All posts by Jawad

Belgium: ACV blijft ijveren voor preventie psychosociale risico’s op het werk

Het ACV is bezig met een grondige evaluatie van de wetgeving ronde de preventie van psychosociale risico’s (PSR) op het werk. Er werd een bevraging gedaan bij militanten, secretarissen die ondernemingen opvolgen en juristen. Die meldden heel wat problemen met de wetgeving en de toepassing ervan in de ondernemingen. Zij schoven ook veel ideeën naar voor om de preventie van PSR op het werk te verbeteren.

Ter gelegenheid van de jaarlijkse ‘Werelddag voor veiligheid en gezondheid op het werk’ op 28 april zal het ACV zijn voorstellen bekendmaken om werknemers die blootstaan aan stress, pesterijen of geweld op het werk beter te beschermen.

Er zullen ook acties zijn, vooral virtuele gezien de huidige coronapandemie. De fysieke acties die plaatsvinden worden georganiseerd met inachtname van alle COVID-19-maatregelen. We geven je een voorproefje van de geplande acties.

Symbolische actie op Brusselse Vismarkt

Op woensdag 28 april organiseert het ACV een symbolische actie op de Vismarkt in Brussel, waarop de pers wordt uitgenodigd en we onze voorstellen en ons eisenplatform bekend maken. Wat die symbolische actie zal zijn verklappen we nog niet; dat ze zal opvallen garanderen we.


In heel het land organiseren de verbonden webinars voor militanten. Met aandacht voor de ACV-eisen en -voorstellen om de wetgeving over de preventie van psychosociale risico’s te verbeteren en tips over hoe je in je onderneming een actie kan organiseren rond die PSR. De meeste webinars vinden plaats op 28 april zelf. In Limburg doen ze het een dag vroeger, op 27 april om 19 u. Wil je een webinar volgen, neem contact op met je verbond.

Regionale acties

Op 28 april zijn ook regionale acties gepland:

  • ACV Vlaams-Brabant zet een actie op rond het thema ‘Onze batterijen zijn leeg’
  • ACV Provincie Antwerpen stelt een kortfilm voor, die verspreid wordt via de sociale media, en organiseert een fysieke actie op de Groenplaats in Antwerpen.
  • ACV Limburg doet ‘s morgens een actie naar kmo’s en organiseert de actie ‘Share the world’.

Meer info binnenkort op  In de volgende Vakbeweging (nr.842) zal je ook een dossier rond psychosociale risico’s vinden.


Panama: SUNTRACS joins Campaign for Global Alliance for Health and Safety at Work

Panama SUNTRACS joins Campaign for Global Alliance for Health and Safety at Work.
As of April 16, 2021, SUNTRACS has managed to collect 20 Declarations already signed with 20 different construction companies across Panama.
Together we recognize Health and Safety as a fundamental right. Let’s go! #SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD21


El SUNTRACS de Panamá se une a la Campaña por la Alianza…

Posted by BWI Global Union on Friday, 16 April 2021

Belgium: CSC will focus on psychosocial hazards for 28 April

ACV-CSC is planning an action on the 28th of April to put the spotlight on the psycho-social risks at work and highlight their proposals for  better prevention of psycho-social risks.

The action will take at the “Place du Marché aux poisons”, in the centre of Brussels.

In the street theatre action, tight rope walkers will try to keep their balance while carrying weights that represent psycho-social burdens. The tightrope stands symbolically for the tight rope workers are walking when trying to balance work and life.  Workers may fall from the rope as a consequence of psychosocially overburdening.

There will also be a  number of  webinars in CSC Federations on 28 April in Wallonia and Flanders.

Also see:
ACV blijft ijveren voor preventie psychosociale risico’s op het werk

Further details: Karin Debroey,  ACV-CSC

Scotland: Workers’ Memorial Day action in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Trade Union Council and Scottish Hazards are organising a Covid-safe wreath laying event at the Princes Street Memorial Tree. An online commemoration will be held 11am to Noon.

Further details: Scottish Hazards 

Africa: ITUC speaker at 28 April Africa event

OSH Africa: 28 April 2021 event, 10.30 (WAT). Speakers include: Odidie Joel, Deputy General Secretary, International Trade Union Congress (ITUC) Africa

Register for the event here

ITUC Africa webpages


Spain: USO España – Campaña 28 de Abril “Nuestra prioridad, tu salud mental”

Te adjunto la campaña que desde la Unión Sindical Obrera de España, hemos realizado con motivo del 28 de Abril, Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo. Este año, teniendo en cuenta que debido a la pandemia del COVID-19, se están agravando los problemas de salud mental, hemos dedicado la campaña a los riesgos psicosociales y los daños y dolencias que producen en la salud mental, así como la falta de reconocimiento de su origen laboral.

Los materiales de la campaña on line son:

Dipticio en formato Preguntas Frecuentes sobre delegados de Prevención y los riesgos Psicosociales ante el Covid-19.

Para apoyar la campaña hemos lanzado el Prevencotic 500mg (la imagen de la campaña) , prevención en sobres. Una caja que simula un medicamento pero que contiene fichas de medidas de PRL ante el aumento de los riesgos y daños psicosociales en la pandemia.

Recibe un cordial saludo

Sindicato USO


Croatia: UATUC 28 April activities to focus on workplace mental health in the Covid-19 pandemic

UATUC is organizing an online conference on mental health in the workplace, focusing on the effects of pandemics on workers. The conference entitled „Mental health in the workplace: how has the pandemic affected workers?“ will be organized on the eve of IWMD, on 27th April, in an online form, via zoom, starting at 3 pm.

The conference will gather trade unionists – leaders, experts, shop stewards and OSH representatives, OSH experts, mental health experts and practitioners, representatives of the authorities and workers.

We will present the results of our online survery on the impact of pandemics on workers, measures taken by employers and trade unions; the survey would, among other, help us adjust our activities and advocacy in the field of OSH, in particular mental health.

The conference will also host professors from the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, who will present their survey and discuss the topics of stigmatization and discrimination.

Together with the representatives of authorities, we will discuss the state of affairs and trends in OSH and mental health, and our demands vis-a-vis the mental health strategy still not adopted in Croatia.

The conference will serve also as a platform to present our demands in the field of OSH, including the demand for OSH to be recognized as a fundamental right.

For those of you who understand and speak Croatian, you can register via the link, and/or follow the discussion live-streamed on our Facebook pages ( and

For your information, we have also developed a dedicated website to inform workers (not only TU members) of their rights, including their rights in the context of the pandemic, as well as mental health advice:

If you need additional information, contact Dijana Šobota.



USA: 28 April resources, listing and further information from AFL-CIO


This Workers Memorial Day, April 28, is just around the corner. As workers continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic in their workplaces every day, the labor movement will commemorate those we have lost on the job and call to renew the promise of a safe job for every worker and fight for stronger safety and health protections. This year’s theme is “Renew the Promise. Safe Jobs for All.”

Attached is AFL-CIO President Trumka’s letter, launching Workers Memorial Day 2021 and the AFL-CIO’s campaign for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. Also attached are English and Spanish versions of this year’s flier.

Please join us this April 28 to honor the victims of workplace injury and illness and to keep on fighting for the promise of safe jobs for all workers. As we do every year, trade unionists around the country and globe will organize our communities and workplaces to observe Workers Memorial Day. We will highlight the toll of job injuries and deaths; demand that elected officials put workers’ well-being above corporate interests; and demand safe jobs for all. This year, and every year, we will make it clear that the labor movement will defend the right of every worker to a safe job and fight until that promise is fulfilled. 

Please use the resources below when planning for this year’s Workers Memorial Day and reach out to us with any questions, concerns, comments along the way.

Materials and Artwork:
Please scroll down our Workers Memorial Day home page to view this year’s materials and artwork:

This year, we resumed the printing and shipping of orders from our building. You can place an order for materials on our website here:

Workers Memorial Day Events:

Planning your events and commemorations will continue to be different this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please consider virtual events, actions, activities and observances with suggestions in our flier. If gathering in person, please follow CDC’s guidelines on organizing large events and gatherings.

We want to hear about your Workers Memorial Day plans! Please share your event with us here so others can view and we can include it on our map.

More Materials Coming Soon:
Soon, we will be distributing more materials to help you plan your commemorations and advocacy efforts. These include talking points, sample materials for media outreach, worker safety and health facts, state-by-state safety and health data, fact sheets on safer workplaces through the PRO Act and the recently introduced workplace violence legislation, COVID-19 facts, digital resources, infographics and other information.

How to reach out to us about Workers Memorial Day: or 202-637-5305

Hashtags you can use to build solidarity online around Workers Memorial Day and the PRO Act:
#IWMD2021 #WMD2021 #1uSafety #PROAct

UK: Workers’ Memorial Day, one month to go


Dear colleagues,

In four weeks’ time, our movement will observe International Workers’ Memorial Day. Every year, it is an opportunity to remember all workers who have lost their lives to work due to health and safety failures causing fatal injury or illness. We come together to renew our fight for safer work and stronger unions.

You can find the TUC’s brand new #IWMD21 page here: to tweet or share to Facebook.

You can now:

Register for the TUC national zoom call with Frances, Sharan Burrows (ITUC) and more.

➜ Search for your local Memorial Day event or add your own

Download posters and graphics to print off or share online

…and find lots of other ways to get involved here.

Keep an eye on the page as more resources get added in the weeks leading up to 28 April.

In solidarity,


Shelly Asquith
Health and Safety Policy Officer
Trades Union Congress

Global: Occupational health and safety: Progress at the ILO

ITUC Online, 30 March 2021

A significant step towards making occupational health and safety a fundamental workers’ right has been taken at the International Labour Organization (ILO) Governing Body.

At its meeting last week, governments overwhelmingly supported worker members of the Governing Body to move ahead with the process and it is expected that the decision will be formalised at the ILO Conference in 2022.

Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, said: “We would like to have seen this year’s ILO Conference add health and safety to the list of fundamental rights, but we appreciate the support of governments for it to happen next year. This will mean greater accountability for governments and business for saving lives at work.

“It is all the more important given the terrible toll of the COVID-19 pandemic. Safe workplaces mean greater safety for workers and for the public as well. Clear evidence is emerging around the world that most Covid outbreaks are occurring in workplaces, including schools.”

She noted designation of occupational health and safety as a Fundamental Right at Work (FRAW) was the theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April this year. “We will keep up the pressure, on International Workers’ Memorial Day and beyond,” she said.

Other important developments at the Governing Body meeting included agreement that the ILO will develop a Biological Hazards Convention.

ITUC Online, 30 March 2021