US safety organisation PhilaPOSH has organised a series of events on 26 April to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day 2019.
News release – Worker fatalities – Facebook – Twitter
US safety organisation PhilaPOSH has organised a series of events on 26 April to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day 2019.
News release – Worker fatalities – Facebook – Twitter
Semana de lxs Trabajadores Fallecidxs es un buen momento para preguntar: “¿Están los empleadores haciendo lo suficiente para prevenir las muertes en el lugar de trabajo?” La mayoría de las lesiones y muertes en el trabajo se pueden prevenir cuando los trabajadores pueden hablar sobre los peligros sin castigo. Podemos hacer más de 5,100 muertes por trauma y más de 95,000 muertes por enfermedad ocupacional.
California ● Connecticut ● Florida ● Georgia ● Idaho ● Illinois ● Indiana ● Iowa ● Kentucky ● Maine ● Massachusetts ●Minnesota ● Nebraska ● New Jersey ● New Hampshire ● New York● Oklahoma ● Oregon ● Pennsylvania ● Puerto Rico ● Rhode Island ● Texas ● Washington ● West Virginia ● Wisconsin
My name is Cyrene Waern and I’m the senior officer at LO responsible for occupational health and safety.
As the International Workers’ Memorial Day this year is commemorated the same day as ILO celebrates 100th anniversary we have arranged a conference on the subject of: ILO – work environment yesterday, today and tomorrow [24-26 April]
There is also a blog on the subject: and another one will hopefully be published before the 28th at on the subject of chemical risks and work related diseases that the members in LO are victim to.
Best wishes,
Med vänlig hälsning,
Cyrene Martinsson Waern
Enheten för Välfärd, Utbildning och Arbetsmarknad
Landsorganisationen i Sverige/The Swedish Trade Union Confederation
Barnhusgatan 18
105 53 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 796 25 21
New evidence confirming a cancer risk to tyre and rubber workers may go ignored because of the UK government’s safety deregulation and cuts, the union Unite has warned. The union was commented after research published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine revealed that workers in the tyre and rubber industry remain at significant risk of developing cancers caused by exposure to N-nitrosamines and rubber dust.
Unite noted the study findings were “particularly timely as it comes just before International Workers’ Memorial Day as the theme for this year’s event is dangerous substances – get them out of the workplace,” with the 28 April global event having a particular focus on occupational cancer prevention. The union, which represents thousands of workers in the industry, says it is unable to properly address the new health concerns as there is no longer an effective body where it can raise such issues. It charges that this “is a result of the Conservative government’s attacks on safety laws.”
The union says the UK government safety regulator, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), previously had a Tyre and Rubber Industries Safety Action Group (TRISAG), with active involvement of both employers and unions, where safety concerns could be raised and dealt with. “However TRISAG has been scrapped as a result of government pressure and no similar body has replaced its work,” Unite says.
The new study confirms earlier findings that “N-nitrosamines exposures are associated with mortality from cancers of the bladder, lung, stomach, leukaemia, multiple myeloma, oesophagus, prostate, pancreas and liver.”
Unite national officer for the rubber industry Tony Devlin said: “This authoritative study is a stark reminder of the long-term health implications of being exposed to rubber. These dangers are being neglected as a direct result of the government’s cuts which are denying workers an effective voice in the corridors of power.” He added: “The lack of an effective forum to deal with exposure to cancer causing substances is another example of how the government has washed it hands of workplace health and safety. Cancer deaths will not be reduced unless effective measures are taken to cut exposure levels to N-nitrosamines and rubber dust.”
Unite news release. Mira Hidajat and others. Lifetime exposure to rubber dusts, fumes and N-nitrosamines and cancer mortality in a cohort of British rubber workers with 49 years follow-up, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, volume 76, number 4, pages 250-258, April 2019. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2018-105181
Cancers and their work causes: An ITUC/Hazards at-a-glance guide to cancer hazards. Also in French and Spanish.
The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions have for the last few years, in cooperation with Workers Educational Association (AOF,) arranged a conference on April 28, or on a suitable date close to the 28th. Since April 28 is on a Sunday this year, we chose, for practical reasons, to arrange our conference on the April 25.
Each year we do pay attention to topics that have been decided by the ILO, while at the same time putting key OSH – issues in Norway on the agenda. This year there is a great deal of activity on chemicals related to EU OSHA (focal points) We have therefore chosen not to focus specifically on this at the conference this year, but it will be included in some of the presentations. Every year we have young employees as a recurring theme with different angles.
Usually, LO has ordered material from the ILO. This year, our information material from LO, some of the LO’s association, AOF and a publisher of working life literature, will be information in Norwegian on various topics related to work and health and also the report on “Safety and health at the heart of the future of Work”.
There will be journalists present from the media related to the Norwegian trade union movement (LO Aktuelt) and from an HSE magazine.
Kind regards,
Wenche Thomsen Fagsjef/Chief OSH Adviser +4799647432 Landsorganisasjonen i Norge/Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions |
The Russian Timber Workers Union has sent 28 April solidarity messages in English, French, Spanish and German. See the YouTube video and read the messages below:
IWMD : Russian Timber Workers’ Union
Also see: Safe and Decent Work for Russian Wood and Forestry Workers
Hello, my name is Julia Vertigelova. I work as Health and Safety instructor at the biggest wood and paper factory in Russia. I join the call to stand up for safe work. I believe that the main task of my work and work of my colleagues is to save workers’ lives. We have to teach people how to think about their safety, we need to help people to have safe working conditions. And our main goal is to do everything we can to make people come back home after their work with no injuries and professional diseases.
Good Day, I am Alexander Smirnov, president of the Komi Republic regional branch of Russian Timber Workers Union. I stand up for safe work. We have to remember about safe work on International Workers’ Memorial Day.
Hello, my name is Olga Lebezkina. I am the president of the IKEA Industry company level trade union. I stand up for the safe work and remember workers on International Workers’ Memorial Day.
Dear colleagues and friends, my name is Denis Zhuravlev, I am the president of Russian Timber Workers Union. On behalf of our member I am saying that we all stand up for safe work. We fully support BWI Campaign for safe work.
Bonjour, je m’appelle Julia Vertigelova. Je suis formatrice en sécurité et santé au travail au sein de la plus grande usine russe de bois et de papier. Je m’associe à l’appel en faveur de la sécurité au travail. Ma mission principale, ainsi que celle de mes collègues, est de sauver la vie des travailleurs. Nous devons leur apprendre à assurer leur sécurité et les aider à obtenir des conditions de travail sûres. Et notre objectif prioritaire est de tout faire pour qu’ils regagnent leur domicile, à la fin de la journée, sans blessures ni maladies professionnelles.
Bonjour, je suis Alexander Smirnov, président de l’antenne régionale du Syndicat russe des travailleurs du bois en République de Komi. Je soutiens la sécurité au travail. Nous devons aborder ce thème lors de la Journée mondiale de la sécurité et de la santé au travail (également Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs morts ou blessés au travail).
Bonjour, je m’appelle Olga Lebezkina. Je suis présidente du syndicat d’entreprise d’IKEA. Je me joins à la lutte pour la sécurité au travail et souhaite que l’on honore les travailleurs lors de la Journée mondiale de la sécurité et de la santé au travail.
Chers collègues et amis, je suis Denis Zhuravlev, président du Syndicat russe des travailleurs du bois. Au nom de tous nos membres, je me joins à la lutte pour la sécurité au travail. Nous appuyons sans réserve la campagne de l’IBB en faveur de la sécurité au travail.
Hola, mi nombre es Julia Vertigelova. Trabajo como instructora de seguridad y salud ocupacional en la mayor fábrica de papel y productos de madera de Rusia. Me uno al llamamiento en favor de la defensa de la seguridad en el trabajo. Tengo la convicción de que la principal tarea de mi trabajo y el de mis compañeros es salvar la vida de los trabajadores. Debemos enseñar a la gente a pensar en su seguridad y ayudarla a trabajar en condiciones seguras. Nuestro principal objetivo es hacer todo lo posible para que, al finalizar la jornada laboral, los trabajadores vuelvan a casa sin lesiones ni enfermedades profesionales.
Buenos días, soy Alexander Smirnov, presidente de la delegación regional del Sindicato Ruso de Trabajadores de la Madera en la República de Komi. Quiero abogar por la seguridad en el trabajo. En el Día Internacional en Memoria de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridos, tenemos el deber de tener presente la seguridad en el trabajo.
Hola, me llamo Olga Lebezkina. Soy la presidenta del sindicato de trabajadores de IKEA Industry. Deseo alzar mi voz en favor de la seguridad en el trabajo y recordar a los trabajadores en el Día Internacional en Memoria de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridos.
Estimados compañeros y amigos, mi nombre es Denis Zhuravlev, y soy el presidente del Sindicato Ruso de Trabajadores de la Madera. En nombre de nuestros miembros, quiero manifestar nuestro compromiso con la seguridad en el trabajo. Apoyamos plenamente la campaña de la Internacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y la Madera (ICM).
Hallo, mein Name ist Julia Vertigelova. Ich arbeite als Arbeitsschutz-Ausbilderin bei Russlands größtem Holz- und Papierwerk. Auch ich schließe mich der Forderung nach sicheren Arbeitsbedingungen an. Nach meiner Überzeugung besteht der Kern meiner Aufgabe und der meiner Fachkolleginnen und -kollegen darin, Sicherheit und Gesundheit von Leib und Leben der Arbeitnehmer zu schützen. Wir müssen – ganz allgemein – ein stärkeres Bewusstsein für das Thema Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz schaffen und parallel dazu der gesamten Arbeitnehmerschaft zu sicheren Arbeitsbedingungen verhelfen. Hauptziel und -zweck unserer Tätigkeit ist es, alles in unserer Macht Stehende zu tun, um sicherzustellen, dass jeder Mann und jede Frau am Ende des Arbeitstages wohlbehalten – das heißt ohne Verletzungen und ohne berufsbedingte Erkrankungen – nach Hause kommt.
Guten Tag, ich bin Alexander Smirnov, Präsident der Regionalzweigstelle der Russischen Holzarbeitergewerkschaft für die Republik Komi. Ich setze mich für Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz ein. Besonders der Internationale Arbeitergedenktag gibt Anlass, das Thema Arbeitsschutz einmal mehr in den Vordergrund zu stellen.
Hi, mein Name ist Olga Lebezkina. Ich bin Vorsitzende der Gewerkschaft auf Unternehmensebene bei IKEA Industry. Ich unterstütze sichere Arbeitsbedingungen und spreche mich nicht nur am Internationalen Arbeitergedenktag dafür aus.
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, liebe Freunde, mein Name ist Denis Zhuravlev, ich bin Präsident der Russischen Holzarbeitergewerkschaft. Im Namen unserer Mitglieder darf ich sagen, dass wir alle für sichere Arbeitsbedingungen eintreten. Wir unterstützen die BHI-Kampagne für Sicherheit und Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz in jeder Beziehung.
Mourn for the Dead, Fight for the Living!
Join Worksafe on Friday, April 26th in Downtown Oakland to observe Workers Memorial Day 2019.
Workers Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for workers who have been killed and injured on the job. It is observed around the world by surviving family members, friends, coworkers, and health and safety activists in workplaces and communities.
Let’s gather together in Oscar Grant / Frank Ogawa Plaza to honor fallen workers and recommit ourselves to the struggle for safe and healthy work in California.
12 PM – 12:10 PM – Remarks
12:10-12:30 P.M. – Chief Juliann Sum, Cal/OSHA
12:20 PM – 1 PM – Reading of Names
Lunch will not be provided, but feel free to bring your own or support local restaurants.
Please RSVP and help spread the word in your networks by sharing this link:
Public Citizen, the US public interest advocacy organisation, has published a Heat Campaign toolkit for Workers’ Memorial Week (#iwmd19 / #workerssmemorialweek) that includes graphics, sample Tweets, hashtags, handles, links and a sample letter. You can view the kit below and also download it here.
Heat Campaign Toolkit for Workers Memorial Week
Campaign Background
Excessive heat exposure endangers outdoor and indoor workers, as well as vulnerable populations. Heat is the leading weather-related killer, and it’s intensifying with climate change. Despite these warnings, the U.S. does not require workplace heat protections.
This #WorkersMemorialWeek, we’re raising awareness around workers who have died or suffered on the job as a result of dangerous heat, and we’re pushing for action and policy change to prevent future fatalities. Because a safe job is every worker’s right!
Handles (please add your org’s handle)
Action Links
Grassroots Petition to OSHA:
Letter to the Editor Tool:
Alert for FL Heat Legislation:
Organizational Sign-On Letter
Add your organization to the following sign-on letter by 2:00 pm ET on 4/26, for OSHA to issue a heat standard for Workers Memorial Week:
Heat fatalities can affect everyone exposed to hot temps — from workers laboring in the hot sun to those who lack ventilation indoors. We need a national heat stress standard so employers are required to make worker safety a priority. #WorkersMemorialWeek
18 of the 19 hottest years on record have occurred since 2001. While we desperately need bold action to stop climate change, @OSHA_DOL must move now to protect workers from the dangers of heat stress. #WorkersMemorialWeek
Heat is the leading weather-related killer in the U.S. As greenhouse gas pollution increasingly warms the planet, the toll that heat takes on workers is getting worse. #WorkersMemorialWeek
From 1992 through 2017, exposure to excessive environmental heat killed 815 U.S. workers and seriously injured over 70,000. With accelerating climate change, worker injuries and deaths due to excessive heat exposure are projected to increase in the coming years. #WorkersMemorialWeek
260,000 U.S. workers are at risk of heat-related illnesses and deaths with no standard in place to protect them. This #WorkersMemorialWeek, we’re urging @OSHA_DOL to enact national heat stress protections that would keep our workers safe:
On our current greenhouse gas emissions path, by 2100 nearly the entire southeastern U.S. will experience on average more than 85 deadly heat days per year. @OSHA_DOL must act now to protect workers from dangerous heat exposure. #WorkersMemorialWeek
The current epidemic of heat-related injuries and deaths will worsen in the coming years, as record-breaking summers become the norm. We need action to stop further climate change and protect workers from the temperature rise that’s already locked in. #WorkersMemorialWeek
The solutions to heat-related injuries are common-sense: hydration, shade, and rest breaks. But most employers won’t implement them voluntarily. @OSHA_DOL must enact a national heat stress standard to protect workers in danger. #WorkersMemorialWeek
Heat fatalities can be prevented by access to water, shade and rest breaks. But many employers deny workers these basic needs — causing countless people to needlessly die every summer. Take action this #WorkersMemorialWeek to protect workers:
Shanna Devine
Worker Health and Safety Advocate
Public Citizen | Congress Watch
TEL: +1 202-454-5168
215 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003
Twitter: @safeworkers
Jedes Jahr am 28. April gedenken wir den verstorbenen und beruflich veranlasst verletzten und erkrankten Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern.Durch Arbeitsunfälle und Folgen von Berufskrankheiten werden mehr Menschen getötet und verletzt als in Kriegen. Die Zahlen sprechen eine deutliche Sprache.
Allein in Deutschland sterben drei bis vier Menschen täglich auf der Arbeit, auf dem Weg dorthin oder an unfallbedingten bzw. berufskrankheitsbedingten Spätfo…lgen. Täglich ereignen sich hierzulande tausende Arbeitsunfälle. Glücklicher Weise ist die Zahl der Arbeitsunfälle in Deutschland zuletzt zurückgegangen. Aber dafür nimmt die Zahl der Berufskrankheiten zu.
Es ist wichtig, sich als Arbeitnehmer im Berufsleben vor diesen Gefahren zu schützen oder geschützt zu werden! Eine besonders hohe Gefahr für Arbeitsunfälle und Berufs-erkrankungen besteht in Deutschland u. a. für Leiharbeiter. Das Risiko für Leiharbeiterinnen und Leiharbeiter, einem Arbeitsunfall zum Opfer zu fallen, ist drei Mal so hoch wie das für Stammbelegschaften, bedingt durch hohe Fluktuationen und psychische Belastung. An all diese Missstände erinnert der Workers Memorial Day.
Bereits 1984 rief erstmals die kanadische Gewerkschaft für Angestellte im öffentlichen Dienst dazu auf, der im Arbeitsleben verstorbenen Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu gedenken. Seither wird dieser Gedenktag am 28. April in vielen Ländern weltweit begangen, in immer mehr Ländern ist er ein offizieller Gedenktag.
Seit dem Jahr 2011 rufen der DGB und die IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt jeweils am 28. April dazu auf, der Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu gedenken, die im Rahmen ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit durch Unfall oder Berufskrankheit ihr Leben lassen mussten.
Wir laden jeden ein, diesen Gedenktag mit uns auf unserer zentralen Gedenkveranstaltung in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche in Berlin zu begehen. Wir rufen dazu auf, der verstorbenen Kolleginnen und Kollegen auch bundesweit in Betrieben, auf Baustellen und in Objekten zu gedenken.
Nicht nur das Gedenken an die Verstorbenen ist uns wichtig. Wir kämpfen auch für die Gesunderhaltung der heute Beschäftigten.
Der Einladungsflyer zum Download:
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has published the following list of International Workers’ Memorial Day events:
Unions NSW International Workers’ Memorial Day event
28 April 2019
Reflection Park Little Pier Street (off Harbour St), Darling Harbour, Sydney
VTHC International Workers’ Memorial Day event
29 April 2019
Victorian Trades Hall (Lygon St Entrance), Melbourne
10.30am – 11.15am
Including a minute’s silence at 11am and an opportunity to lay wreaths.
Unions NT International Workers’ Memorial Day event
29 April 2019
Rain Tree Park at Smith St Mall, Darwin
Time TBC.
Unions NT Secretary Joel Bowden will MC the event – there will be a eulogy, guest speaker and will finish with the workers’ prayer.
Unions WA International Workers’ Memorial Day event
29 April 2019
Solidarity Park, West Perth
10am – more details
QCU International Workers’ Memorial Day event
29 April 2019
Queen of Apostles Catholic Church, 70 Appleby Rd, Stafford
Also see 27 and 28 April events listing for Tasmania.