Global/Serbia: BWI 28 April poster – Unions make work safer! [SERBIA]

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in multiple languages, including Serbia . [here]

Global/Slovenia: BWI 28 April poster – Unions make work safer! [SLOVENIAN]

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in multiple languages, including Slovenian. [pdf]

Canada: Rassemblement le 28 avril pour le Jour commémoratif des personnes décédées ou blessées au travail – Quebec

Parce que, chaque année, plus de 200 personnes meurent au travail ou à la suite d’un accident de travail, la FTQ invite ses syndicats affiliés à venir exprimer leur solidarité envers les familles des victimes en soulignant le Jour commémoratif des personnes décédées ou blessées au travail le 28 avril prochain.

Le 28 avril, vous êtes tous invités à venir nous rejoindre en face de l’Assemblée nationale à Québec à partir de 15 h afin de rappeler aux parlementaires leurs responsabilités par rapport à tous ces drames.

Parce que chaque vie compte et qu’un mort, c’est un mort de trop et qu’un accident de travail, c’est un accident de trop, Québec doit mieux protéger ses travailleurs et travailleuses.

Rappelons que la FTQ réclame depuis trop longtemps déjà que la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail s’applique à tous les travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec. Encore aujourd’hui, plus de 80% des travailleuses et travailleurs sont exclus de l’application d’une grande partie de la loi et sont par le fait même victimes de discrimination, en raison du secteur économique et de leur métier.

Transport pour Québec

Départ de Montréal dès 12 h / retour 20 h (10200, boul. du Golf, Anjou, QC, H1J 2Y7)
Communiquer avec François Ouellet pour savoir s’il reste des places :

Macedonia: Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM)

Become part of the union and do it significant change. Join CELEBRATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK

The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM) as a representative trade union and social partner in the country is an active factor in the creation of policies for economic and social development, which is part of the OSH area.

Marking the World Health and Safety Day – April 28, we emphasize that providing healthy and safe working conditions for workers is a priority in the engagement of SSM.

The safe conditions in the companies are the basic assumption for the smooth performance of the work tasks of the workers, because they are a guarantee for the preservation of the life and health of the workers, improvement of the work and increasing the productivity of the labor in the companies.

Healthy and safe working conditions are a joint activity and tripartite unity of all social partners in the state, which by means of mutually coordinated action should contribute to the improvement of the overall system for ensuring safe and secure working conditions.

Through the social dialogue, with the active participation of SSM, the National OSH Strategy 2016-2020 was adopted, as well as the Action Plan, and in the country there is a National Board for OSH as a tripartite expert and advisory body for the OSH.

It is the primary responsibility of employers to ensure healthy and safe working conditions for workers in working environments, but workers are also responsible. This means that employers are obliged to invest in secure technologies, in promoting workplace conditions and in preventing occupational diseases and injuries at work.

Workers also have an equally important and responsible role in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, in this direction SSM is committed to regulate the precise, concrete and active role of the president of the trade union organization and the representative of the employees for safety and health in the companies .

This year, activities are undertaken to review the state of the implementation of the OSH Law, ie on the basis of the proposals and the perceptions of the social partners, it will be taken up if the law should be changed or a new OSH law is required. In CCM activities are underway to review the situation from the application of the Law on OSH primarily in the companies and on the basis of the obtained data SSM will give its proposal regarding the necessary changes in the legislation in this area.

At the same time, PIC is that the full exercise of rights in terms of providing healthy and safe working conditions depends on the advancement of collective bargaining primarily in companies. There is a small number of KDs at the level of the employer or CD at branch level, that is, the activity that regulates these issues. Our goal in the next period will be to promote collective bargaining in this direction, that is, we will strive for all OSH issues to be covered and regulated by CD.

Cooperation and joint activities with the inspection bodies, the civil sector, the scientific and expert public are also significant. CCM is open for cooperation and joint action with all institutions responsible for creating safe working conditions for workers. In that sense, representatives of SSM participated in numerous workshops, forums and consultations on OSH issues.

Perspectively, the social partners and the civil sector should engage in increasing their own capacities and raising public awareness of the need to improve and promote occupational safety and health. This will be our priority in the upcoming period, and in that direction, CCM will continue with the continuous activity for enabling membership and trade union leadership on all issues from the aspect of OSH.

April 19, 2019

Macedonia: Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM)

Стани дел од синдикатот и направи
значајна промена

Приклучи се


Сојузот на синдикатите на Македонија како репрезентативен синдикат и социјален партнер во државата, е активен чинител во креирањето на политиките за економски и општествен развој, чиј дел е и областа за БЗР.

Одбележувајќи го Светскиот ден на безбедноста и здравјето при работа- 28 Април, истакнуваме дека обезбедувањето на здравите и безбедни услови за работа за работниците се приоритет во ангажманот на ССМ.

Безбедните услови во компаниите се основна претпоставка за непречено обавување на работните задачи на работниците, затоа што тие се гаранција за зачувување на животот и здравјето на работниците, подобрување на работењето и зголемување на продуктивноста на трудот во компаниите.

Здравите и безбедни услови за работа се заедничка активност и трипартитно единство на сите социјални партнери во државата кои по пат на  меѓусебно координирана акција треба да придонесат за унапредување на целокупниот систем за обезбедување на сигурни и безбедни услови за работа.

По пат на социјален дијалог, со активно учество и на ССМ е донесена Националната стратегија за БЗР 2016–2020, како и Акцискиот план, а во државата функционира и Национален совет за БЗР како трипартитно експертско и советодавно тело за БЗР.

Примарна е одговорност на работодавачите за обезбедување на здрави и безбедни услови за работниците во работните средини, но исто толку се одговорни и работниците. Тоа значи дека работодавачите се должни да инвестираат во безбедни технологии, во унапредување на условите на работните  места  и во превенцијата на професионалните  болести и повреди на работа.

Работниците, исто така имаат еднакво важна и одговорна улога во обезбедувањето на здрави и безбедни услови за работа, во оваа насока ССМ се залага за уредување на  прецизна, конкретна и активна улога на претседателот на синдикалната организација и претставникот на вработените за безбедност и здравје во компаниите.

Оваа година се преземаат активности за согледување на состојбата од примената на Законот за БЗР, односно врз основа на предлозите и согледувањата на социјалните партнери ќе се заземе став дали законот треба да се менува или е потребно донесување на нов Закон за БЗР. Во ССМ во тек се активности за согледување на состојбите од примената на Законот за БЗР пред се во компаниите и врз основа на добиените податоци ССМ ќе го даде својот предлог во врска со потребните измени на законската регулатива во оваа област.

Истовремено став на ССМ е и дека  целосното остварување на правата од  аспект на обезбедување на здрави и безбедни услови за работа зависи од унапредување на колективното договарање првенствено во компаниите. Мал е бројот на КД на ниво на работодавач или КД на ниво на гранка, односно дејност  кои ги регулираат овие прашања. Наша цел во наредниот период ќе биде да се унапреди колективното договарање во овој правец, односно ќе се залагаме сите прашања за БЗР да бидат опфатени и регулирани со КД.

Значајна е и соработката и заедничките активности со инспекциските органи, граѓанскиот сектор, научната и стручната јавност. ССМ е отворен за соработка и заедничко делување со сите институции одговорни за креирањето на безбедни работни услови за работниците. Во таа смисла претставници на ССМ учествуваа на голем број работилници, форуми и советувања во врска со прашањата за БЗР.

Перспективно социјалните партнери и граѓанскиот сектор треба да се ангажираат за зголемување на сопствените капацитети и подигнување на јавната свест за потребата од подобрување и унапредување на безбедноста и здравјето при работа. Тоа ќе биде наш приоритет во наредниот период  и во таа насока ССМ ќе продолжи со континуираната активност за оспособување на членството и синдикалните раководства за сите прашања од аспект на БЗР.

Canada: Cérémonies du Jour de deuil 2019 – le Congrès du travail du Canada

Le 28 avril est le jour le plus solennel du mouvement syndical. Chaque année, des milliers de travailleurs et travailleuses, d’amis et de proches des travailleurs et travailleuses décédés se recueillent lors de cérémonies partout au Canada afin de souligner le Jour de deuil national à la mémoire des travailleuses et travailleurs tués ou blessés au travail. Alors que nous pleurons les morts, le Congrès du travail du Canada continue de lutter pour les vivants.

Trouvez un événement près de chez vous :

Région de l’Atlantique


Conseil du travail de Saint John’s et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Édifice de la confédération
100, promenade Prince Philip, Saint John’s
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h
Meghan Wade

Conseil du travail du centre de Terre-Neuve
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Monument commémoratif des travailleurs
de Grand Falls, Grand Falls
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h
Kathy Oake

Ville de Gander
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Hôtel de ville de Gander
100, prom. Elizabeth
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h
Pearce Mullett

Conseil du travail de Corner Brook et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Église catholique romaine Holy Redeemer
Avenue Mount Bernard, Corner Brook
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h 30
Gene Colbourne

Conseil du travail de Labrador ouest et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Salle de la section locale 5795 des Métallos
105, route d’Hudson, Labrador City
Dimanche 28 avril à 16 h
Fabian Benoit


Fédération du travail de la Nouvelle-Écosse
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Assemblée législative de la Nouvelle-Écosse (Province House)
Rue Hollis, Halifax
Dépôt de couronnes
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Joan Wark

Conseil du travail du Cap-Breton et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Filiale 128 de la Légion royale canadienne
850, route Victoria, Whitney Pier
Sydney, Cap-Breton
Aucune couronne, fleurs coupées seulement
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Mark Muldoon

Conseil du travail de la vallée d’Annapolis
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Monument aux travailleurs dans le Parc Memorial
Rue Park (rue principale), Kentville
Une réception suivra au bureau du
Conseil du travail de la vallée d’Annapolis
362, rue Main, Kentville
Dépôt de couronnes
Dimanche 28 avril à 15 h
Wayne Kelley

Conseil du travail de South Shore et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Rassemblement au 81, rue Dominion, en face du service d’incendie de Bridgewater, marche jusqu’au monument commémoratif aux pompiers
106, route Victoria, cimetière Brookside, moment de silence
Aucune couronne, fleurs coupées seulement
Dimanche 28 avril à 13 h
Dianne Frittenberg


Fédération du travail de l’Î.-P.-É.
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Salle paroissiale de l’église anglicane St. Paul
101, rue Prince, Charlottetown
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h
Carl Pursey


Conseil du travail de Bathurst et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Monument du Jour de deuil situé près
de la cathédrale du Sacré-Cœur
Avenue Douglas, Bathurst
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
John Gagnon

Conseil du travail d’Edmundston et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Parc à côté de l’hôtel de ville sur le
chemin Canada, Edmundston
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Lorn Martin

Conseil du travail de Fredericton et du district
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Monument commémoratif dédié aux pompiers
à proximité du Centre aquatique pour petites embarcation sur
la rive sud de la Wolastoq (rivière Saint-Jean), Fredericton
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h
Tyler McCready

Conseil du travail de Miramichi et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Parc River Front (rue Ledden) sur la rive nord de
la rivière Miramichi, Miramichi
Jeudi 28 avril à 15 h
Ashely Underhill

Conseil du travail de Moncton et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Cénotaphe du parc Bore, Moncton
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h 30
Janice Melanson

Conseil du travail de Saint John et du district
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Monument du Jour de deuil
Centre Frank et Ella Hatheway au parc Rockwood, Saint John
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h
George Vair

Région de l’Ontario

Conseil du travail de Barrie et du district
Hôtel de ville de Barrie
70, rue Collier, Barrie
Conférencier invité : Dan Janssen
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Anita Johnson-Ford

Conseil du travail de Brantford et du district
Parc Fordview, rue Colborne Ouest, Brantford
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Roxanne Bond

Conseil du travail de Chatham-Kent
Monument du Jour de deuil sur l’avenue Grand
(en face du Canadian Tire), Chatham
Une réception suivra à Centraide
425, avenue McNaughton, Chatham
Dimanche 28 avril à 13 h    Linda Reaume
Maison : 519-676-7803
Cellulaire : 519-358-2647

Conseil du travail de Cornwall et du district
Site du monument du Jour de deuil (à l’ouest de la tour de l’horloge)
Parc Lamoureux, Cornwall
Vendredi 26 avril à 11 h 45
Louise Lanctot

Conseil du travail de la région de Durham
Au Parkette au coin sud-ouest des rues King et Centre,
au monument dédié aux travailleurs morts,
juste au nord de l’hôtel de ville d’Oshawa, Oshawa
Une réception suivra à un lieu à déterminer
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h 30
Bill Stratton

Cérémonie du Jour de deuil d’Elliot Lake
Monument commémoratif aux mineurs
Route 108, Elliot Lake
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Sue Girard

Fort Erie – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
Au monument situé à l’hôtel de ville de Fort Erie
1, promenade Municipal Centre,
le long de la Route 3, Fort Erie
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h 45

Conseil du travail de Grey Bruce et du district
Centre corporative Bruce Power, bâtiment B10, lobby
177, chemin Tie, Tiverton/Kincardine
Conférenciers invités : Conférenciers du milieu syndical, des affaires et
de la communauté locale
Lundi 29 avril à 10 h
Anna Morrison

Conseil du travail de Guelph et du district
Rencontre à l’hôtel de ville à 10 h 30
Marche jusqu’au parc Goldie Mill
Cérémonie au parc Goldie Mill, à 11 h
Une réception suivra au Pub Wooly
Conférenciers invités de la communauté et du milieu syndical
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h 30
Terry O’Connor
519-994 2474

Conseil du travail de Hamilton et du district
Salle du conseil à l’hôtel de ville
71, rue Main Ouest, Hamilton
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h
Anthony Marco

Conseil du travail de Huron et du district
Monument aux travailleurs, Gloucester Terrace,
en face de la prison historique, Goderich
Conférenciers invités : Conférenciers du milieu syndical et
de la communauté locale
Dédicace de plaques – Roméo LeBlanc et Capitaine Chris Morgan
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Jim Vance

Conseil du travail de Kapuskasing et du district
Parc Riverside, Kapuskasing
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Bill Demontigny

Conseil du travail de Kenora et du district
Monument du Jour de deuil du conseil du travail
Cimetière Lake of the Woods, entrée est, Kenora
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h
Donna Wiebe

Conseil du travail de Kingston et du district
Bureau régional de SEFPO
824, boulevard John Counter, Kingston
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Jeremy Robins

Conseil du travail de Lanark et du district
Crystal Palace, 28, rue Drummond Est, Perth
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h 30
Herve Cavanagh

Conseil du travail de Lanark et du district
Adjacent au Musée du canal Rideau
34, rue Beckwith Sud, Smiths Falls
Dimanche 28 avril à 15 h

Conseil du travail de Leeds et Grenville
Musée de Brockville, 5, rue Henry, Brockville
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
James Roy

Conseil du travail de Lindsay et du district
Parc Victoria, 210, rue Kent, Lindsay
Conférencier invité : Ahmad Gaied, vice-président exécutif, Fédération du travail de l’Ontario
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
James Mulhern
705-324-7841 ou
705-934-0160 (cell.)

Conseil du travail de London et du district
380, rue Adelaide Nord, London
Dimanche 28 avril à 13 h
Len Elliott

Niagara Falls – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
Au monument situé à l’hôtel de ville de Niagara Falls
4310, rue Queen, Niagara Falls
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h 30

Niagara-on-the-Lake – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
Au monument situé à l’aréna Centennial
1557, chemin Four Mile Creek, Virgil
Dimanche 28 avril à 9 h 15

Région de Niagara – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
Au monument situé au siège national de la région de Niagara,
1815, Sir Isaac Brock Way, Thorold, région de Niagara
Dimanche 28 avril à 17 h 15

Conseil du travail de North Bay et du district
Monument du Jour de deuil, hôtel de ville
200, rue McIntyre Est, North Bay
Monument du Jour de deuil
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h 45
Ian Mizzi

Conseil du travail de North Simcoe, Muskoka et du district
Parc Tudhope, chemin Atherley, Orillia
Conférencier invité : Dan Janssen, vice-président, section locale 2323 de l’AIMTA
Samedi 27 avril à 11 h 30
Danny Taylor

Conseil du travail de Northumberland et du district
Parc Lucas Point, 94, rue Willmott, Cobourg
Dimanche 28 avril à 16 h
Dan Tobin

Conseil du travail d’Oakville et du district
Bibliothèque publique d’Oakville
120, rue Navy, Oakville
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h
Edie Strachan

Conseil du travail d’Orangeville et du district
Mât de drapeau en face de l’hôtel de ville d’Orangeville
87, Broadway, Orangeville
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h 15
Primrose Short

Ottawa – Syndicats canadiens des métiers de la construction
Cérémonie du Jour de deuil
Parc Major’s Hill, Ottawa
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Arlene Dunn

Conseil du travail d’Ottawa et du district
Parc Vincent Massey, Ottawa
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h 30
Sean McKenny

Conseil du travail de la région d’Oxford
Parc mémorial Dewan
Coin des rues Thames Sud et Charles Ouest, Ingersoll
Dimanche 28 avril à 13 h

Conseil du travail de la région de Peel
Monument sur les jalons syndicaux
8870, route McLaughlin, Brampton
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h

Conseil du travail de Peterborough et du district
Levée du drapeau : lecture de la proclamation
Hôtel de ville de Peterborough, 500, rue George Nord, Peterborough
Joignez-vous à nous pour la cérémonie, suivie d’un dîner au Black Horse Pub
Conférencières invitées : mairesse Diane Therrien, Natasha Luckhardt, productrice du documentaire « Widows of Asbestos »
Vendredi 26 avril à 11 h

Port Colborne – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
Au monument situé au parc H.H. Knoll, sur la
rue Sugarloaf à côté de l’hôpital, Port Colborne
Dimanche 28 avril à 13

Port Robinson – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
En mémoire de Robyn Lafleur, site d’explosion Esquire Canada (1999),
125, rue South Nord, Port Robinson
Dimanche 28 avril à 15 h

Conseil de travail de Quinte
Collecte de sang du Jour de deuil
Veuillez rendre hommage aux travailleurs tués ou blessés
au travail en donnant du sang la semaine du 28 avril

Conseil du travail de Renfrew et du district
Parc O’Brien, rue Arthur, Renfrew
Dimanche 28 avril à 13 h
Ben Treidlinger

Conseil du travail de Renfrew et du district
Marina de Pembroke, rue Albert, Pembroke
Dimanche 28 avril à 16 h

Conseil du travail de Sarnia et du district
Caserne de pompiers Clifford Hanson
240, rue East Nord, Sarnia
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Arlene Patterson

Conseil du travail de Sault Ste. Marie et du district
GFL Memorial Gardens, niveau de la glace
269, rue Queen Est, Sault Ste. Marie
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h 30
Michele McCleave Kennedy

St. Catharines – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
Au monument dédié aux travailleurs morts au canal Welland,
situé à l’écluse 3 de la promenade du canal Welland
(côté ouest du canal), St. Catharines
Dimanche 28 avril à 7 h 30

St. Catharines – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
Au monument dédié à quatre travailleurs morts,
sous le Skyway de St. Catharines.
Situé sur la promenade du Canal Welland, du côté ouest du canal,
sous le pont, St. Catharines
Dimanche 28 avril à 8 h

St. Catharines – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
Au monument situé à l’hôtel de ville de St. Catherines,
50, rue Church, St. Catharines
Dimanche 28 avril à 16 h

Conseil du travail de St. Thomas et du district
Parc Pinafore
95, rue Elm, St. Thomas
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h

Conseil du travail de Stratford et du district
Monument du Jour de deuil, parc Upper Queens
Promenade Queens Park, Stratford
Dimanche 28 avril à 13 h
Gary Goulding

Conseil du travail de Sudbury et du district
Auditorium, Édifice Fraser, Université Laurentienne
935 chemin du lac Ramsey, Sudbury
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Charlene Legacy

Conseil du travail de Thunder Bay et du district
Monument du Jour de deuil du conseil du travail
Club Finlandia, 314, rue Bay, Thunder Bay
Dimanche 28 avril à 13 h
Carlos Santander-Maturana

Conseil du travail de Timmins et du district
Café McIntyre, 200 rue McIntyre Est
Suivi d’une marche au monument commémoratif aux mineurs, Timmins
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h 45
J.P. Desilets

Conseil du travail de Toronto et de la région de York (CTTRY) – Woodbridge
Aréna Woodbridge Memorial
5020 Highway 7 (à l’avenue Islington), Woodbridge
Lundi 29 avril à 11 h

Conseil du travail de Toronto et de la région de York (CTTRY) – Toronto
Parc Larry Sefton (coin nord-est des rues Bay et Hagerman,
derrière l’hôtel de ville de Toronto), Toronto
Lundi 29 avril à 12 h

Conseil du travail régional de Waterloo
Monument aux travailleurs, parc Victoria
32, rue Dill, Kitchener
Conférenciers invités de la communauté et du milieu syndical
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h 30
Kelly Dick

Welland – Conseil du travail de la région de Niagara
Au monument situé au bord du canal dans le parc Merritt
151, rue King, Welland
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h

Conseil du travail de Windsor et du district
Salle paroissiale de l’église Saint Augustin
5145, rue Wyandotte Est (auparavant Saint Aidan’s à Westminster), Windsor
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h
Mike Jee

Région des Prairies


Conseil du travail de Winnipeg
Présentation à l’Assemblée législative, Winnipeg
Marche des dirigeants avec SWOT
Vendredi 26 avril Cérémonie : 10 h 30
Marche : 11 h 45 à 12 h 45
Stephanie Mack

Comité du travail de Thompson
Cérémonie commémorative à la salle des Métallos, Thompson
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h
Wayne Levac

Conseil du travail de Brandon et du district
Levée du drapeau à l’hôtel de ville, Brandon
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h
Kirk Carr


Conseil du travail de Saskatoon et du district
Dépôt d’une couronne suivi immédiatement par une cérémonie à la bougie.
Temple maçonnique, 1021, Saskatchewan Cr. Ouest, Saskatoon
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h
Kelly Harrington

Conseil du travail de Regina et du district
Hôtel de ville de Regina
2476, avenue Victoria, Regina
Dimanche 28 avril à 13 h
Shobna Radons

Conseil du travail de Weyburn et du district
Centre TC Douglas Calvary
400, 10th Avenue SE, Weyburn
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Wanda Bartlett

Conseil du travail de Moose Jaw et du district
Cairn du Jour de deuil, du côté sud du bâtiment, si la météo le permet.
Moose Jaw Union Centre, 1402, rue Caribou Ouest, Moose Jaw
En cas de mauvais temps, la cérémonie aura lieu à l’intérieur, à la même adresse.
Des rafraîchissements seront disponibles après la cérémonie.
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h
Stacey Landin


Conseil du travail de Calgary et du district
Cérémonie – Dépôt de couronne et service commémoratif
Mémorial de la ville de Calgary, des services de police et d’incendie
9e Avenue et Macleod Trail SE, Calgary
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Alex Shevalier

Conseil du travail d’Edmonton et du district (CTED)
Cérémonie – Dépôt de couronne, service commémoratif,
discours des chefs syndicaux à l’obélisque de familles brisées du CTED,
parc Grant Notley, 116 Street et 100 Ave NO, Edmonton
Dimanche 28 avril de 14 h à 16 h
Greg Mady

Conseil du travail de Red Deer et du district
Cérémonie et dépôt de couronne
Hôtel de ville, Red Deer
Dimanche 28 avril de 11 h à 11 h 30
Kyle Johnston

Conseil du travail de Wood Buffalo et du district
Cérémonie et dépôt de couronne :
Parc Howard Pew – Parc d’eau
Discours du maire de Fort McMurray et du président du CT
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h 45
Kyle Murphy

Conseil du travail de Yellowhead
Cérémonie et discours de chefs syndicaux
Centre d’information touristique de Hinton, salle 1
309, avenue Gregg, Hinton
Dimanche 28 avril à 14 h
Linda Travers

Région du Pacifique


Conseil du travail de Campbell River, de Courtenay et du districtParc Frank James,
S. Island Hwy, Campbell River
Dimanche 28 avril à 10 h 30
Andrea Craddock

Conseil du travail de Campbell River, de Courtenay et du district
Parc Simms Millennium, Courtenay
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Cindy Gaboury

Conseil du travail de Kootenay-est et du district
Parc Rotary, 100, 10th Avenue Sud, Cranbrook
Dimanche 28 avril à 13 h 30

Conseil du travail de Kootenay-est et du district
Rencontre au Centennial Square
Marche jusqu’au parc Titan Park (5 à 10 min. à pied), Sparwood
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h

Conseil du travail de Kamloops et du district
St. Andrews on the Square, Kamloops
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h.
Lois Rugg

Conseil du travail du centre-nord de la Colombie-Britannique
Statut commémorative aux travailleurs
Rue Patricia et rue Queensway, Prince George
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h

Conseil du travail de North Okanagan
Parc Ben Lee, Kelowna
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h
Ian Gordon

Conseil du travail de New Westminster et du district (CTNWD)
Parc Westminster Pier, New Westminster
Dimanche 28 avril de 11 h à 12 h
NWDLC Office:

Conseil du travail de South Okanagan-Boundary
Aréna McLaren, 1350, rue King, Penticton
Vendredi 26 avril à 11 h
Parrainé par la section locale 608 du SCFP

Conseil du travail de Sunshine Coast
Spirit Square à Seaside Center, Sechelt
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h
Ed Erickson

Comité du travail de Squamish et du district
Parc du Pavillon O’Siem , Squamish
Dimanche 28 avril à 11 h

Conseil du travail de Vancouver et du district (CTVD)
Centre des congrès Jack Poole Plaza
1075 Canada Place, Vancouver
Dimanche 28 avril de 10 h 30 à 11 h 30
Bureau du CTVD :

Conseil du travail de Victoria
Collège Camosun, Campus Lansdowne, Sud-est du bâtiment Paul
3100, chemin Foul Bay, Victoria
Vendredi 26 avril de 10 h 30 à 11 h 30

Conseil du travail de Kootenay-ouest
Parc Lakeside (plaques commémoratives à proximité du
comptoir de restauration), Nelson
Dimanche 28 avril à 12 h 15

Conseil du travail de Kootenay-ouest
Parc Kinsman, 910, rue 2, Castlegar
Dimanche 28 avril à 18 h

Canada: Day of Mourning Ceremonies 2019 | Canadian Labour Congress

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) has published a listing of the large number of International Workers’ Memorial Day events across Canada.

April 28 is the labour movement’s most solemn day. Every year, thousands of workers, friends and families of fallen workers gather at ceremonies across Canada to recognize the National Day of Mourning for workers killed or injured on the job. As we mourn for the dead, the Canadian Labour Congress continues to fight for the living.

Find an event near you: 

Atlantic Region


St. John’s and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Confederation Building
100 Prince Philip Drive, St. John’s
Sunday, April 28 at noon
Meghan Wade

Town of Gander
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Gander Town Hall
100 Elizabeth Drive
Sunday, April 28 at noon
Pearce Mullett

Central Newfoundland Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Grand Falls Workers’ Memorial, Grand Falls
Sunday, April 28 at noon
Kathy Oake

Corner Brook and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church
Mt. Bernard Avenue, Corner Brook
Sunday, April 28 at 2:30 p.m.
Gene Colbourne

Labrador West District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
United Steel Workers 5795 Hall
105 Hudson Drive, Labrador City
Sunday, April 28 at 4:00 p.m.
Fabian Benoit

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Federation of Labour
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Nova Scotia Legislative Assembly (“Province House”)
Hollis Street, Halifax
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Laying of wreaths.
Joan Wark

Cape Breton District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 128
850 Victoria Road, Whitney Pier
Sydney, Cape Breton
Sunday, April 28 at 11 a.m.
No wreaths, fresh flowers only.
Mark Muldoon

Annapolis Valley Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Workers Monument in Kentville Memorial Park
on Park St. (Main Street), Kentville
Reception to follow at Annapolis Valley Labour Council office
362 Main Street, Kentville
Sunday, April 28 at 3:00 p.m.
Laying of wreaths.
Wayne Kelley

South Shore Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Gather at 81 Dominion Street, in front of Bridgewater Fire Department,
walk to the Fireman’s Memorial
106 Victoria Road, Brookside Cemetery, moment of silence
No wreaths, fresh flowers only.
Light refreshments.
Sunday, April 28 at 1 p.m.
Dianne Frittenberg

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island Federation of Labour 
Day of Mourning Ceremony
St. Paul’s Anglican Church Hall
101 Prince Street, Charlottetown
Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Carl Pursey

New Brunswick

Bathurst and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Day of Mourning Monument near Sacred Heart Cathedral
Douglas Avenue, Bathurst
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
John Gagnon

Edmundston and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Park next to City Hall on the Canada Road, Edmundston
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Lorn Martin

Fredericton and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Fallen Firefighters’ Monument next to small Craft Aquatic Center
along the south banks of the Wolastoq (Saint John River), Fredericton
Sunday, April 28 at noon
Tyler McCready

Miramichi and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
River Front Park (Ledden Street) on the
North Shore of the Miramichi River, Miramichi
Sunday, April 28 at 3 p.m.
Ashely Underhill

Moncton and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Cenotaph in Bore Park, Moncton
Sunday, April 28 at 11:30 a.m.
Janice Melanson

Saint John and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Day of Mourning Monument
Frank & Ella Hatheway Center at Rockwood Park, Saint John
Sunday, April 28 at noon
George Vair

Ontario Region

Barrie & District Labour Council
Barrie City Hall, 70 Collier St., Barrie
Guest Speaker: Dan Janssen
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Anita Johnson-Ford

Brantford & District Labour Council
Fordview Park, Colborne Street W. Brantford
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Roxanne Bond

Chatham-Kent Labour Council
Day of Mourning monument on Grand Ave.,
across from Canadian Tire, Chatham
Reception to follow at United Way
425 McNaughton Ave., Chatham
Sunday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.
Linda Reaume
Home: 519-676-7803
Cell: 519-358-2647

Cornwall & District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Monument Site (west of Clock Tower)
Lamoureux Park, Cornwall
Friday, April 26 at 11:45 a.m.
Louise Lanctot

Durham Region Labour Council
Parkette at the SW corner of King and Centre Streets,
at the Fallen Workers’ Monument,
just north of the Oshawa City Hall, Oshawa
Reception afterwards – Location TBD
Sunday, April 28 at noon
Bill Stratton

Elliot Lake Day of Mourning Ceremony
Miners’ Memorial Monument
Hwy 108, Elliot Lake
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Sue Girard

Fort Erie – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument located at Fort Erie City Hall
1 Municipal Centre Drive, along Highway 3, Fort Erie
Sunday, April 28 at 11:45 a.m.

Grey-Bruce & District Labour Council
Bruce Power Corporate Centre, Building B10, Lobby,
177 Tie Rd., Kincardine /Tiverton
Guest Speakers: Local Community, Labour and Business Speakers
Monday, April 29 at 10:00 a.m.
Anna Morrison

Guelph & District Labour Council
Meet at City Hall at 10:30 am
March to Goldie Mill Park
Service at Goldie Mill Park at 11:00 am
Reception to follow at the Wooly Pub
Guest speakers from labour and the community.
Sunday, April 28 at 10:30 a.m.
Terry O’Connor
519-994 2474

Hamilton & District Labour Council
Council Chambers at City Hall
71 Main Street West, Hamilton
Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Anthony Marco

Huron & District Labour Council
Workers Monument, Gloucester Terrace,
across from the Historic Gaol, Goderich
Guest Speakers: Local Community and Labour Speakers.
Dedication of Plaques – Romeo LeBlanc and Captain Chris Morgan
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Jim Vance

Kapuskasing & District Labour Council
Riverside Park, Kapuskasing
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Bill Demontigny

Kenora & District Labour Council
Labour Council Day of Mourning Monument
Lake of the Woods Cemetery (East Gate), Kenora
Sunday, April 28 at noon
Donna Wiebe

Kingston & District Labour Council  
OPSEU Regional Office
824 John Counter Blvd., Kingston
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Jeremy Robins

Lanark & District Labour Council
Crystal Palace, 28 Drummond Street East, Perth
Sunday, April 28 at 12:30 p.m.
Herve Cavanagh

Lanark & District Labour Council
Next to Rideau Canal Museum
34 Beckwith Street S., Smiths Falls
Sunday, April 28 at 3:00 p.m.

Leeds and Grenville Labour Council
Brockville Museum, 5 Henry Street, Brockville
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
James Roy

Lindsay & District Labour Council
Victoria Park, 210 Kent St., Lindsay
Guest Speaker: Ahmad Gaied, Executive Vice-President, OFL
Sunday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.
James Mulhern
Cell: 705-934-0160

London & District Labour Council
380 Adelaide St. N., London
Sunday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.
Len Elliott

Niagara Falls – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument located at Niagara Falls City Hall
4310 Queen Street, Niagara Falls
Sunday, April 28 at 10:30 a.m.

Niagara-on-the-Lake – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument located at the Centennial Arena
1557 Four Mile Creek Road, Virgil
Sunday, April 28 at 9:15 a.m.

Niagara Region – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the Monument located at the Region of Niagara Headquarters
1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way, Niagara Region
Sunday, April 28 at 5:15 p.m.

North Bay & District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Monument, City Hall
200 McIntyre St. E., North Bay
Sunday, April 28 at 10:45 a.m.
Ian Mizzi

North Simcoe Muskoka & District Labour Council 
Tudhope Park, Atherley Rd., Orillia
Guest Speaker: Dan Janssen, Vice President, IAMAW Local 2323
Saturday, April 27 at 11:30 a.m.
Danny Taylor

Northumberland & District Labour Council
Lucas Point Park, 94 Willmott Street, Cobourg
Sunday, April 28 at 4:00 p.m.
Dan Tobin

Oakville & District Labour Council
Oakville Public Library, 120 Navy St., Oakville
Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Edie Strachan

Orangeville & District Labour Council
Flagpole in front of Orangeville Town Hall
87 Broadway, Orangeville
Sunday, April 28 at 12:15 p.m.
Primrose Short

Ottawa – Canadian Building Trades Unions  
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Major’s Hill Park, Ottawa
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Arlene Dunn

Ottawa & District Labour Council
Vincent Massey Park, Ottawa
Sunday, April 28 at 12:30 p.m.
Sean McKenny

Oxford Regional Labour Council
Dewan Park Memorial
Corner of Thames St. S. and Charles St. W., Ingersoll
Sunday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.

Peel Regional Labour Council
Milestone of Labour Monument
8870 McLaughlin Rd., Brampton
Sunday, April 28 at 10:00 a.m.

Peterborough & District Labour Council   
Flag Raising: Reading of Proclamation
Peterborough City Hall
500 George St. N., Peterborough
Join us for the ceremony, followed by lunch at the Black Horse Pub
Guest Speakers: Mayor Diane Therrien and Natasha Luckhardt, Producer, Widows of Asbestos
Friday, April 26 at 11:00 a.m.

Port Colborne – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the Monument located in H.H. Knoll Park,
on Sugarloaf Street, beside the hospital, Port Colborne
Sunday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.

Port Robinson – Niagara Regional Labour Council
In memory of Robyn Lafleur, Esquire Canada explosion site (1999)
125 South Street North, Port Robinson
Sunday, April 28 at 3:00 p.m.

Quinte Labour Council
Day of Mourning Blood Drive
Please honour workers killed or injured on the job by
donating blood the week of April 28th
ID #QUIN009012

Renfrew and District Labour Council
Renfrew’s O’Brien Park, Arthur Street, Renfrew
Sunday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.
Ben Treidlinger

Renfrew and District Labour Council  
Pembroke Marina, Albert Street, Pembroke
Sunday, April 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Sarnia & District Labour Council
Clifford Hanson Fire Station, 240 East St. N., Sarnia
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Arlene Patterson

Sault Ste. Marie & District Labour Council
GFL Memorial Gardens, Ice Level
269 Queen St. E., Sault Ste. Marie
Sunday, April 28 at 10:30 a.m.
Michele McCleave Kennedy

St. Catharines – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument dedicated to the
Fallen Welland Canal Workers,located at Lock 3 on the
Welland Canal Parkway – West side of the Canal, St. Catharines
Sunday, April 28 at 7:30 a.m.

St. Catharines – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument dedicated to four fallen workers,
under the St. Catharines Skyway.
Located on the Welland Canal Parkway,
west side of the canal, under the bridge, St. Catharines
Sunday, April 28 at 8:00 a.m.

St. Catharines – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the Monument located at St. Catharines City Hall
50 Church Street, St. Catharines
Sunday, April 28 at 4:00 p.m.

St. Thomas & District Labour Council
Pinafore Park, 95 Elm St., St. Thomas
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.

Stratford & District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Monument, Upper Queens Park
Queens Park Drive, Stratford
Sunday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.
Gary Goulding

Sudbury & District Labour Council
Auditorium, Fraser Building, Laurentian University
935 Ramsey Lake Rd., Sudbury
Sunday, April 28 at 10:00 a.m.
Charlene Legacy

Thunder Bay & District Labour Council
Labour Council Day of Mourning Monument, Finlandia Club
314 Bay St., Thunder Bay
Sunday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.
Carlos Santander-Maturana

Timmins & District Labour Council
McIntyre Coffee Shop, 200 McIntyre St. E.,
then march to Miners’ Memorial, Timmins
Sunday, April 28 at 10:45 a.m.
J.P. Desilets

Toronto & York Region Labour Council
Woodbridge Memorial Arena
5020 Highway #7 (at Islington), Woodbridge
Monday, April 29 at 11:00 a.m.

Toronto & York Region Labour Council
Larry Sefton Park, North-East corner of Bay and Hagerman Streets
(behind Toronto City Hall), Toronto
Monday, April 29 at noon

Waterloo Regional Labour Council
Workers’ Monument, Victoria Park, 32 Dill St., Kitchener
Guest Speakers: From Labour and the Community
Sunday, April 28 at 10:30 a.m.
Kelly Dick

Welland – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the Monument located beside the canal in Merritt Park
151 King Street, Welland
Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m.

Windsor District Labour Council
St. Augustine’s Church Hall, 5145 Wyandotte St. E.,
(formerly St. Aidan’s, Wyandotte at Westminster)
Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Mike Jee

Prairie Region


Winnipeg Labour Council
Presentation at the Legislative Building, Winnipeg
Leaders Walk with Safe Workers of Tomorrow (SWOT)
Friday, April 26
Ceremony at 10:30 a.m.
Walk from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Stephanie Mack

Thompson Labour Committee
USW Union Hall Ceremony, Thompson
Sunday, April 28, at 10:00 a.m.
Wayne Levac

Brandon and District Labour Council 
Flag Raising at City Hall, Brandon
Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Kirk Carr


Saskatoon District Labour Council    
A wreath laying immediately followed by candle lighting.
Masonic Temple, 1021 Saskatchewan Cr. West, Saskatoon
Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Kelly Harrington

Regina District Labour Council
Regina City Hall, 2476 Victoria Avenue, Regina
Sunday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m.
Shobna Radons

Weyburn and District Labour Council
T.C. Douglas Cavalry Centre
400 10th Avenue SE, Weyburn
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Wanda Bartlett

Moose Jaw and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Weather permitting ceremony at the Day of Mourning Cairn
on the south side of the building, Moose Jaw Union Centre
1402 Caribou St. W., Moose Jaw
In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will take place indoors
at the same address.
Refreshments will be available following the ceremony.
Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Stacey Landin


Calgary District Labour Council
Ceremony, wreath laying and memorial service
City of Calgary, Police and Fire Memorial
9th Ave & Macleod Trail SE., Calgary
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Alex Shevalier

Edmonton District Labour Council (EDLC)
Ceremony, wreath laying and speeches from labour leaders
Grant Notley Park, 116 Street and 100 Ave NW
in front of the EDLC Broken Families Obelisk.
Sunday, April 28 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Greg Mady

Red Deer and District Labour Council
Ceremony and wreath laying
Red Deer City Hall, Red Deer
Sunday, April 28 from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Kyle Johnston

Wood Buffalo and District Labour Council
Ceremony and wreath laying
Howard Pew Park – Waterways, Fort McMurray
Mayor and Labour Council President will be speaking
Sunday, April 28 at 10:45 a.m.
Kyle Murphy

Yellowhead Labour Council    
Ceremony and speeches from labour leaders
Hinton Visitor Information Centre, 309 Gregg Ave #1, Hinton
Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Linda Travers

Pacific Region

British Columbia

Campbell River, Courtenay & District Labour Council  
Frank James Park, S. Island Hwy., Campbell River
Sunday, April 28 at 10:30 a.m.
Andrea Craddock

Campbell River, Courtenay & District Labour Council   
Simms Millennium Park, Courtenay
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Cindy Gaboury

East Kootenay District Labour Council
Rotary Park, 100 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook
Sunday, April 28 at 1:30 p.m.

East Kootenay District Labour Council
Meet at Centennial Square March to Titan Park (5-10 min walk), Sparwood
Sunday, April 28 at noon

Kamloops & District Labour Council  
St Andrews on the Square, Kamloops
Sunday, April 28 at 6:00 p.m.
Lois Rugg

North Central Labour Council of British Columbia 
Workers’ Memorial Statue
Patricia Blvd. & Queensway St., Prince George
Sunday, April 28 at noon

North Okanagan Labour Council   
Ben Lee Park, Kelowna
Sunday, April 28 at noon
Ian Gordon

New Westminster & District Labour Council (NWDLC)   
Westminster Pier Park, New Westminster
Sunday, April 28 from 11:00 a.m. to noon
NWDLC Office

South Okanagan Boundary Labour Council
McLaren Arena, 1350 King Street, Penticton
Friday, April 26 at 11 a.m.
Sponsored by CUPE Local 608

Sunshine Coast Labour Council   
Spirit Square at Seaside Centre, Sechelt
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.
Ed Erickson

Squamish and District Labour Committee
O’Siem Pavilion Park, Squamish
Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m.

Vancouver & District Labour Council (VDLC)
Jack Poole Plaza, 1075 Canada Place, Vancouver
Sunday, April 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
VDLC Office

Victoria Labour Council  
Camosun College, Lansdowne Campus
SE of the Paul Building (3100 Foul Bay Rd.), Victoria
Friday, April 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

West Kootenay Labour Council
Lakeside Park (Memorial plaques near the concession stand), Nelson
Sunday, April 28 at 12:15 p.m.

West Kootenay Labour Council       
Kinsman Park, 910 2 Street, Castlegar
Sunday, April 28 at 6:00 p.m.


Canada: CUPE – posters, flags, bookmarks and other resources. Day of Mourning

CUPE’S National Health and Safety Committee first proposed the creation of a national Day of Mourning in 1984.

That idea came to fruition in 1991 when the federal government passed legislation to establish April 28th as the Day of Mourning. It has grown internationally as the World Day for Safety and Health at Work and is recognized in more than 120 countries around the world.

When they envisioned the day, the members of the committee wanted to remember lives lost in the workplace. But there was a broader point. The day was also supposed to remind all workers that we need to fight for the living and inspire us to prevent further tragedies.

On each Day of Mourning, CUPE honours the members who died on the job.

More details here

Day of Mourning canary
Day of Mourning poster

Global: Events map | 28 April – put your events on the map!

Our global events map for 28 April 2019 activities is taking shape.

Make sure we include details of trainings, protests, workplace activities or other events to mark the day.

See also country by country , resources and graphics .

Enough! International Trade Union Confederation Wants to End Dangerous Chemicals

Chemicals are everywhere. The global chemistry industry is expected to quadruple by 2060. However, exposure to hazardous toxic substances in the workplace already costs the lives of at least one million people each year. Sharan Burrow , General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), explains why a new trade union campaign is an essential step to end this slaughter.


¡Todos fuera! The Confederación Sindical Internacional (CSI) will take care of the productos químicos asesinos

Los productos químicos están en todas partes. Se prevé que la industria mundial se multiplique por cuatro para 2060. Las exposiciones a sustancias tóxicas en el lugar de trabajo se cobran al menos un millón de vidas cada año. Sharan Burrow, secretaria general de la Confederación Sindical Internacional (CSI), explica la trascendencia de una nueva campaña sindical para frenar esta carnicería química.


All out! Global union confederation ITUC wants to show killer chemicals the door

Chemicals are everywhere. The global industry is set to grow four-fold by 2060. But toxic workplace exposures are already claiming at least a million lives each year. Sharan Burrow , head of the global union confederation ITUC, spells out why a new trade union campaign is an essential step to stopping the chemical carnage.




South Asia: Multiple activities planned for International Workers’ Memorial Day

Building Wood Workers’ International (BWI) affiliates in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh have planned a wide range of activities to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day.  Those activities will  include workshops, roadshows, meetings, candlelight vigils, training, press events, seminars, silicosis screening a mega health camp and a human chain.


BMS In Gujarat one-day workshop on occupational health and safety will be held in association with the employer’s association and the Government along with a Road show on construction  workers safety and health issues on 28th April.

CFBWU Workers’ awareness meeting on occupational health and safety followed by a candlelight vigil.

INCWF Commemoration at the Lafarge Holcim plant in Chhattisgarh and 28 April commemoration at selected other cement plants across the country.

CLU Health and Safety Training Workshop for District-level and second line leadership in Patna, Bihar State.

AHBWU Mega Health Camp (focusing on stone quarry and construction workers) including screening for silicosis.

TKTMS Workers rally and press meeting in Dharampuri District, Tamil Nadu. Over 1,000 workers are expected to participate. Victims and affected families shall also share experiences at the press meeting.

MAMU Meeting with Workers on health and safety awareness in East Delhi.


ACEEU Awareness seminar on safety practices and possible hazards at worksites for construction workers in cooperation with selected employers.

PFBWW Occupational health and safety awareness for union members and local union leadership of the Tarbela T4 project.


NAC Unions are planning specific site level actions with  details to follow.


BBWWF Workers’ rally and occupational health and safety awareness in Dhaka (including Metro workers) and the Khulna Districts.

BSBWWF Human chain in front of Dhaka Press Club followed by a press meeting on occupational health and safety.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living