Serbia: MKS: Zdravlje i bezbednost – osnovno pravo na radu

May be an image of indoor

April 28., World Work Safety and Health Day – Day of Remembrance of workers who lost their lives in their jobs.
I took the photo unplanned, a few years ago, while we were preparing the action we celebrated Memorial Day. I don’t think I’ll ever make someone louder and more picturesque about the importance of safety and health at work.  More details
May be an image of 1 person, standing and road

Philippines: Justice for all victims of unsafe working conditions!

Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (Philippines) light candles to pay tribute to frontliners, healthworkers and all those who risk their lives everyday at work. At the same time, we are with the workers and the people in calling for justice amid these trying and dangerous times.

  • Justice for all victims of unsafe working conditions!
  • Justice for all victims of state repression!
  • Justice for all victims of poor pandemic response!


Croatia: Construction unions make joint safety declaration with employers

BWI affiliate in Croatia, Construction Workers Union SGH, signed four Declarations on Heathy and Safe Workplaces, including one with Employers Association.

Global: Remembering those we have lost, demanding change so we lose no more – UNI Global Union

Even before the catastrophic spread of COVID-19, 7,600 people died daily because of work-related illness or injury. And during the pandemic, millions of essential workers represented by UNI Global Union and our affiliates—often migrants, women, and people of colour—have risked exposure to this deadly virus to support their communities and their families. Tragically, an untold number have died.

“This International Workers’ Memorial Day, we remember the workers who are no longer with us. We hold their loved ones in our thoughts. We recognize they did not sign up to risk their lives when they worked so bravely to keep our societies running,” said UNI Global Union General Secretary Christy Hoffman. “And we honour them today—and the many others killed or injured from working—by fighting for the living.”  Read more here

Moldova: Anticipate, prepare and respond to crises – Invest now in safety and health

Confederația Națională a Sindicatelor din Moldova
Social partners advocate to strengthen safety and health systems in work to protect workers.
On the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, marked annually around the world on April 28, the International Labour Organization organized a tripartite meeting dedicated to this event in online. This year’s generic of the day is ′′ Anticipate, prepare and respond to crises-Invest now in resident safety and occupational health systems “.  Further details here

Albania: 28 Prill – Dita Botërore e Sigurisë dhe Shëndetit në Punë

May be an image of 4 people and people standing

Finland: New Covid-19 risk assessment instructions for construction sites

The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT, the Finnish Construction Trade Union, Trade Union Pro and RAKLI have partnered with the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Ministry of the Environment in developing new instructions for employers to conduct risk assessment of COVID-19 infections at construction sites and other similar workplaces…  Full story here:

DR Congo: FTBB/CDT call on ILO to recognize health and safety at work as a fundamental right of all workers

FTBB / CDT joins IBB in marking International Worker s’ Remembrance Day on April 28, calling on the ILO to recognize health and safety at work as a fundamental right of all workers. #SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD2021

Uganda: Occupational Health and Safety is a fundamental right of all workers

Uganda Building workers union taking part in the International Workers’ Memorial Day campaign with the workers of Nileply Wood industry in Jinja. Occupational Health and Safety is a fundamental right of all workers. #SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD21

Colombia: ¡La salud y seguridad es nuestro derecho!

The INTERGREMIAL (Colombia) is in National Paro at this time! The Colombian union movement demands vaccines for all and all, NO to tax reform and basic income for all Colombians and Colombians, as part of the days of April 28, 2021.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living