Hong Kong commemorates Workers Memorial Day #iwmd15 pic.twitter.com/uhWQGJf74k
— AMRC Hong Kong (@amrc_hongkong) April 28, 2015
Hong Kong commemorates Workers Memorial Day #iwmd15 pic.twitter.com/uhWQGJf74k
— AMRC Hong Kong (@amrc_hongkong) April 28, 2015
28 April is the International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers. The day is also known as Workers’ Memorial Day, the Day of Mourning, or World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Most importantly, it is a day for unions to renew their commitment to safety and health at work.
Controlling exposure to toxic substances is one theme that global unions have chosen to emphasize in 2015. Of the hundreds of thousands of chemicals in industrial use, we have substantial knowledge of the health effects of only a small percentage; and suspect that many unidentified killers are among the rest.
To mark Workers Memorial Day, IUF has produced with Pesticides Action Network (PAN) and the Swiss-based NGO, Berne Declaration, a report on the use of paraquat in India. more
ITF’s Paddy Crumlin highlights the Container Safety Now campaign on International Workers’ Memorial Day. more
878 personer skadades i arbetet i Dalarna förra året och två personer avled. Idag uppmärksammas de i en manifestation. Mer
“In der EU sterben jedes Jahr mehr als 100.000 Menschen allein an berufsbedingtem Krebs. Trotzdem verschleppen sowohl die alte als auch die neue EU-Kommission, unter dem Deckmantel des Bürokratieabbaus, seit Jahren eine Reform der völlig veralteten Krebsrichtlinie”, kritisiert DGB-Vorstandsmitglied Annelie Buntenbach anlässlich des heutigen Workers Memorial Day.
Am internationalen Workers Memorial Day am 28. April wird weltweit der Menschen gedacht, die bei einem Arbeitsunfall oder durch berufsbedingte Krankheiten verstorben sind. mehr
Le gouvernement célèbre la journée mondiale sur la santé au travail mais le projet de loi sur le dialogue social y tourne le dos.
Ce mardi 28 avril, la journée mondiale dédiée à la sécurité et à la santé au travail est placée cette année sous le signe de la diffusion d’une culture de prévention. Paradoxalement, le Ministre du travail prend la responsabilité d’élaborer un projet de loi relatif au dialogue social et à l’emploi qui entérine un peu plus la prédominance de l’économie aux dépends du travail. plus
Wales TUC marked International Workers’ Memorial Day 2015 with a meeting and wreath laying ceremony.
Report from Jagdish Patel, Gujarat.
Today we observed 28 April – International Workers Memorial Day at Khambhat to mourn 25 silicosis victims. This is a new record of numbers of deaths in recent past. Among these 25, there are two pairs of Mother & son.One of the victims Ajay Fakir Machhi was on y 16 when he died last October. His mother Ramilaben (40) could not held back her tears rolling down while garlanding his photo. 10 Year old Sanjay lost his mother last year.He travelled all the way from Navapaura near Anklav to pay homage to her mother He had lost his father Mukeshbhai in 2011. Ajit Parmar lost his brother and Mother at two month interval during 2014. Among 25, 6 were women and 19 male. 14 (60%) were minority.
Some 200 workers, widows and concerned citizens attended the program held at Gawara Tower,Khambhat
The Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Issues, Directorate for Occupational Health and Safety of the Republic of Serbia has organized in cooperation with social partners a competition for giving National awards in the field of occupational health and safety. The goal of the competition was to promote the field of OHS and to influence the awareness of employers and employees in order to constantly reduce the number of occupational accidents and professional illnesses. This year, the Plaque 28 April, was awarded to BWI affiliate the Autonomous Trade Union of Road Maintenance Workers of Serbia, SSPS, for all the years of achievements and work in this area. More