Tag Archives: BWI

Global: BWI Call to Action: 2023 International Workers’ Memorial Day

International Workers’ Memorial Day 2023 is annually observed on April 28. This year, BWI will highlight ways to put the right to safe and healthy workplaces into practice through the theme “MAKE IT HAPPEN.” This is an effort to celebrate and raise awareness on occupational health and safety (OHS) as a basic right.

Trade unions worldwide will carry out joint activities with employers and/or organise rallies to promote the implementation of OHS as a fundamental worker right. Activities will take place the whole week covering 24-30 April.

On 10 June 2022, the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted a resolution to add the principle of a safe and healthy working environment to the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. With this groundbreaking development, Occupational Health and Safety is now secured as ILO’s fifth Fundamental Principle and Right at Work.




However, the time for celebration is over; we now shift our campaign to its full implementation. All workers worldwide must become conscious of this landmark agreement, and together, we will call on every government and employer to deliver a healthy and safe work environment.

445 joint declarations covering 480,000 workplaces and 18 million workers worldwide were signed by trade unions and employers calling for the recognition of OHS as a fundamental right leading to its adoption before the ILO. We will now go back to each and every employer who signed the joint OHS declarations and ask them to implement OHS as a right and MAKE IT HAPPEN. We do this by:

  1. Holding joint safety and health trainings at worksites.
  2. Conduct joint safety and health worksite visits/inspections.
  3. Hold candlelight activities and other commemorative events to honour all workers who lost their lives and/or were injured in the performance of their work.

For affiliates with uncooperative employers, we call on them to hold mass rallies and demonstrations in front of companies to protest their unsafe working conditions and poor safety records.

BWI regional offices will assist affiliates in carrying out one or more of joint activities with employer signatories, document their activities and distribute knowledge material and information posters.

Please share your plans with your respective regional coordinators.

We will include them on our dedicated website www.28april.org where various materials, activities and events are shared.

During BWI’s Week of Action, document your activities by:

  1. Taking photos and videos of your activities. Please dowload and promote our campaign posters online and offline.
  2. Issuing press releases and other media publications.
  3. Spreading our activities through social media using the hashtag:  #IWMD2023

Lastly, share all your content with your respective regional BWI communication teams.



Global: IWMD 2022 – 105 BWI affiliates in 50 countries call to recognise OHS as a fundamental right

To commemorate this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day, BWI-affiliated trade unions once again raised their voices to persuade the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to recognise health and safety as a fundamental right.

Through meetings with workers, nationwide tours on occupational health and safety (OHS), press conferences, OHS training workshops and social media use for campaigning, 105 BWI-affiliated unions from 50 countries took part in the global union’s month-long IWMD campaign.

Some of the highlights of BWI affiliates’ various IWMD actions worldwide were:

  • The action by the Belgian affiliate ACV where more than 1,000 ACV activists and staff members visited nearly 15,000 industry workers in the spread of more than 2,000 sites. The trade union took advantage of the opportunity to give workers good advice on health and safety.
  • In South Korea, KFCITU opened a union hotline for the reporting of dangerous work, and held various rallies to support disclosure of serious accidents and occupational diseases. It also held a memorial ceremony on the second anniversary of the Han Express Accident (29 April)
  • In Montenegro, the Association of Occupational Safety and Health of Montenegro awarded Nenad Markovic, President of the Trade Union of Construction and Industry of Building Materials of Montenegro (SGIGMCG), for his union’s exemplary contribution to the promotion of occupational health and safety.
  • In Zimbabwe, the affiliates CLAWUZ, ZCATWU and GAPWUZ organised an Occupational Safety and Health Workshop on IWMD. During the workshop, participants shared their OHS experiences, discussed the key principles and aims of OHS, and highlighted the various types of occupational hazards.
  • In Brazil, BWI affiliates, together with other trade unions and government organizations, launched a book titled “Rosca sem Fim: Basta de mortes, acidentes e doenças do trabalho.”
  • BWI’s youth affiliates celebrated IWMD 2022 by once again carrying the theme “life before profit.” This was led by young trade unionists from FILCA CSIL (Italy), SERBUK (Indonesia), CMWEU (Mauritius), FOCRA (Argentina), STICC POA (Brasil) and INTERGREMIAL (Colombia), among many others. The youth section of BYGGNADS released a video commemorating the 44 workers who lost their lives in 2021 to work-related accidents. Meanwhile, an OHS exhibit was mounted by CMWEU young unionists in Mauritius near a monument in Rose Hill to honour of workers.

Labour inspections and workplace sensitisation activities were also held at construction projects in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Turkey, Tajikistan, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, El Salvador, Brazil and Argentina to ensure safety, hygiene and health measures are taken at worksites.

The big presence of BWI affiliates on conventional and social media is also worth mentioning. Such presence ensured BWI’s messages were conveyed far and wide and further stressed the importance of this year’s International Labour Conference (ILC) to declare OSH as a fundamental right.

To cap the campaign, BWI recognised the achievement of its affiliates in gathering signed joint OHS declarations with different construction, building materials and wood companies and employers’ associations. In total, over 450 OHS declarations have now been signed covering over 483,000 employers, and 18 million workers.

Source: BWI 

Congo: FNTBB workers commemorate 28 April in Kinshasa

Democratic Republic of Congo: The National Building and Wood Workers federation (FNTBB) of the UNTC commemorated the International Day of Commemoration of Workers on April 28, 2022 in Kinshasa. #iwmd22

Tanzania: TUICO marks 28 April demanding employers make safety the priority

The Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers (TUICO) joins BWI in marking this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day

TUICO is correct. Workers don’t die at work because of unexplained illnesses, and/or tragic, freak accidents. Workers are killed because employers and governments think less of their health and safety.

No less than recognising workplace health and safety as a fundamental right of all workers will enable trade unions to fully turn the tide against work-related fatal accidents and ailments. #IWMD2022

Brazil: STI Chemistry ABC gathers action this April 28

The union organized the protest in front of the Megachemical company, in Mauá on April 28. An explosion that occurred at the company killed the worker Jose Antônio Batista and left another with burns.
The syndicate has requested strict prosecution from the Ministry of work and the Public Ministry since the company will not accept to hold a meeting with the entity to discuss the conditions of work on site.
Now more than ever: The work Shouldn’t Kill! #IWMD22

Austria: GBH 28 April message – Heute heißt es: Den Toten gedenken, für die Lebenden kämpfen!

Heute heißt es: Den Toten gedenken, für die Lebenden kämpfen! Continue reading Austria: GBH 28 April message – Heute heißt es: Den Toten gedenken, für die Lebenden kämpfen!

Nepal/Bangladesh: Workers demand recognition of the right to safe and healthy work

BWI Affiliates in Nepal and Bangladesh demand the recognition of occupational health and safety as a fundamental right of workers. #IWMD2022

Philippines: Building workers protest low paid, unsafe work on 28 April



The National Union of Building and Construction Workers (NUBCW) commemorated the International Workers Memorial Day 2022 last 24 April 2022 in Quezon City, Philippines. In attendance are NUBCW local members from Evergreen Mfg Corp. Regular project-based Employees Union (EMCRPEU), Women Welders Guild (WWG), and Association of Women Workers in the Construction Industry (AWWCI). NUBCW Secretary General, Santiago Nolla, lead the discussion on the current status of Filipino workers, and the Occupational Health and Safety laws in the Philippines. The members also echoed their concerns that most workers in the Philippines are underpaid yet the work is hard and dangerous. Women workers see that discrimination and harassment are still rampant, especially in the construction industry, that is why mainstreaming women in the construction industry plays an important role in eradicating this problem. #iwmd22

Uganda: Building workers’ union describes the terrible loss of life on Ugandan construction sites

Continue reading Uganda: Building workers’ union describes the terrible loss of life on Ugandan construction sites

Turkey: Unions condemn the high rate of workers’ deaths

BWI Turkish affiliates AGAC-IS, CIMSE-IS, ORMAN-IS and TARIM ORMAN-IS under the umbrella of YOL-IS marked the International Workers’ Memorial Day by gathering and issuing a statement to condemn the high rate of workers’ deaths especially in BWI industries.
The statement noted that “After a strong union struggle, it has been a decade since an independent OHS law came into force in Turkey. However, OHS measures at the implementation level remains as a very problematic topic as in 2021, 2,170 workers died in Turkey as a result of work accidents. One-fifth of the deaths occurred in the construction industry. It is also noteworthy that children and migrants are among those who lost their lives.
The Turkish Union of Road Construction and Building Workers – YOL-IS organized this year’s commemoration event with the participation of BWI affiliated unions from the woodworking, forestry and building materials industries on April 28, in order to draw the public attention to high level of worker deaths and to demand healthy, safe and decent working conditions for all.
The demands are clear: In order not to cause new occupational murders, a mentality change should be made in OHS, and the understanding of “human and worker safety first” should be adopted. ILO Conventions on health and safety should be brought into national legislation in accordance with their spirit, in order for the OHS laws to be fully implemented and the legal basis for the field to be provided precisely. Obstacles to trade union rights and organizing should be removed. Subcontracting should be abolished. OHS committees established in workplaces should be organized as democratic structures, and those should be given sanction authority. The number of labor inspectors should be increased and workplace inspections should be effective. April 28 should be officially recognized and announced as the day of mourning and remembrance.