Category Archives: Gallery

Panamá: La salud laboral no se vende, se defiende – BWI

Panama: “Occupational health is not sold, it is defended”
In the closing act of the campaign for health and safety in the construction of Panama, held this week in the project Institute of the Insured of the Suntracs Panamá participated 390 workers, workers, union representatives of the sections of the Caja de Seguro Social Panamá , representatives of the Panama Chamber of Construction Mitradel Panamá , the Ministry of Labor Capac Panamá , the Directorate of Occupational Health of the Social Security Fund, the management of Constructora Rigaservices S.A. RIGA (the project building company) as well as ICM BWI Global Union .
With the slogan “3 MILLION WORK-RELATED DEATHS PER YEAR ENOUGH! , LET’S TALK ABOUT RISK” The leadership of SUNTRACS calls on companies, government, and workers themselves to step up efforts to reduce the risks of accidents and deaths at work that cause fatalities and injuries every year. According to International Labour Organization ILO exceeds 3 million a year and since 1992 the figure has reached 388 fatalities in Panama.

Philippines: Filipino workers mark #IWMD24, assert that ‘safe work builds better’ – BWI, ALU-TUCP, BUBCW, PTGWO-TUCP & Panday-Buhay Workers’ Association

Close to 200 Filipino workers gathered today to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day under the theme: “Enough is Enough.” The joint event brought together BWI Philippine Affiliates, including the Associated Labor Union (ALU-TUCP), the National Union of Building and Construction Workers (NUBCW), the Philippine Trade and General Workers’ Organisation (PTGWO-TUCP), as well as the Panday-Buhay Workers’ Association of the Habitat for Humanity.
As candles were lit in honour of workers who lost their lives at work, the trade unionists trooped to the Occupational Safety and Health Center. Ambet Yuson, General Secretary of BWI, emphasised that one workplace accident is one too many already, reiterating the urgent need to advocate against wrong and unsafe practices in the construction industry. “The government’s advocacy is ‘Build Build Build,’ but it seems safety is being overlooked. Perhaps a better slogan would be ‘Safe Work, Build Better,'” he stated.
Dave Noonan, BWI Vice President for the Asia Pacific, shared his personal journey as a former construction worker, urging Filipino workers to fight for their rights.
Other BWI global leaders, such as Patrick Vandenberghe and Thomas Janson, underscored the importance of understanding rights, acknowledging the risks posed by the climate crisis, and intensifying advocacy efforts.

Asia Pacific: Across Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar, and Cambodia, BWI Affiliates unite in commemorating International Workers’ Memorial Day.

Turkey: TARIM ORMAN-IS outdoor training for forestry workers on 28 April

TARIM ORMAN-IS from Türkiye held an outdoor OHS training session with 70 participants to speak about the hazards and how to gear up against them. In Türkiye, every year more than 300 forestry workers are killed at work and TARIM ORMAN-IS has been conducting such open-air OHS training for forest workers for years now to raise awareness on measurements and protective equipment to save lives. #letstalkhazards #iwmd24

May be an image of 8 people, grass and text

Brazil: Abril Verde – Evento do Dia 28 Abril

Evento do Dia 28 Abril em São com as Centrais Sindicais brasileiras ao todo 45 entidade. Facebook

May be an image of one or more people, crowd and text

Asia Pacific/Philippines: On April 28 Fishworkers Solidarity remembers commercial tuna fishing workers lost at sea

On International Workers’ Memorial Day, April 28, the IUF-affiliated Fishworkers Solidarity, a member organization of SENTRO, remembered the commercial tuna fishing vessel workers who died or who were “lost” at sea and remain unaccounted for.

Among those remembered on April 28, were workers on tuna fishing vessels who died at sea but whose death was not considered a workplace death. This includes Perfect Aldo who died onboard on January 10, 2020, Arnel Abada who died at sea from pneumonia on June 12, 2021, and Noneto Romero who died onboard from cardiac arrest on November 5, 2022.

Perfect Aldo died onboard the tuna fishing vessel on January 10, 2020

Tuna fishworker, Arnel Abada, died at sea from pneumonia on June 12, 2021

Also remembered are those that the commercial tuna industry and authorities simply declare as “missing” at sea. This includes Gerir Rulete, missing since September 3, 2014. After a decade his family still cannot find peace and his death has not been recognized as work-related.

Tuna fishworker Gerir Rulete, “missing” since September 3, 2014

Warren Poncardas has been “missing” since August 21, 2003.  After 21 years his family too cannot find peace. This is another death while working that is not officially work-related.

The families of Roger Maglasang, Carlos Dejillo, Marvin Villaroya, Ricky Longgarit, and Roy Maglasang were all told that their husbands, fathers, brothers were missing at sea on August 24, 2003. Twenty-one years later, they remain unable to bury their loved ones; unable to declare them dead. As a result, their families are denied the certainty – the truth – that they died while working at sea. They are also denied the insurance they are entitled to for the work-related deaths of their loved ones.

Along with Gerir Rulete and Warren Poncardas, Roger Maglasang, Carlos Dejillo, Marvin Villaroya, Ricky Longgarit, and Roy Maglasangare are among the Unknown Workers killed and forgotten by an irresponsible and reckless commercial tuna industry.

On April 28, Fishworkers Solidarity called for urgent action by the government, employers and the commercial fishing industry to take responsibility for the health and safety of fishworkers throughout the tuna industry and to save lives.

The full text of the statement is below:

Fishworkers’ Solidarity Stands United on International Workers’ Memorial Day: Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living

International Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April 2024 

Fishworkers’ Solidarity reaffirms its commitment to honoring the memories of those who have lost their lives in the pursuit of their livelihoods, while steadfastly advocating for the safety and well-being of all workers in the fishing industry.

This solemn day serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by countless individuals who have tragically lost their lives due to occupational hazards and unsafe working conditions. From treacherous waters to inadequate safety measures, fishworkers often face perilous situations in their daily endeavors to provide sustenance for communities worldwide.

Today we remember the countless number of fishworkers who were lost out in the sea and remain “missing”. This year alone, we have identified at least 8 fishworkers who are considered “missing”, and that’s just for General Santos and the Saranggani Bay area alone. One wonders, do our government even keep track of these things?

We stand in solidarity with those who continue to endure hazardous working environments and demand accountability from stakeholders responsible for ensuring workplace safety. With the guiding principle of “Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living,” Fishworkers’ Solidarity underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reforms to prioritize the safety and rights of fishworkers everywhere.

This International Workers’ Memorial Day, Fishworkers’ Solidarity calls upon governments, employers, and industry leaders to:

Fully realize the our aspiration for “responsible fisheries and sustainable development” by enhancing the full participation of fishworkers in the whole decision-making process related to fishery resources.

Stop all proposals to amend the Fisheries Code and instead focus all government resources, including that of the non-government sector, on the a whole-of-government, full and effective implementation of the present provisions of the amended Fisheries Code to address illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing including the full implementation of the vessel monitoring system, with data provided to local governments and enforcement agencies.

Enhance safety regulations and enforce stringent measures to prevent accidents and fatalities in the fishing industry.

Provide adequate training, resources, and protective gear to empower fishworkers to carry out their duties safely.

Foster collaborative initiatives between stakeholders to address systemic issues and promote a culture of safety and respect within the industry.

Recognize the invaluable contributions of fishworkers to global food security and uphold their fundamental rights to fair wages, decent working conditions, and social protection.

Together, let us honor the memory of those we have lost by advocating for meaningful change and ensuring that no worker faces unnecessary risks in the pursuit of their livelihood.

Fishworkers’ Solidarity remains unwavering in our commitment to safeguarding the lives and dignity of all fishworkers, today and always.

Through collective action and advocacy efforts, we strive to address the challenges facing fishworkers and promote sustainable practices in the fishing industry. Join us in our mission to create a safer and more equitable future for all fishworkers.

Philippines: Workplace safety group urges labor department action to protect workers from extreme heat – IOHSAD

“On this International Workers’ Memorial Day, amid record high temperatures, the Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development (IOHSAD), a workplace safety NGO, is calling upon the Labor Department to take decisive action to protect workers’ health and safety in the face of intensifying heat conditions.” more

Global: Día internacional de la memoria de los trabajadores: los sindicatos en primera línea frente a los riesgos climáticos – UNI

Día Internacional de la Memoria de los Trabajadores: Los sindicatos en primera línea frente a los riesgos climáticos  

Este Día Internacional de la Memoria de los Trabajadores28 de abril, UNI Global Union se une a los sindicatos de todo el mundo para exigir medidas urgentes contra la crisis climática.

A medida que suben las temperaturas, también “Riesgos climáticos para los trabajadoresel lema de la CSI para este día de recuerdo y compromiso.

La emergencia climática mundial ha creado nuevos peligros y agravado los ya existentes para los trabajadores. Como en tantas otras cuestiones de salud y seguridad en el trabajo, los sindicatos y la negociación colectiva son soluciones necesarias.

“La crisis climática está matando a los trabajadores, y los sindicatos están en primera línea para hacer que los empleos – y las comunidades – sean más seguros”, dijo la Secretaria General de UNI Christy Hoffman. “Los sindicatos contraatacan a los empleadores que intensifican cruelmente los objetivos incluso con un calor abrasador. Aseguramos las pausas obligatorias, los equipos vitales y las protecciones necesarias que salvan vidas. Abogamos por una transición justa hacia una economía sostenible, que no deje a ningún trabajador atrás.”

nuevo informe de la OIT concluye que un número “asombroso” de trabajadores (2.400 millones, es decir, más del 70% de la población activa mundial) se enfrentará a riesgos para la salud relacionados con el cambio climático, como el estrés térmico, el cáncer, las enfermedades cardiovasculares, las enfermedades respiratorias, las disfunciones renales y las afecciones mentales.

Aunque con razón se presta mucha atención a sectores como la construcción, la minería y la agricultura, los trabajadores de los servicios también se enfrentan a estos riesgos.

Este fin de semana, la UNI afiliará al Federación Coreana de Sindicatos de Trabajadores de Servicios (KFSU) hará huelga en Costco para protestar por las condiciones laborales injustas e inseguras en los establecimientos de la multinacional estadounidense en ese país. La huelga es la segunda desde que en junio de 2023 muriera un empleado en el trabajo tras exposición al calor extremo.  

El fallecido, un hombre de 29 años sin afecciones crónicas, trabajaba como cajero en la caja. En el momento de su muerte, se encargaba de los aparcamientos, los carros y la gestión del aparcamiento.

Murió durante una ola de calor, y el sindicato afirma que la empresa no proporcionó instalaciones de aire acondicionado ni termómetros independientes para los trabajadores del aparcamiento. Además, la empresa obligaba a los empleados a permanecer de pie durante todo el horario laboral, sin asientos ni zonas de descanso disponibles.

El presidente de la KFSU, Kang Kyu-Hyok, declaró entonces: “Condenamos enérgicamente a Costco Korea por no contratar la mano de obra necesaria, exprimir a los trabajadores para reducir costes y no proporcionar a tiempo lo esencial para la vida y la seguridad de los trabajadores. Costco debe tomar medidas para evitar que [este tipo de tragedia] vuelva a ocurrir”.

Las afiliadas de comercio de la región de Asia y el Pacífico de UNI aprobaron una resolución en apoyo de la huelga del 27 de abril en la que se pedía a a Costco Corea y al Director General Cho Min-Soo que acepten la responsabilidad “por la muerte evitable de su trabajador como accidente laboral” y a la empresa que negocie las condiciones en la tienda.

Los trabajadores de Amazon de todo el mundo tienen reivindicaciones similares. Por ejemplo, uno de los almacenes de la empresa en el sur de California alcanzó temperaturas de 106F (41C) el verano pasado, y los empleados tuvieron que trabajar a velocidades brutales para cumplir sus cuotas de producción.En el Reino Unido, el sindicato GMB ha hecho de la seguridad uno de los pilares de su campaña de sindicalización en Amazon, y ahora los trabajadores se encuentran en una lucha histórica por el reconocimiento sindical. lucha histórica por el reconocimiento sindical.

Pero no se trata sólo de los trabajadores del comercio. Los riesgos climáticos afectan a todos los sectores de UNI.

La OIT identifica a los deportistas como un grupo muy expuesto a temperaturas extremas. Por ello, sindicatos de jugadores como FIFPRO se están organizando para conseguir una mayor protección contra los trastornos inducidos por el estrés térmico.

En Brasil, el sindicato gráfico y de embalaje SINDICRIP ayudó a los trabajadores de WestRock a superar el aumento de las temperaturas organizándose en torno a la mejora del acceso al agua en el trabajo. Mediante una muestra de interés colectivo, los trabajadores consiguieron que la empresa se sentara a la mesa para conseguir más dispensadores de agua.

Los vigilantes de seguridad trabajan a menudo en el exterior y se enfrentan a las inclemencias del tiempo, como el calor hirviente, el frío extremo y una mayor exposición a los rayos UV cancerígenos. Los sindicatos están tomando medidas. Con el apoyo de UNI, el Sindicato de Trabajadores de Seguridad Gujarati de la India hizo campaña y consiguió agua potable, un segundo uniforme y refugio para ayudar a combatir temperaturas que alcanzan los 113F (45C). UNI también apoya a nuestra afiliada en Nepal, el Sindicato deTrabajadoresde Seguridad de Nepalpara conseguir abrigos de invierno adecuados para trabajar en el frío glacial.

Los empleados de correos se enfrentan a las consecuencias catastróficas del cambio climático. De hecho, UNI Correos y Logística identifica la crisis climática como uno de los mayores riesgos para los trabajadores postales.

Además de los peligros directos de trabajar en condiciones meteorológicas extremas, los gobiernos suelen utilizar a los trabajadores postales y la infraestructura postal en épocas de catástrofe para apoyar a las personas afectadas y ayudar a las organizaciones. La inundaciones de 2022 en Pakistán es un buen ejemplo.

Dado el daño que el clima extremo causa a los trabajadores, no es de extrañar que los sindicatos postales se hagan oír cada vez más no sólo en materia de protección del lugar de trabajo, sino también de política climática. UNI Correos y Logística ha propuesto un nuevo acuerdo ecológico para correos, y afiliadas como CUPW en Canadá están tomando la iniciativa de presionar para que el correo sea sostenible.

El Secretario General de la CSI, Luc Triangle declaró: “La crisis climática ya no es una amenaza lejana; es un peligro presente para los trabajadores de todo el mundo. Es imperativo que exijamos políticas y prácticas sólidas para proteger a nuestros trabajadores de los peligrosos impactos del cambio climático. Nuestro llamamiento a la acción es claro: debemos integrar las evaluaciones del riesgo climático y la preparación para emergencias en nuestras normas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo.”

Sweden: Swedish Municipal Workers’ Union holds 28 April commemoration in Kristianstad

Swedish Municipal Workers’ Union  (Kommunal) held a  commemoration in Kristianstad, Sweden to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day.

Serbia: 28. april, Svetski dan bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu

28. april, Svetski dan bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu – Dan sećanja na radnike koji su izgubili živote na radnom mestu.
Fotografiju sam napravila neplanirano, pre nekoliko godina, dok smo pripremali akciju kojom smo obeležili Dan sećanja. Mislim da nikada neću napraviti neku koja govori glasnije i slikovitije o značaju bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu. Tišina se jače čuje.
28. April, World Day of Safety and Health at Work – Day of Remembrance for Workers who lost their lives on the workplace.
I took the photo unplanned, a few years ago, while we were preparing an action to mark Remembrance Day. I don’t think I’ll ever make one that speaks louder and more picturiously about the importance of occupational safety and health. The silence is louder.