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UOLRA, Argentina, joins BWI’s campaign: “Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19”

UOLRA, Argentina se une a la campaña de la BWI: “¡Proteja a los Trabajadores! Alto al COVID-19”. #Lifebeforeprofit
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020 #iwmd20

UOLRA, Argentina joins BWI’s campaign: ” Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19 “. #Lifebeforeprofit#iwmd20
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020

Philippines: Protect Our Frontline Workers – KMU

As the world commemorates the International Workers’ Memorial Day on April 28, the national labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) pays tribute to all workers of different countries, who died in the service of the people as they battle in the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the Philippines, 26 healthworkers—20 doctors and six nurses—have died due to complications brought about by COVID-19. The number of health workers infected with the dreaded virus has soared to over 1,100. These numbers indicate the weakness of the country’s healthcare system. The national government lacks a sense of urgency in confronting the pandemic. Personal protective equipment distributed for health workers is still few. The number of testing per day is still low. Many health workers themselves cannot access testing. The approval of laboratory facilities is slow. The number of patients was already difficult for both public and private hospitals even before the pandemic, now they have a heavier workload.

In honoring the memory of workers who have died in the line of duty, we call on the national government to protect the health and safety of our frontline workers. We hold the government accountable for the neglect and inefficiency that put the lives of our frontline workers in danger.

We enjoin everyone in the households to remember each and every worker who has sacrificed in the frontlines of the battle against COVID-19 by fighting for the living.




See photos, and watch video message of KMU chairperson and workers’ noise barrage::

Various artist groups, health advocates, health workers and trade unions pay tribute to frontline workers with performances and solidarity messages. Watch tribute online concert:

UK: Coronavirus – Remembering all the workers who’ve died after exposure to Covid-19 at work | TUC

28 Apr 2020

Today is International Workers’ Memorial Day, when trade unions around the world remember workers who lost their lives and commit to keep the living safe.

This is the story of Peter, Mary, Cheryl, Zeeshan and Emeka – five UK workers who were taken by Covid-19.

Today is International Workers’ Memorial Day, when trade unions around the world remember workers who lost their lives and commit to keep the living safe.

This year we especially remember the frontline workers who lost their lives to Covid-19 while looking after our loved ones and keeping our country running.

We will be forever in debt to the workers who have died during this pandemic – our nurses, doctors, care staff and other essential workers.

Remember the dead, fight for the living.

Cambodia: BWTUC sends global 28 April solidarity greetings

Greetings to all the young workers around the globe. BWTUC Cambodia extends its solidarity to all unions and workers marking the International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April. #Lifebeforeprofit #BWI2020IWMD

Canada: This national Day of Mourning, Tell your story – CLC

April 28th marks the National Day of Mourning, to recognise the hundreds of workers who lose their lives or have their lives changed forever because of something that happened in their workplace.

The vigils we hold this year to commemorate these workers will be virtual – yet another way COVID-19 has changed the way we live and work.

Tell your story and what this day means to you right now.

USA: COVID-19 strike wave interactive map – Payday Report

Payday Report has launched an interactive Covid-19 strike tracking map so that workers can follow the wave of strikes hitting the country. Each point contains a link to more information on the strikes occurring. More

28 April: United Kingdom: Workers’ Memorial Day | TUC

Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority. Workers’ Memorial Day (WMD) commemorates those workers.

Each year on April 28th, all around the world the trade union movement unites to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day (#IWMD20). We remember those who have lost their lives at work, or from work-related injury and diseases. We renew our efforts to organise collectively to prevent more deaths, injuries and disease as a result of work.

Workers Memorial Day is commemorated throughout the world and is officially recognised by the UK Government.

Theme for 2020: Coronavirus

This year we are all working in unique circumstances, as the coronavirus pandemic affects every worker regardless of sector or locality. Hundreds have lost their lives to the virus while working on the frontline, acting to protect the public and to keep society running. Workers are risking their lives every day, while many are still attending work ill-equipped and without necessary safety measures in place. We could not have a starker reminder of the important role of trade union health and safety reps in saving and protecting workers’ lives.

We remember those we have lost. We organise in their memory.

While we may not be able to attend the memorial events which usually take place on IWMD, as public gatherings around the world are not advised or allowed; there are many ways trade union members can take part in our collective day of remembrance and solidarity.

How you can take part…

Light a candle

Join others across the world by lighting a candle on the evening of Tuesday 28th April. It may be for a loved one, a worker, a group of workers or for all those who have lost their lives from work. Take a photo of your candle, and with a caption about who you’re remembering, post it on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using #IWMD20.

Register for our video call

The TUC Education team will be hosting a video call at 2pm on the day, where you will be able to hear from speakers and submit questions and contributions in advance. Put the time in your diary and registration will be available via soon.

Coming Soon – downloadable #IWMD posters, social media graphics and video.

Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración: Detener la pandemia en el trabajo – CSI

Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración: Detener la pandemia en el trabajo

El 28 de abril se celebra la Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración, para recordar y reclamar acciones respecto a los trabajadores muertos, discapacitados, lesionados o enfermos a causa de su trabajo.


Este año la jornada se centrará evidentemente en la pandemia de COVID-19. Aunque todo el mundo está afectado por esta crisis, los trabajadores se encuentran en primera línea.

“El personal sanitario en particular está arriesgando su vida para seguir con su labor de cuidar a los enfermos. También está el personal que trabaja en residencias de mayores y en otros establecimientos, que se ocupa de cuidar a personas de los grupos más vulnerables. Pero necesitamos igualmente a los trabajadores de supermercados y del transporte, que aportan servicios esenciales, y a muchos otros para que la economía siga funcionando. Todos debemos agradecer a esos trabajadores, porque si no podemos comprar alimentos, no podremos mantener sanas a nuestras familias”, declaró Sharan Burrow, Secretaria General de la CSI.

La Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración 2020 se celebrará en apoyo a todos esos valientes trabajadores y para recordar a todas las personas que han muerto, enfermado o se han lesionado realizando su trabajo.

Las medidas de distanciamiento social y de confinamiento probablemente harán imposible la organización de reuniones y eventos presenciales.

A continuación figuran algunas sugerencias de actividades, y sobre cómo difundir su mensaje:

Solidaridad en acción – Alto a la pandemia en el trabajo
La gran mayoría de las actividades sindicales en este 18 de abril serán virtuales y sus fotos servirán para representar el poder, la solidaridad y el compromiso de los miembros de sindicatos del mundo entero con la seguridad en el trabajo.

Compartan sus fotos o vídeos de 30 segundos de duración a través de las redes sociales (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram) utilizando #iwmd20 o envíenlos por e-mail a

Para los trabajadores en primera línea que intentan ‘Salvar vidas – Mantenerse a salvo”, envíen una foto llevando su equipo de protección o mostrando cómo se practica el distanciamiento social en su lugar de trabajo, a fin de ‘Detener la pandemia en el trabajo’.

Modelo de mensaje para las redes sociales:
Parte del equipo que está salvando vidas y manteniéndose a salvo #iwmd20
Juntos podemos detener la pandemia #StopthePandemicAtWork

Para todos los trabajadores, a fin de mostrar su solidaridad para ‘Detener la pandemia en el trabajo’ pueden enviar la foto de una vela encendida dentro de sus casas o lugares de trabajo, en solidaridad con los trabajadores en primera línea que hacen posible nuestra supervivencia.

Modelo de mensaje para las redes sociales:
Por todos aquellos que trabajan para detener la pandemia #StopthePandemicAtWork
Gracias a todos los trabajadores en primera línea #iwmd20

Para los responsables sindicales, pueden sostener un cartel con la lista de medidas de apoyo que hayan negociado para ‘Detener la pandemia en el trabajo’.

Modelo de mensaje para las redes sociales:
Sindicatos en acción #StopthePandemicAtWork
Luchando por:
Baja remunerada
Lugares de trabajo seguros
Garantías de empleo

Si tienen alguna idea respecto a posibles actividades virtuales, agradeceríamos las compartan con nosotros enviando un e-mail a Publicaremos sus sugerencias en el sitio web de la campaña


Der 28. April ist der Internationale Gedenktag für die Opfer von Arbeitsunfällen (International Workers’ Memorial Day), an dem wir derer gedenken und für die eintreten, die bei der Arbeit ums Leben gekommen sind, sich eine Behinderung, Verletzung oder sonstige Beeinträchtigung zugezogen haben. Im Fokus steht in diesem Jahr selbstverständlich die globale Covid-19-Pandemie.

Von der Krise sind zwar alle betroffen, aber Arbeitnehmer*innen stehen an vorderster Front.

“Vor allem die Beschäftigten im Gesundheitswesen riskieren ihr eigenes Leben, wenn sie zur Arbeit gehen und die Kranken versorgen. Es arbeiten Menschen in Senioreneinrichtungen, die sich um die Schwächsten in unserer Gesellschaft kümmern. Außerdem brauchen wir Beschäftigte im Verkehrswesen, in Supermärkten und in wesentlichen Dienstleistungen, um die Wirtschaft aufrechtzuerhalten. Diesen Arbeitnehmer*innen sollten wir danken, denn wenn wir kein Essen kaufen können, können wir unsere Familie nicht versorgen und sicherstellen, dass sie gesund bleibt”, erklärt IGB-Generalsekretärin Sharan Burrow.

Der Internationale Gedenktag 2020 steht im Zeichen der Unterstützung all dieser mutigen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer und der Erinnerung an die Menschen, die bei der Arbeit verstorben, erkrankt oder verunglückt sind.

Social Distancing und Ausgangsbeschränkungen werden aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach zur Folge haben, dass Zusammenkünfte und Veranstaltungen nicht möglich sind. Falls Ihr Ideen für virtuelle Aktivitäten habt, teilt diese bitte mit uns und schickt sie per E-Mail an, damit wir sie auf unserer Kampagnen-Webseite veröffentlichen können.


Global: 28 April – Stop the pandemic at work

April 28 is International Workers’ Memorial Day or Workers’ Mourning Day. This is the international day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work. The focus this year is of course the global COVID-19 pandemic.

While everyone is affected by the crisis, workers are on the front line. “Healthcare workers in particular are risking their lives doing their job to take care of the sick. There are people working in aged care facilities looking after the most vulnerable group of people. But then we also need transport, supermarket workers, and providers of for essential services, to keep the economy going. People should thank these workers because if you can’t buy food, then you can’t keep your family sustained and healthy” said Sharan Burrow.

International Workers’ Memorial Day 2020 will be held in support of all these courageous workers and in remembrance of the people who have died or become sick or injured while doing their job.

Social distancing and lockdown measures most likely mean that physical meetings and events will not be possible. If you have ideas for virtual activities, please share them with us by sending an email to We will make them public on our campaign website

News release • French • Spanish • German

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