Category Archives: 2020

Nigeria: Young workers call to protect workers and stop Covid 19 [Video]

Young workers from the Construction and  Civil Engineering Senior Staff Association union (CCESSA), Nigeria talk about the current status of construction work amid the COVID-19 pandemic. They join BWI’s call: Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19! #BWI2020 #IWMD20

Serbia: 28 April solidarity messages from Serbian trade unionists

Serbian trade unionists send solidarity greetings.  #iwmd20

North Macedonia: Stop COVID-19! Protect workers! – SGIP

Stop COVID-19! Protect workers! This is the message of SGIP, Building Workers Union from North Macedonia #BWI2020IWMD #iwmd20


Montenegro: SGIGMCG demands workers are fully protected during the COVID-19 pandemic

Nenad Markovic, President of the Trade Union of Construction and Building Materials Workers of Montenegro (SGIGMCG) demands that workers should be fully protected during the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that PPE equipment, physical distance protocols, safe transportation and other health measures should be provided to construction workers.

“The situation is serious. But through the joined efforts of government, unions and employers, we can ensure the health and safety of all, and find a way out of this crisis.”
#BWI2020IWMD #iwmd20

Philippines: 28 April activities to fight for the the protection of front line health workers

Join us as we light candles and remember the 26 Filipino health care professionals who died due to COVID-19. Join us as we light candles to set fire our commitment to continue fighting for the protection, health and safety of our frontline workers.

Save the date, April 28! Let us light candles to remember and mourn. Let us light candles to rage and fight!

#IWMD20 #ProtectHealthWorkers #MassTestingNowPh

We also invite everyone to watch AMBAGAN: Artists in Solidarity Concert on April 28, 6:30 pm. Join us as we offer songs and poems for our health workers. Each song is a call for free mandatory testing to all health workers. Each poem is a call for the immediate distribution of PPE to all health workers. Each message is a call for their protection, health and safety. This concert is brought to you by Concerned Artists of the PhilippinesAltermidya – People’s Alternative Media Network and IOHSAD Philippines.

#ArtistsFightBack #NagluluksaLumalaban #WeMournWeFight

Germany: Activities for International Workers’ Memorial Day [Video]


Serbia: Employers should be held responsible for workers’ safety and put people before profit – BWI

Employers should be held responsible for workers’ safety and put people before profit – #iwmd20,  BWI


Pakistan: Hunger strikes, occupations and work stoppages to mark 28 April

Healthworkers in Pakistan are on their thirteenth day of hunger strike and occupying hospitals to try and get proper PPE.
11 am, tomorrow: walk out of work and stay out for the day – support key workers taking action for PPE Reel News

UK: Preparing for the return to work outside the home – TUC

Preparing for the return to work outside the home

Summary of recommendations

This TUC report, Preparing for the return to work outside the home: a trade union approach, sets out what we believe the government must do now to ensure a safe transition from lockdown, looking at how to safely return to work outside the home, the enforcement measures needed to protect workers, and how best to protect workers’ livelihoods.

  • The government must ensure that workers’ mental health and wellbeing is prioritised alongside physical safety.
  • The government must run a public information campaign to ensure working people can be confident that health and safety at work is a priority as they return to work.
  • Every employer must carry out a specific Covid-19 risk assessment.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be provided where necessary, and no-one should be asked to re-use PPE inappropriately.
  • Government must provide specific advice and protection for those groups most at risk.
  • The EHRC must ensure that the return to work strategy seeks to prevent this disproportionate impact and complies with the public sector equality duty.
  • Unions should be consulted when the government prepares sector-specific guidance, and when employers seek to implement it.
  • The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) must act quickly to sanction employers that do not risk-assess for Covid-19 or fail to provide safe working arrangements.
  • The HSE must run a public information campaign to ensure workers know their rights.
  • No worker should face a sanction for refusing to work in an unsafe workplace.
  • Government must ensure the job retention scheme continues to protect jobs.
  • Those who lose their jobs must be protected by a strengthened safety net.
  • We need decent sick pay for all
  • Government must ban zero-hours contracts, tackle false self-employment, and guarantee all workers day-one employment rights.

    read full list of recommendations

Download full report (pdf)

UK: Minute’s silence to remember workers who have died of work related injuries and diseases – Prospect

This year will be even more significant as we honour those who have died from #coronavirus.#IWMD20 #NeverForgotten