28 April, USA: Workers Memorial Day 2021 -AFL-CIO resources

Additional Workers’ Memorial Day materials and resources from US national union federation AFL-CIO, to use when planning events (statistics, sample press materials, sample proclamations/ resolutions, etc.).


AFL-CIO’s campaign for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

Workers Memorial Day home page to view this year’s materials and artwork: http://aflcio.org/workersmemorialday

Hashtags you can use to build solidarity online around Workers Memorial Day and the PRO Act:
#IWMD2021 #WMD2021 #1uSafety #PROAct

Britain: Workers’ Memorial Day – updated TUC Resources

International Workers’ Memorial Day on Wednesday 28 April #IWMD21

The TUC has produced some new resources to help reps and activists mark the day, reminding everyone why safety at work is so important.

You can find all events, info and resources here: www.tuc.org.uk/wmd
Click to tweet or share to Facebook.

Here are 5 ways to get involved with Workers’ Memorial Day:

  1. Register for the TUC national zoom with special guest speakers
  2. Check out the historical timeline of workplace tragedies and the fight for safer work
  3. Visit the online memorial and pay tribute to a worker who lost their life
  4. Search for your local Memorial Day event or add your own
  5. Download posters and graphics to print off or share online

Want more? Find further ideas here.

Indonesia: Global alliance for health and safe workplaces

SERBUK-affiliated PT BMJ Workers Union and the management of PT Bukit Muria Jaya (BMJ) jointly signed a declaration recognising the need for healthy and safe workplaces. It is the first declaration signed in the Asian region since BWI started the campaign as part of this year’s commemoration of International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April.

BMJ produces paper for cigarettes. It is a subsidiary of PT Djarum, the largest cigarette producer in Indonesia behind the brand DJARUM. PT Djarum is in the process of entering the forestry industry. #SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD21


SERBUK-affiliated PT BMJ Workers Union and the management of…

Posted by BWI Global Union on Monday, 19 April 2021

Netherlands: 50 jaar Workers’ Memorial Day – FNV

Op woensdag 28 april organiseert de FNV samen met Bureau Beroepsziekten FNV en de Stichting Arbeidsongevallen een symposium op Workers’ Memorial Day. Jaarlijks komen in Nederland meer dan 4000 mensen om als gevolg van een arbeidsongeval of beroepsziekte. Dit zijn er veel te veel.
FNV webpages

Poland: Przewiduj, przygotuj się i reaguj na kryzysy POSTAW NA BHP

Uprzejmie informuję, że tegorocznym hasłem obchodów Światowego Dnia Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy będzie:
Przewiduj, przygotuj się i reaguj na kryzysy

W wersji oryginalnej (angielskiej):
Anticipate, prepare and respond to the crises

Poprzez wybraną tematykę Międzynarodowa Organizacja Pracy (MOP) nawołuje do budowania rezylientnych (niezawodnych i odpornych) systemów bhp, czerpiąc z doświadczeń związanych z pandemią COVID-19 i jej ogromnego wpływu na niemal każdy aspekt świata pracy. Podjęta tematyka Dnia ma na celu podniesienie świadomości na temat potrzeby budowania takiego systemu bhp, który zapewni pracownikom bezpieczeństwo i ochronę zdrowia, a przedsiębiorstwom ciągłość biznesową i wsparcie – umożliwiając odbudowanie siły po czasie kryzysu i sprostanie nieprzewidzianym wyzwaniom oraz ewentualnym nowym kryzysom w przyszłości.

Jesteśmy w trakcie przygotowywania materiałów dotyczących tematyki Dnia, które zamieścimy na stronie internetowej w portalu CIOP-PIB. Jak tylko zostaną opublikowane, poinformuję Państwa o tym mailowo.Z pozdrowieniami,
Dorota Pięta

Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Ośrodek Promocji i Wdrażania
ul. Czerniakowska 16
00-701 Warszawa



Global: ITUC/Hazards 28 April fundamental factfile

Why must safety be fundamental? Because our jobs are killing us. The Covid-19 pandemic didn’t cause a workplace occupational health crisis; it exposed it. Millions are suffering and dying each year as a price for doing their job. Covid-19 added to this toll.

Find out the deadly truth with the ITUC/Hazards 28 April fundamental factfile.


Global: IT’S FUNDAMENTAL | Making work safety an ILO Fundamental Right at Work – Hazards magazine

An ILO Governing Body decision on 23 March 2021 was  a ‘significant step’ towards making occupational health and safety a fundamental workers’ right, global union confederation ITUC has said.  The  influential committee comprised of government, employer and union delegates overwhelmingly supported a call from worker members to move ahead with the process. It is expected that the decision will be formalised at the ILO Conference in 2022. The net.

The next step in the campaign is International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April 2021, when ITUC says “unions can send a message that health and safety protection at work must be recognised as a right for all. Whether it is Covid or occupational cancers, or workplace injuries and industrial diseases, every worker should have a right to a voice and a right to protection. No-one should have to die to make a living.”

According to ITUC general secretary Sharan Burrow: “We will keep up the pressure, on International Workers’ Memorial Day and beyond.” The union-driven move was supported by occupational medicine organisations the Collegium Ramazzini and the Society of Occupational Medicine and leading workplace safety bodies the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH). Unions had success at the ILO Governing Body meeting with another health and safety priority, striking an agreement that a Biological Hazards Convention will follow after occupational health and safety in ILO’s ruling making priorities.

It’s Fundamental: Making work safety an ILO Fundamental Right at Work – Hazards magazine, April 2021

USA: Multiple events events to mark 28 April – USMWF

Workers’ Memorial Day is just around the corner and USMWF is hosting multiple events to honor and recognize across the United States.  We would like to invite you to join USMWF at any of our events.

Sunday. APRIL 25, 2021 at 7pm cst (8pm est): USMWF’s Second Virtual National Workers’ Memorial Day Ceremony via USMWF’s Facebook;

Wednesday, APRIL 28, 2021 at 9:00am-4:00pm cst (10:00am-5:00pm est):  USMWF’s Strive for Safety Workers’ Memorial Day Awareness Conference-Virtual;

Wednesday, APRIL 28, 2021 at 8:00 pm cst. (7pm est): USMWF’s Kentucky Workers’ Memorial Day Ceremony.  This event will be held virtually at our USMWF Kentucky Facebook;

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 7:00pm cst: USMWF’s Nebraska Workers’ Memorial Day Ceremony.  This event will be held in person at the Nebraska State Capitol (northsteps) at 1445 K St, Lincoln, NE 68508;

As we come together as one nation to remember the men and women that worked every day building and developing our nation to what it is today and what it will be in our future and ultimately lost their lives due to work related incidents, illnesses or diseases.  Going to work should not be a grave mistake and yet thousands of lives are lost each year leaving family member victims behind to deal with the everlasting devastation and grief.  We come together as one on this day to recognize the amazing workers that will have a everlasting footprint on our nation.

Continue to check back as more details become available regarding our upcoming events.

Ireland: International Workers’ Memorial Day April 28th Ireland 2021

Congress has adopted the ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation) slogan for this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day which is “Workplace health and safety – it’s your right”.

There will be a commemorative wreath-laying event to remember all those who have been killed, injured, or made ill at work. The event is also to highlight safety in the workplace.

An online event and ceremony will be broadcast on social media at noon on Wednesday, April 28th.

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has taken the lead for many years, with support since 2015, from the HSA, Ibec, CIF, and the Government, in marking Worker’s Memorial Day.


UK: #IWMD21 Workers’ Memorial Day, a timeline – TUC

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living