Category Archives: Events listing

Poland: Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy 2023

Tematem tegorocznych obchodów Światowego Dnia Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy (28 kwietnia 2023 r.) jest:

Bezpieczna praca podstawowym prawem każdego pracownika

(A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work)

27 kwietnia odbędzie się uroczysta sesja Rady Ochrony Pracy przy Sejmie RP poświęcona tematyce obchodów.

28 kwietnia br. Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy organizuje wideokonferencję pt. „Jak pracować bezpiecznie – niezbędnik młodego pracownika”, dedykowaną studentom, uczniom oraz młodym pracownikom. Tematem konferencji będzie bezpieczeństwo pracy osób młodych oraz funkcjonowanie systemu ochrony pracy na poziomie firm i organizacji.

Do obchodów Dnia w Polsce włączają się różne przedsiębiorstwa i organizacje, Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Związków Zawodowych organizuje Tydzień Bezpieczeństwa Pracy z wystawą plakatów bhp (24-28 kwietnia, Warszawa), Oddział Zakładu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych w Rzeszowie wspólnie z Wojewódzką Stacją Sanitarno-Epidemiologiczną w Rzeszowie planują zorganizowanie konferencji tematycznej (21 kwietnia, Rzeszów), a wiele firm organizuje dla swoich pracowników spotkania promujące bezpieczeństwo i zdrowie w pracy.

Więcej informacji o obchodach Dnia na stronie

Materiały związane z obchodami będą się tam sukcesywnie pojawiać.

Wales: Cardiff – Workers’ Memorial Day / Caerdydd – Diwrnod Cofiant y Gweithwyr

Wales TUC has issued an invitation to attend their National Workers’ Memorial Day event. There will refreshments followed by a short ceremony to lay wreaths at the National Workers’ Memorial Stone (pictured above). The meeting will be attended  by dignitaries including trade union leaders.

Friday, 28 April 2023 10:00-11:00 AM BST
Unite House
1 Cathedral Road
Cardiff, Wales,
CF11 9SD

TUC listing of UK events

Belgium: MPLP organises colloquium on the links between health and work

Housekeepers with damaged wrists, burnt out nurses, drivers who suffer from major back problems: Working conditions undeniably have a significant impact on our health.

April 28, 2023 is the International Day for Safety and Health at Work. With Medicine for the People, we want to take the time of a day to explore different aspects of the link between work and health. We propose an original formula, which links theory and practical experience, with researchers, doctors, trade unionists, activists and anyone interested or having something interesting to say on the subject. In this way, we want to raise awareness of this important day of action and campaigning.

We are pleased to announce that an international expert, Joan Benach, from the University of Barcelona, has already agreed to participate in our event. He will give an introduction and will also participate in establishing the conclusions of the day. Dr. Benach led the research group that, exactly 15 years ago, produced a major World Health Organization report on the importance of healthy working conditions as a social determinant of health.

During this day, we will bring together researchers, doctors and trade unionists to reflect on different aspects of work and health: stress and burn-out, musculoskeletal disorders, toxic substances, precarious working conditions, etc. We will talk about problems but also about examples of struggles. And finally, we will define the challenges to be met.

The event will be held in Brussels, in Dutch and French. Simultaneous translation will be provided and accreditation for doctors is requested.

See you on Saturday 28 April 2023 in Brussels, room of the House of International Associations from 9.30 am to 5 pm. Doors open at 9am.

For more information, visit our website.


Belgium: MPLP organise un colloque sur les liens entre santé et travail


Des aides ménagères aux poignets abîmés, des puéricultrices en burn-out, des chauffeurs qui souffrent de gros problèmes de dos : Les conditions de travail ont indéniablement un impact important sur notre santé.

Le 28 avril 2023, c’est la journée internationale de la sécurité et de la santé au travail. Avec Médecine pour le Peuple, nous voulons prendre le temps d’une journée pour explorer différents aspects du lien entre le travail et la santé. Nous proposons une formule originale, qui lie la théorie et l’expérience pratique, avec des chercheurs, des médecins, des syndicalistes, des militants et toute personne intéressée ou ayant quelque chose d’intéressant à dire sur le sujet. De cette manière, nous voulons faire connaître davantage cette importante journée d’action et de campagne.

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer qu’un expert international, Joan Benach, de l’Université de Barcelone, a déjà accepté de participer à notre événement. Il donnera une introduction et participera également à établir les conclusions de la journée. Le Dr Benach a dirigé le groupe de recherche qui, il y a exactement 15 ans, a rédigé un rapport majeur de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé sur l’importance de conditions de travail saines en tant que déterminant social de la santé.

Au cours de cette journée, nous réunirons des chercheurs, des médecins et des syndicalistes pour réfléchir aux différents aspects du travail et de la santé : le stress et le burn-out, les troubles musculo- squelettiques, les substances toxiques, des conditions de travail précaires, etc… Nous parlerons des problèmes mais aussi d’exemples de luttes. Et enfin, nous définirons les défis à relever.

L’événement se tiendra à Bruxelles, en néerlandais et en français. Une traduction simultanée sera assurée et l’accréditation pour les médecins est demandée.

Rendez-vous le samedi 28 avril 2023 à Bruxelles, salle de la Maison des Associations Internationales de 9h30 à 17 heures. Ouverture des portes à 9h.

Pour plus d’infos, RDV sur notre site web.

USA: AFL-CIO – Workers Memorial Day 2023 – Organize! Safe Jobs Now


AFL-CIO’s Workers Memorial Day web page is  live! – and available for you to order materials and download artwork to use for your events, trainings, conferences, newsletters, and more.

Each year since 1989, we commemorate this day to honor those we have lost on the job and we will organize to make the fundamental right of a safe job a reality for all workers. This year’s theme is “Organize! Safe Jobs Now.” focusing on dignity at work, the growth of the labor movement and equity through safe workplaces.

Please join us this April 28 to honor the victims of workplace injury and illness and the call to organize safe jobs for all workers. As we do every year, trade unionists around the country and globe will organize our communities and workplaces to observe Workers Memorial Day. We will highlight the toll of job injuries and deaths; demand that elected officials put workers’ well-being above corporate interests; and demand safe jobs for all. This year, and every year, the labor movement will defend the right of every worker to a safe job and build collective power to make that right a reality.

We can’t do this alone, and together, we need to organize all workers in this fight for safer working conditions. We are building campaigns leading up to the end of April and throughout the year to mourn and fight.

Please use the resources below when planning for this year’s Workers Memorial Day and reach out to us with any questions, concerns, comments along the way.

Materials and Artwork:

Please visit this page to view and download this year’s materials and artwork. These include posters, stickers, and fliers in English and Spanish. Stickers are available for “Organize! Safe Jobs Now” and for “Mourn for the Dead. Fight for the Living.”

Please place your order for materials here. You can either pick up materials in person at our Washington DC headquarters or have them shipped to you.

Workers Memorial Day Events:

We want to hear about your Workers Memorial Day plans! Please share your event with us so that we can include it on our map of events across the country. Plan events, actions, activities and observances with suggestions in our flier.

Toolkit Coming Soon:

We are working expediently to distribute more materials to help you plan your commemorations and advocacy efforts. These include talking points, sample materials for media outreach, worker safety and health facts, state-by-state safety and health data, fact sheets, digital resources, infographics and more.

How to reach out to us about Workers Memorial Day: or 202-637-5047

Hashtags you can use to build solidarity online around Workers Memorial Day: 

#iwmd2023 #WorkersMemorialDay #1uSafety

Please note: Our annual report, Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect, will be published at the end of April. You can place orders now for a hard copy of the report, and it will be shipped later. It will also be available electronically.

Come organize with us!

Netherlands: FNV Symposium Workers’ Memorial Day

FNV Symposium Workers’ Memorial Day

On the 28th of April the Dutch National Trade Union FNV and the Foundation for Work Related Accidents (Stichting Arbeidsongevallen) will organise a symposium at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport in honour of the Workers’ Memorial Day.

Central topic will be that occupational health and safety is a fundamental workers’ right. In the Netherlands every year over 4000 workers die due to work related accidents or diseases. This is unacceptable!

The symposium will have presentations from Kitty Jong, vice president of FNV, Hanneke van den Bout, director Health and Safety of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Rits de Boer, Inspector General of the Dutch Labour Inspection and Jan Warning, director of Institute of Victims of Occupational Diseases by Hazardous Substances (ISBG).

There will also be various presentations by workers about their experiences at the airport work floor of Schiphol. These workers, like luggage handlers, face very harsh safety and health conditions and are only paid minimum wages.

The foundation for Work Related Accidents will present results of their research on work related accidents among precarious workers.

At the end of the event the Laura Brugmans award will be handed out. Laura Brugmans was one of the founders of the Foundation for Work Related Accidents.


More information on FNV’s policy for OSH

Global: la organización en favor de la salud y la seguridad –una parte crucial de la acción sindical

2023 será un año clave para los sindicatos y para los trabajadores y las trabajadoras. El año pasado conseguimos que se reconociera que un entorno laboral seguro y saludable es un derecho de los trabajadores. Esto ha dado un nuevo impulso a la organización en favor de la salud y la seguridad –una parte crucial de la acción sindical–. La Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Lesionados, el 28 de abril, está dedicada este año a esta prioridad sindical fundamental.

Owen Tudor, secretario general adjunto de la CSI.
Boletín de la CSI – Febrero 2023.


Global: l’organisation des travailleurs en faveur de la santé et de la sécurité – un volet primordial de l’action syndicale

2023 sera une année cruciale pour les syndicats et pour les personnes qui travaillent. L’année dernière, nous avons obtenu qu’un environnement de travail sûr et sain soit reconnu comme un droit pour les travailleurs. Cette reconnaissance a donné un nouvel élan à l’organisation des travailleurs en faveur de la santé et de la sécurité – un volet primordial de l’action syndicale. Cette année, la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleurs décédés et blessés, le 28 avril, sera dédiée à cette priorité syndicale essentielle.

Owen Tudor, secrétaire général adjoint de la CSI.
Bulletin d’information de la CSI – Février 2023.


Global: Organising for health and safety – a crucial part of union action

2023 will be a key year for trade unions and working people. Last year, we secured recognition that a safe and healthy work environment is a right for workers. This has given a new impetus to organising for health and safety – a crucial part of union action. This year’s Workers’ Memorial Day, April 28 is dedicated to this core union priority.

Owen Tudor, ITUC deputy general secretary.
ITUC newsletter, 6 February 2023.


USA: Are you ready for Workers’ Memorial Week 2023?

In April, we will say their names.

The names of the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters who are killed each year in U.S. workplaces. Sadly, we can’t say all of them because there are too many.

At least 5,000 U.S. workers die each year from acute workplace trauma, like drowning in a trench or falling from a height. And nearly 100,000 more die from long-term exposure to highly hazardous working conditions, like repeated exposure to toxic chemicals.

We all know that behind the devastating statistics about worker deaths are real people who leave behind grieving families and shattered co-workers. Their lives will be honored with vigils, rallies, memorial services and other events during Workers’ Memorial Week this year from April 23 through April 30th.

When we say the names of workers who can and should have gone home safely, we want to make sure we are heard loud and clear. By families who deserve better. By workers who can join together to improve their workplaces. By opinion leaders and policymakers who can make a difference.

In solidarity,

Jessica E. Martinez and Marcy Goldstein-Gelb
Co-executive directors, National COSH