Tag Archives: 28 april

Australia: Unions call for compulsory Mental Health Code of Practice

Queensland Unions are calling for an enforceable mental health code of practice for all Queensland workplaces as communities confront challenges from the psychosocial hazards at work compounded by the psychological impact of coronavirus and bushfires.

This year’s Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April will focus on ensuring private and public sector workplaces acknowledge that they play a crucial role in the mental health of workers and their communities.

Workers Memorial Day in 2020 will be observed online, with a Facebook service at www.facebook.com/QueenslandUnions with prayers and messages of remembrance.

Queensland Council of Unions General Secretary Michael Clifford said the mental health impacts of coronavirus and associated work pressures, as well as the bushfire season, is already leading to heightened anxiety and concern among workers, many of whom are particularly worried about their ongoing employment security.

“A mental health code of practice is as important as any specific industry code, like managing risks of falls from heights, working in confined spaces, or manual handling tasks.

“A code of practice will reinforce to employers their current duty of care to ensure psychological health under the Work Health and Safety Act in Queensland and provide important guidance on how to eliminate or minimise the risk of psychosocial hazards.

“Managing psychosocial hazards like client abuse or workload anxiety is just as important as managing physical hazards like falls from heights,” he said.

Research by mental health support service Beyond Blue says one in five Australians (21%) have taken time off work in the past 12 months because they felt stressed, anxious, depressed or mentally unhealthy.

Mr Clifford said mental ill-health also hurt employers, with a KPMG report in 2018 finding mental ill-health in the workplace costs an average of $3,200 per employee with mental illness, and up to $5,600 for employees with severe mental illness.

Suicide is also the leading cause of death for Australians between 15 and 44 years of age.

Mr Clifford said there was an increased focus on psychosocial issues in workplaces.

For example, in some FIFO workplaces extended shifts are generating added stresses to workers and their families through social isolation and lack of support.

“Employers making changes to rosters and work practices can needlessly elevate stress and anxiety among workers, and also increase the risk of physical injury.”

Other workers are facing increased customer aggression within the COVID-19 environment escalating stress and anxiety levels for many frontline staff.

“It’s been a difficult year already in Queensland and Australia,” he said, “with loss of life and property experienced in the bushfires and now workers across many industries risking their health and safety to keep their communities safe and supplied.”

Last year 168 Australians were killed at work, and as at 17 April this year, 52 workplace fatalities have been recorded across the nation.

“Unions have always fought for stronger health and safety laws to make workplaces safer for workers and the public,” he said.

“Unions successfully called for industrial manslaughter laws in Queensland so that dodgy bosses go to jail if a worker dies in an unsafe workplace.

“There was a successful prosecution this year after a worker died in a forklift accident in Brisbane.

“With so many people experiencing rises in mental health illnesses such as anxiety from their work, a mental health code of practice will be just as important to ensure stronger workplace safety laws,” he said.


Global: Workers around the world send their 28 April messages [Video]

Italy: Cgil, Cisl and Uil say health and safety – and therefore prevention- as a right of all

The national secretaries of Cgil, Cisl and Uil Rossana Dettori, Angelo Colombini and Silvana Roseto remember on this April 28 #iwmd20 that “The first of the values of work and the essential condition for which it can fully deploy its potential is health and safety – and therefore prevention- as a right of all”. https://bit.ly/2WajOUG

Somalia: Workers in urgent need of protection from unsafe working conditions and infectious disease – FESTU

#Somali workers in urgent need of protection from unsafe working conditions and infectious disease #Somalia #IWMD20 #StopthePandemicAtWork https://www.festu.org/somali-workers-in-urgent-need-of-protection-from-unsafe-working-conditions-and-infectious-disease/ … @TheVillaSomalia

North Macedonia: 28 April information from SSM

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia #iwmd20
On the occasion of the celebration of April 28, International Workers’ Memorial Day, we are sending you information regarding SSM’s activites.
Stay safe!
In solidarity,
Сојуз на синдикатите на Македонија
Бул. 12та Македонска Бригада 2а,
1000 Скопје, Македонија
тел. +389 2 3161 374


The Netherlands: Teken de petitie voor de erkenning van COVID-19 als beroepsziekte voor alle essentiële sectoren | Algemene Centrale – ABVV

De huidige gezondheidscrisis heeft de vraag opgeworpen of COVID-19 in bepaalde gevallen als beroepsziekte kan worden erkend. Het standpunt van de Algemene Centrale – ABVV is duidelijk: COVID-19 moet als beroepsziekte worden erkend voor alle “essentiële” sectoren. Ben je het met ons eens? Onderteken onze petitie en steun onze oproep! 



Finland: Tänään on päivä, jolloin huomio pitää kiinnittää kaikkien palkansaajien työsuojeluun ja

Finland: Today is a day when attention must be paid to the occupational safety and health of all employees, especially now #coronavirus#covid19 collision. Today we remember employees who have died from accidents at work or work-related illnesses #IWMD20


France: La sécurité et la santé au travail peuvent sauver des vies – CFDT

@CFDTsantesoc “la sécurité et la santé au travail peuvent sauver des vies” 28 avril commémoration des travailleurs décédés dans leur travail. Solidarité avec http://travailleurs.es  en Europe @EPSUnions @etuc_ces et mondiale @ituc @PSIglobalunion

Latvia: ETUC paziņojums Starptautiskajā darba aizsardzības dienā 28. aprīlī

ETUC paziņojums Starptautiskajā darba aizsardzības dienā 28. aprīlī

Czechia: Vzpomínáme s úctou na všechny z nich, kteří v práci zemřeli – ČMKOS

Dnes myslíme i na všechny, kteří nasazují své zdraví a životy, aby v době ohrožení #COVID19 pomohli ostatním žít. Vzpomínáme s úctou na všechny z nich, kteří v práci zemřeli. Zajistit bezpečnost pracujících v rizikovém prostředí je naší povinností.