Category Archives: 2020

Argentina: UOCRA youth join ‘Protect workers”‘ campaign

UOCRA Youth, Argentina joins ICM campaign: ” Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19 “. #Lifebeforeprofit
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020 #iwmd20

Global: COVID-19 should be classified as an occupational disease – ITUC/Global Unions

The ITUC and its Global Unions partners are calling for COVID-19 to be classified as an occupational disease in order to ensure stronger workplace protections and access to compensation as well as to medical care. The call is being made today [28 April], on International Workers’ Memorial Day.

“While there are many aspects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which are yet unclear, one thing that is clear is that most transmission is occurring in workplaces such as hospitals and care facilities, as well as in workplaces where transmission can occur between workers with the public.

“There is already evidence that in numerous countries, protective workplace measures such as distancing and personal equipment are insufficient or even absent. Workers are being made to take risks that shouldn’t be taken, and in some cases, such as in Amazon warehouses, they face sanctions or dismissal for raising safety concerns. Bringing COVID-19 into occupational disease classification is crucial to stopping this and reducing the spread of the virus. This is becoming even more urgent as countries begin to relax restrictions on economic sectors and public spaces,” said ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow.

Occupational disease classification would mean that where workers are infected with the virus, the presumption would be that it is workplace-related unless conclusive evidence is presented to the contrary. It would also reinforce public health measures which are in place and which will evolve in the coming months and years.

“We are also calling for occupational health and safety to be given the status of a fundamental right at the International Labour Organization. This is a long-overdue measure which would give workers’ protection from death and disease the same priority as freedom of association, collective bargaining and protection from discrimination, forced labour and child labour,” said Burrow.

Council of Global Unions Statement on Recognition of COVID-19 as an Occupational Disease * ITUC news release * COVID-19 Pandemic: News from unions


Europe: Covid-19 is deepening existing inequalities, particularly for women

Congo: Protégeons les travailleurs contre l’exploitation des employeurs liés au COVID 19

Protégeons les travailleurs contre l’exploitation des employeurs liés au COVID 19 #iwmd20

Global: Workers demand Lafarge Holcim stops exploitative outsourcing – BWI


Mexico: Tripartite response needed to protect employment during pandemic – CIT

The International Confederation of Workers (CIT) highlighted the need for a tripartite response, comprised of the government, unions and employers, to protect employment during the COVID-19 crisis.

India: Life before profit – young workers’ voices from India

Life before profit – young workers’ voices from India

Qatar: Music to promote workers’ safety – ‘One Qatar, one family, stop Covid 19’

Migrant workers in Qatar promote workers’ health and safety at a time of physical distancing, through music!

BMKQ Women was established  in 2019 in Doha, State of Qatar aiming to raise awareness and prevention of occupational violence and discrimination at work, especially when it involves women.

Iraq: Woodworkers hold a week of activities to mark 28 April and stop Covid 19 – GTUCWW

The General Trade Union of Construction and Wood Workers in Iraq join BWI’s workers’ memorial week campaign. Protect Workers! Stop Covid-19! #BWI2020IWMD #iwmd20
حملة النقابة العامة لعمال وموظفي البناء والأخشاب في العراق

Ireland: Remember the dead and support those who sustain us in a crisis – ICTU

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions will mark 28 April by remembering the dead and fighting for the living.