Palestine: Statement and meeting on International Workers’ Memorial Day

In Palestine, Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) affiliate NUBWW will issue a statement on 28th April and organise a meeting with construction workers.

Iraq: GFWCUI to organise 28 April strike in Karbala

In Iraq, BWI construction federation affiliate GFWCUI will organise a 28th April strike at the Lafarge-Holcim Karbala District Plan.

Morocco: Work site visits to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

International Construction Union Confederation BWI affiliates UGTM and UMT will make work site visits on 28th April.

Jordan: GTUCW to strike on 28 April

Jordanian union GTUCW, affiliate of the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) union federation will engage workers in a strike on 28th April in front of the Lafarge-Holcim Al Fuhais Plant.

Korea: KCTU 28 April rally demands the Korean government enacts the corporate manslaughter act

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Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) staged a Workers’ Memorial Rally 11 days ahead of April 28. “Right to work without work-related death can be achieved by strengthening workers’ participation!” “End the expansion of flexible working hour system which would bring more death by over work!” ” OHS Act must be applied for all workers!” “Enact the corporate manslaughter act!”

Facebook post, 17 April 2019

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, sky and outdoor

Also see: Irregular outcome: Korean campaign on ‘ outsourcing of death’, wins concessions, Hazards, number 145, 2019


Brazil: Dia mundial – SEJUF visa mobilizar ações de prevençâo aos acidentes de trabalho

No photo description available.O secretário da Justiça, Família e Trabalho (Sejuf), Ney Leprevost, recebeu nesta terça-feira (16), em seu gabinete, o presidente da União Geral dos Trabalhadores (UGT), Paulo Rossi, e o presidente do Sindicato dos Técnicos de Segurança do Paraná (Sintespar), Adir de Souza, no intuito de estreitar parceira sobre o Movimento Abril Verde, que tem o objetivo de conscientizar a população para os acidentes de trabalho.

Na oportunidade, foram debatidas questões sobre a importância da segurança e saúde do trabalhador, que fazem parte da Campanha de Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho.

DIA MUNDIAL – Em 28 de abril é comemorado o Dia Mundial de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho e, por isso, o mês foi escolhido no Brasil para uma abordagem mais intensa sobre a questão. A data foi escolhida pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) em homenagem aos 78 trabalhadores que morreram em explosão de uma mina, nos Estados Unidos, em 28 de abril de 1969. No Brasil, o dia 28 de abril é também o Dia Nacional em Memória às Vítimas de Acidentes do Trabalho.


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No photo description available.

Tunisia: FGBB raising awareness of worker safety on International Workers’ Memorial Day

BWI affiliate FGBB will conduct work site visits and distribute information brochures to organise workers and improve occupational health.

Lebanon: Construction union GSTU holds Lafarge-Holcim campaigns and workshop for 28 April

On 28 April, BWI affiliate GSTU will hold a safety campaign and workshops at the Lafarge-Holcim plant at Chekka District, in Northern Lebanon, to create awareness of safety issues among workers and to pressure Lafarge-Holcim to improve occupational safety and health.

Egypt: Conference, safety training and work site visits on Workers’ Memorial Day

GTUBWW, affiliate of the global construction union federation Building and Wood Workers International (BWI), will be holding a conference, training sessions and worksite visits to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day. GTUBWW will stress the importance of occupational safety and health training.

Uganda: Safety campaigning to mark International workers’ Memorial Day

UBCCEAWU, an affiliate  of the global construction union federation Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), is holding an event at the Lafarge-Holcim Hilma cement plant on 26 April to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day. The aim is to raise safety awareness and the dangers of neglecting occupational safety and health.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living