Argentina: No pressures

The CTA, has launched an original approach to this 28 April, inviting workers to write their experiences with health at work. A writing contest “No pressures” has been launched, jointly coordinated by the CTA Cordoba Health and Safety Union, the CTA Capital and the CISPREN. More information on the contest can be found here: 


Argentina: Unions fight for healthy workplaces without chemical risks

On 28 April  CGT will highlight the impact of chemical and biological hazards for Argentinean workers, which account for at least 10.000 of the 660.000 notified occupational accidents in the country.

The CGT will be organising assemblies in workplaces, emphasising the need for prevention measures in the handling of hazardous substances, meetings at the regional level, and distribution of information leaflets in worksites and through social media. CGT will also join activities related to the Argentinean OHS week, in early May.

For more information on CGT activities for 28 April please contact Mauro Posada



Tragedy reinforces ITF’s resolve to tackle hazardous substances across the transport sector

The global transport unions’ federation ITF is backing the ITUC theme for 28 April, removing exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. It will be integrating this into ongoing campaigns on container safety for dockers, truckers, seafarers, railway workers, warehouse workers – essentially along the entire supply chain. Toxic gases and fumigation in containers is one of the areas of campaigning as are container weights, packing, loading etc.

ITF is asking its affiliated unions to get involved on 28 April by, among other things, raising awareness about the issue of toxic gas and fumigation in containers with their members.  It says “this is an increasingly important topic for us given the tragedy in the port of Antwerp.”  Three experienced dockworkers died on Saturday 11 April in Antwerp, Belgium, after entering a ship’s hold to unload coal.  ITF president and chair of its dockers’ section, Paddy Crumlin, said: “Dock work is dangerous work and everyone involved must always do everything possible to minimise the risks. This is a timely reminder of the importance of Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April (, whose message is ‘Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living’.”

Twitter: @itfglobalunion

Europe: Unions say STOP treating protection from hazardous chemicals as “red tape”

For this 28th April, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) will run a highly visible action, focusing on the 100,000 people who die every year in the EU as a result of occupational cancers, as well as the 150,000 people who have died waiting for the EU to approve the Directive on Carcinogens and Mutagens at Work, held up since October 2013 by an EU review of ‘red tape’.

To mark the International Workers’ Memorial Day, the ETUC is planning to meet with Commissioners and MEPs at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, and will participate in events in Belgium and Latvia.

ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol will meet European Parliament President Martin Schulz and European Employment Commissioner Thyssen in the European Parliament in Strasbourg .

ETUC 28 April webpages

The artwork below will be used at these events.

etuc1 etuc2 etuc3

Updates on 28 April activities in Africa

In Burkina Faso  FTBBF union activists will engage in dialogue and health and safety management and participation training with companies on 27 and 28  April.

In Côte d’Ivoire SYNASODEFOR union health and safety meetings and training will be held at the SinoHydro construction project between 27 and 29 April.

In Gabon UTBTPBSP union activists will engage in dialogue and health and safety management and participation training with companies on 27 and 28  April.

In Ghana Timber and Woodworkers’ Union (TWU) activists will engage in dialogue and health and safety management and participation training with companies on 27 and 28  April.

In Kenya  KUPRIPUPA union activists will engage in dialogue and health and safety management and participation training with companies on 27 and 28  April.

Mauritius To mark 28 April the Mauritius Trade Union Congress (MTUC) is holding a one day reflection on ‘Awareness of occupational safety and health issues in the workplace and the contribution of trade unions in the prevention of accidents and ill health at work’ at the Emmanuel Anquetil Labour Centre, MTUC Office, GRNW, Port Louis, Mauritius on Monday 27th April 2015. Delegates from affiliates of MTUC and from other Confederations including that of Council of Trade Unions (CDS) will participate. Opening ceremony at 9.30 a.m will be attended by the Minister of Labour Industrial relations and Employment.

Also: CMWEU  plans to create awareness on occupational safety and health issues at sixty workplaces through a campaign against psychosocial hazards.

In Namibia MANWU plans to raise awareness of occupational safety and health issues in the workplace highlighting the important contribution unions make to the prevention of accidents and ill health at work.

In Mozambique SINTAF and SINTICIM plan to raise awareness of occupational safety and health issues in the workplace highlighting the important contribution unions make to the prevention of accidents and ill health at work.

In Zambia NUBEGW  plans to raise awareness of occupational safety and health issues in the workplace highlighting the important contribution unions make to the prevention of accidents and ill health at work.

Los sindicatos muestran como la austeridad atenta contra la democracia y la salud en el trabajo en ESPAÑA

Con ya más de treinta eventos registrados, y sumando, las confederacions sindicales españolas Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) y Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT) se movilizarán este 28 de abril detrás de su Decálogo de medidas urgentes y prioritarias para prevenir los riesgos laborales. El Decálogo incluye el pedido de atacarse a la precariedad laboral, pide políticas de prevención debidamente financiadas, cambios al registro de enfermedades profesionales, una atención particular a los determinantes sociales, de género y de edad de la salud laboral, servicios de prevención independientes y de calidad, el refuerzo de la inspección laboral y del carácter publico de las mutuas asi como la democratización de las relaciones laborales.

Ambascentrales sindicalesorganizaráncentenares deeventos, incluidos seminarios, reuniones, debates y conferencias de prensa en toda España.

Otra afiliada de la CSI, la USO, organizará eventos bajo el lema “la precariedad laboral mata” y organiza un evento de tres días en Madrid, asi como asambleas en distintas regiones de España.

Para obtener más información acerca de las actividades de CCOO y UGT para este 28 de abril, por favor póngase en contacto con el Sr. Francisco Javier Torres Fernández,  y Emilio Gonzalez Vicente • Cartel

Para las actividades sindicales de la USO, por favor póngase en contacto con Sara García, • Webpage

Manifiesto: Spain_UGT&CCOO_Manifiesto 28 de Abril 2015 final


Spanish unions highlight how austerity is undermining democracy and workers’ health


With more than 30 registered events already, and counting, the Spanish trade unions Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) and Union General de Trabajadores (UGT) will be joining this 28th April rallying behind their “ten urgent and priority measures for preventing occupational risks”. See the manifesto • Poster

The “Decálogo” (as they have called it) calls among other policies to fight casualization of work, well-funded prevention policies, changes in the occupational diseases registry, focus on social, gender and age determinants of occupational health, quality and independent prevention services, strengthening of labour inspection, a reinforcement of the public character of the “mutuas” system and support for democratizing labour relations.

Both trade union centers will organise hundreds of events, including seminars, rallies, debates, and press conferences across Spain.

A map with planned activities in different Spanish cities can be found in CCOO website

Another ITUC affiliate, USO will organise events under the slogan “Precarious work kills”, and is organising a three day event this week in Madrid, as well as other assemblies in other regions of Spain. Webpage


Unions to shed light on the cost of unsafe growth in the Philippines

For this 28th April, the IOHSAD, KMU and ILPS Philippines will be organising a union event in Plaza Miranda, Manila, in commemoration of  Filipino construction workers who lost their lives as a consequence of unsafe working conditions, raising the inconvenient correlation between GDP growth, raising construction investments and workplace deaths.

For more information on this event, please contact Elmer Labog

Los sindicatos ubican el tema de químicos en su formación en Las Americas

Para este 28 de Abril, la Confederacion Sindical de las Americas, en cooperación con la oficina de actividades de los Trabajadores de la OIT (ACTRAV) organizara la clausura de una formación virtual sobre gestión de sustancias químicas con una actividad presencial, que se realizara en Montevideo, Uruguay. Esta iniciativa busca responder al objetivo de la CSA de “aprender para actuar”, reforzando las capacidades técnicas de los sindicalistas en cuestiones relativas a la salud laboral.

Para mas información sobre las acciones de la CSA para este 28 de Abril, contactarse con

Unions to meet with Belgian labour minister

The ETUC is to stage an event outside the European Commission HQ in Brussels and will joint with the Belgian trade unions to meet with the Belgian Minister of Labour.

ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol will meet European Parliament President Martin Schulz and European Employment Commissioner Thyssen in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

ETUC 28 April webpages

etuc1 etuc2 etuc3

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living