisiä, jotka ovat kuolleet, vammautuneet tai sairastuneet työssään sekä kampanjoidaan tulevien tapaturmien ja sairastumisten ehkäisemiseksi.
Viime vuonna Suomen rakennustyömailla menehtyi tapaturmaisesti 7 rakentajaa, joista 5 talonrakennusalan töissä ja 2 infra-alalla. Jokainen kuolema ja tapaturma on liikaa, ja otamme osaa läheisten ja työkavereiden suruun.
Kansainvälisen työntekijöiden muistopäivän teemana on tänä vuonna Työsuojelu on oikeutemme. Rakennustyöntekijöiden maailmanjärjestö BWI ja Euroopan rakennus- ja puutyöväen liitto EFBWW kampanjoivat terveellisten ja turvallisten työpaikkojen puolesta.
BWI affiliate Civil Servants’ Union of Agriculture, Forestry, Husbandry and Environment (TARIM ORMAN-IS) signed 4 Declarations with 2 forest workers’ cooperatives, one forest product company and one forest directorate on 28 April to mark the day and to join the call to make OHS right a fundamental one!
The union also conducted an OHS training for forest workers.
FNV vice-chairman @ KittyJong1 and executive member Cor Dekker laid a wreath today at the #WorkersMemorialDay statue in Utrecht. In the Netherlands, 4,000 people die every year as a result of their work. You can follow the symposium (1 – 3.30 pm today)
On April 28th, International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD), the ITF remembers all those across the world killed at or around their place of work.
The ITF supports the campaign led by the International Trade Union Confederation calling on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to recognise occupational health and safety as a fundamental right at work. This would fulfil a pledge made at the 2019 ILO Centenary Declaration, adopted unanimously, to ensure OSH for all workers.
#IWMD21 is especially poignant this year as it comes amid a devastating surge in global Covid-19 infections. Last week over 5.8 million new cases of Covid-19 were registered globally, the highest number to date. Many of these infections will have been caught at, or on the commute to or from, people’s workplaces.
But even before Covid-19, thousands of transport workers were vulnerable to injury or death in the workplace. The pandemic has simply exposed just how urgently occupational health and safety measures are needed.
“Every death at work is a death too many: the ILO, governments and employers must take greater action to halt preventable workplace deaths. Recognition of occupational health and safety as an ILO Fundamental Right at Work would be a strong step in the right direction.” – Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary
Governments and employers also have a responsibility to protect workers from violence and harassment in the workplace, which disproportionately impacts women workers. ITF affiliates, activists and Global Union Federations were instrumental in enacting global legislation against violence and harassment in the world of work.
ILO Convention 190, along with other recommendations, must be signed onto by government to protect all workers from violence and harassment at work including the commute.