Category Archives: Videos

UK: Minute’s silence to remember workers who have died of work related injuries and diseases – Prospect

This year will be even more significant as we honour those who have died from #coronavirus.#IWMD20 #NeverForgotten

Zimbabwe: CLAWUZ youth urge Government and employers to protect young people

A video message from the Chair of the CLAWUZ youth-Zimbabwe.

“We demand governments and employers to take urgent action to protect young workers’ health, jobs and their future.” #BWI2020IWMD

USA: NC AFL-CIO | Workers’ Memorial Day and COVID-19

Post your selfie and leave a review on the NC Department of Labor’s Facebook page: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit us online:

UK: ‘Lean on me’ – Families Against Corporate Killers 28 April [Video]

UK  campaigning network work Families Against Corporate Killers (FACK) has produced a moving and forceful 28 April video memorial which you can view here.

Also read FACK’s 28 April statement If you do not protect the workforce in a pandemic, you do not protect the public.

UK: Healthworkers call for action on Workers Memorial Day

Healthworkers from all over the the United Kingdom call for everyone to join them for a minute’s silence at 11am on Tuesday April 28, Workers Memorial Day, to remember all the key workers who have died – but also to fight for the living. They want all workers to stop non-essential work that day and hold socially distanced protests to secure proper PPE, testing and tracing for all key workers. And without kit, there will be no care. The government has failed us – it’s time for the people to act.

Follow the growing healthworkers movement on Facebook

Global: Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives – ILO

Recognizing the great challenge that governments, employers, workers and whole societies are facing worldwide to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work will focus on addressing the outbreak of infectious diseases at work, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Type: Campaign
When: 28 April 2020
Where: ILO HQ – Geneva
Contact(s): SafeDay Team (

Concern is growing over the continuing rise in COVID-19 infections in some parts of the world and the ability to sustain declining rates in others. Governments, employers, workers and their organizations face enormous challenges as they try to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and protect safety and health at work. Beyond the immediate crisis, there are also concerns about resuming activity in a manner that sustains progress made in suppressing transmission.

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work will focus on addressing the outbreak of infectious diseases at work, focussing on the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to stimulate national tripartite dialogue on safety and health at work. The ILO is using this day to raise awareness on the adoption of safe practices in workplaces and the role that occupational safety and health (OSH) services play. It will also focus on the medium to long-term, including recovery and future preparedness, in particular, integrating measures into OSH management systems and policies at the national and enterprise levels.

Original and exclusive think pieces on the OSH response to the Covid-19 pandemic from the global OSH community


“We need special measures to protect the millions of health care workers and other workers who risk their own health for us every day.”

“Teleworking offers new opportunities for workers to keep working… However, workers must be able to negotiate these arrangements so that they retain balance with other responsibilities, such as caring for children, the sick or the elderly, and of course themselves.”

ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder

Please note that the world day theme announced earlier for 2020 on violence and harassment in the world of work has been replaced in view of the current global crisis. The technical products and promotional material on violence and harassment will continue to be made available here .

what’s new

  1. Report for World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 – In the face of a pandemic: Ensuring Safety and Health at Work 
  2. Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives 
  3. Poster for World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 
  4. PPT Presentation of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 
  5. Original and exclusive think pieces on the OSH response to the Covid-19 pandemic from the global OSH community 

ILO webpage

Australia: Cutting wages and conditions during coronavirus is dangerous [Video] | ACTU

Australia: COVID-19 and workers’ rights – What you need to know [Video] | ACTU

Global: Safe Workers Save Lives – PSI

Coronavirus is a deadly threat to frontline public service workers – And in particular, our members in the health sector

Safe Workers Save Lives

We rely on them to save countless lives – but for them to be able to do their job, governments across the world must take stronger action now:

  • We need sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and training so we can stay healthy while saving lives.
  • We need targeted measures to support health workers who will be working incredibly long hours: care must be provided for their children and other dependents too.
  • We need provisions for home working, paid sick leave, emergency unemployment benefits, and above all, free public healthcare for ALL.
  • We need well-staffed and resourced public health systems, equipped to respond to public health emergencies.

The ongoing Coronavirus outbreak is exposing the vital need for quality public services – especially well-staffed, resilient public health systems.

This is a matter of life and death


Nurse George Poe Williams watched colleagues die as Ebola decimated the Liberian health workforce. Now, he has a message for governments around the world facing the #CoronaVirus: #SafeWorkersSaveLive. Join PSI’s Campaign now at

Safe Workers Save Lives

What can I do?

  • Fill in our survey and upload materials, resources and strategies for workers and unions dealing with the virus outbreak.
  • Share stories, photos, videos and testimonies from the front lines of the fight against the virus
  • Download our Poster to display at your workplace or share with your members.
  • Sign our petition below for Personal Protective Equipment and training for all workers who need it.
  • Browse our library of materials on COVID-19 for workers and unions.

What can unions do?

  • Fight for the active involvement of trade unions in government decision-making to safeguard workplace safety and health and ensure the costs of this crisis are not borne by the working class.
  • Contribute to policies which ensure all workers, including informal sector workers, casual or sub-contracted workers, are provided sufficient sick-pay and leave allowances for any necessary quarantine or when their workplaces are temporarily closed down to curtail transmission of the infection.
  • Push for the ILO guidelines on decent work in public emergency services to be adopted at the national level, to safeguard workers on the front line, as well as ILO Conventions 155, 187 and ILO Recommendations 194, 197, 171 and Protocol to Convention 155.
  • Stand up for the rights of migrants and refugees as part of the national COVID-19 response and combat all forms of xenophobia and racism.

UK: Coronavirus protest to mourn preventable construction deaths

11am Sunday morning, 12 April, flowers are laid to mourn construction workers who will lose their lives unnecessarily during the coronavirus pandemic.


The respectful ceremony took place at the ‘Building Worker’ bronze statue at Tower Hill, which was commissioned as a memorial for all those who have died on building sites by the construction union UCATT (now a part of UNITE). The symbolic event was to mourn the dead, but also the fight for the living, and was carried out as part of the mass #ShutTheSites movement that has been trending on social media for the past 2 weeks, calling for non-essential building sites to be closed.

Video link:

A new Shut The Sites FaceBook page was launched on Saturday:

Shut The Sites issued the following statement:

“The Bronze Building Worker statue has for many years been a memorial for workers who have died on construction sites. Flowers have been respectfully laid today to mourn the dead. But in this time of crisis we should also fight to protect the living. None of us want to be here in 6 months time laying a bigger wreath to thousands of construction workers and their family members who may lose their lives unnecessarily.

If construction workers are building a Nightingale Hospital or carrying out emergency maintenance on vital infrastructure, that’s clearly crucial to fight this pandemic. But hundreds of thousands of building workers are being forced to continue working on building sites by greedy developers and employers in order to build luxury flats, hotels and powers stations that will not be completed for at least another 5 years. None of these are essential.

Construction workers often travel on packed public transport or in shared minibuses, eat together in site canteens, live in huge site accommodation blocks and generally work in close proximity. No building worker in the country believes that construction can continue in any meaningful manner while complying with the 2m social distancing rules. Major contractors also have an appalling track record on health and safety; over decades they have sacked and blacklisted those prepared to stand up for the safety of their fellow workers. By keeping non-essential building sites open, the government and businesses are prioritizing profit above public health.

No construction worker wants to put their families lives at risk or add more burden to the NHS. The UK government should immediately close all non-essential building sites. But they also need to ensure that every single worker, whether an employee, self-employed or an agency worker, is paid straight away. We need to protect our families, but we also need to put food on the table.

Rather than forcing construction workers to choose whether to protect their families or pay their bills, the government should suspend all mortgage, rent, interest payments and penalty clauses for the next 3 months (as has already been done in Italy) and pay everyone a universal basic income (as has occurred in Hong Kong and is being proposed by the Spanish government)”.


The memorial protest comes at the same time as the government issued new advice that 2m social distancing will no longer need to be strictly applied in the construction industry, but instead recommends that workers are kept two metres apart “as much as possible”. This is in stark contrast to guidance from the Scottish Government, which has ordered the closure of all non-essential construction.

Construction workers have been voicing their opposition to keeping non-essential building sites open on social media and a number of videos from across the UK have been collated and now appear on the attached .

For press interviews contact:


A full risk assessment was carried out before the protest which identified potential hazards and control measures were implemented to remove the risk

  • Only 2 workers involved to comply with government guidelines (many more wanted to attend)
  • Event coincided with a trip to buy food
  • 2m social distancing at all times
  • Participants arrived by private transport rather than the packed tube
  • PPE worn

The protest with two construction workers could be deemed unlawful. The irony being that thousands of construction workers, often lacking PPE, packed onto building sites across the UK is being actively encouraged by the government.