Category Archives: 2023 global

Global: On 28 April ITF says it is inexcusable that employers’ negligence costs lives

Global union ITF #iwmd23
Millions of workers never make it home from work every year. It is inexcusable that employers’ negligence costs lives.
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International Workers' Memorial Day:
Remember the dead,
Fight for the living.
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28 April.

Global: BWI to launch ‘safety brigade manual’ on 28 April

On the occasion of this year’s observance of “International Workers’ Memorial Day,” and as part of BWI’s “Global OSH Brigades Programme,” the 12 million-strong global union on 27 April will launch its “Occupational Health and Safety Brigade Manual”. more

Global: BWI issues a global call to action for 28 April

International Workers’ Memorial Day is annually observed on April 28. This year, BWI will highlight ways to put the right to safe and healthy workplaces into practice through the theme “MAKE IT HAPPEN.” This is an effort to celebrate and raise awareness on occupational safety and health (OSH) as a fundamental worker right.
Trade unions worldwide will carry out joint activities with employers and/or organise rallies to promote the implementation of OSH as a basic worker right. Activities will take place the whole week covering 24-30 April. #MakeItHappen #iwmd23

Global: No more killings – Fight together for occupational health and safety, a fundamental right

Statement – 27 Apr 2023 – DOWNLOAD

On the occasion of the International Workers Memorial Day, the ITUC-Asia Pacific, on behalf of its 60 million effective members from 34 countries and territories in Asia and the Pacific, remembers workers who have lost their lives, been injured or sick as a result of their work-related accidents and illnesses.

Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a fundamental right, and all industrial accidents and illnesses are preventable. Therefore, industrial accidents and diseases are against humanity and social justice. We should stop more killings on the job.

The 187 ILO member states – their governments, employers and workers, assure it at the 110th International Labour Conference in June 2022 by adopting the resolution to include a safe and healthy working environment in the ILO’s framework of fundamental principles and right at work.

The United Nations also adopted the resolution (A/76/L.75) of the UN General Assembly to recognise the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environments as a human right in July 2022.

Despite these renewed international commitments, however, a safe and healthy working environment free from industrial accidents and diseases is far from reality. The pandemic-led global health and economy crisis, indisputable evidence of deficiency in OHS across the globe, has put more people into dangerous and poor working conditions as well as discrimination and harassments.

In this regard, as proven by many studies, the strong trade unionism can save lives. The most effective labour market institution to realise a safe and healthy working environment is to make all workers to join or form their trade unions to protect themselves from industrial accidents and diseases. Hence, the ITUC-Asia Pacific continues its struggles to build workers’ power by organising.

Furthermore, considering the fact that among 36 ILO Member countries in Asia and the Pacific, only 9 countries and 8 countries ratified the ILO Fundamental Convention on Occupational Safety and Health (1981, No. 155), and on Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health (2006, No. 187) respectively, the ITUC-Asia Pacific strongly urge all the governments in the region to ratify and implement these Conventions without delay, starting from a national tripartite dialogue to discuss, formulate, implement, monitor and review a national OHS policy with adequate labour inspection as well as heavy publishment for industrial accidents and diseases to ensure a healthy and safe working environment at all levels.

The ITUC-Asia Pacific also solidly demands international organisations, including the inter-governmental organisations and the international as well as regional financial institutions, to work together for coordinated policies and actions to ensure OHS governance in their decisions and projects throughout global supply chains, as well as to improve national capacity on OHS with social dialogue being promoted. We must recognise that OHS is an integral part of sustainable, inclusive and resilient recovery as well.

The ITUC-Asia Pacific, in strong solidarity with all its affiliates, reaffirms its relentless struggles on every frontline for OHS for all workers.

Global: Watch Q&A with Manal Azzi – Implementing the fundamental right to a safe and healthy working environment

In June 2022, the International Labour Conference included “a safe and healthy working environment” as a fundamental principle and right at work.  Continue reading Global: Watch Q&A with Manal Azzi – Implementing the fundamental right to a safe and healthy working environment

Global: How the Commonwealth is moving on safety

On this World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28 April 2023), the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the world’s leading chartered professional body for people responsible for safety and health in the workplace, celebrates the 10 months that have passed since the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a safe and healthy work environment as a fundamental principle and right.

With IOSH being part of the family of Commonwealth-accredited organisations, we’re doing this by focusing on the Commonwealth’s growing commitment to developing good occupational safety and health (OSH). So, here we profile OSH professionals from 10 Commonwealth players (including the Commonwealth Secretariat, in London) – one for each month since the historic ILO adoption – to show how they’ve each ‘struck a blow’ for the ILO… and an exciting new era for OSH around the globe.

Here are two of the 10 Commonwealth profiles (a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal countries), featuring the President of UK headquartered IOSH, Lawrence Webb and the Commonwealth Secretariat, based in London, but you can link to all the other Commonwealth profiles at How Commonwealth is ‘striking a blow’ for ILO | IOSH.

Read more here


Global: Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridos 2023 – Organizarse en pro de unos lugares de trabajo seguros y saludables

Con ocasión de la Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración (JIC) de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridos, el 28 de abril, los sindicatos están promoviendo el papel que desempeña la organización sindical para conseguir unos lugares de trabajo más seguros y saludables, al tiempo que recordamos a todos los trabajadores y las trabajadoras que han perdido la vida debido a enfermedades o accidentes laborales.

Los sindicatos tienen previsto recurrir al nuevo derecho fundamental de la OIT a un entorno laboral seguro y saludable para hacer frente a las alarmantes cifras de 3 millones de trabajadores que mueren cada año a causa de su trabajo, y de decenas de millones que sufren lesiones y enfermedades que les cambian la vida.

Los sindicatos se organizarán para garantizar que el nuevo derecho fundamental se ponga en práctica y marque una diferencia positiva en la vida cotidiana de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras. Los dos Convenios (155 y 187) de la OIT respaldan la organización sindical mediante el establecimiento de comités de seguridad en el lugar de trabajo, con representación de los trabajadores, y de representantes en materia de seguridad de los trabajadores en el lugar de trabajo.

Esta organización contribuirá a mejorar el entorno laboral mediante el derecho a rechazar trabajos peligrosos y los derechos de consulta sobre las evaluaciones de riesgos, los servicios de salud en el trabajo y el suministro de equipos de protección individual. El Convenio 187 exige asimismo la creación de organismos tripartitos nacionales sobre salud y seguridad con representación del Gobierno, de los trabajadores y de los empleadores.

Luchar contra los lugares de trabajo tóxicos

En todo el mundo, los sindicatos aprovecharán el 28 de abril para luchar contra riesgos como el amianto y productos químicos tóxicos, y contra peligros como las largas jornadas de trabajo y el estrés en el lugar de trabajo, así como para exigir un aumento del número de países que ratifican y aplican todos los Convenios de la OIT sobre salud y seguridad.

El secretario general adjunto de la CSI, Owen Tudor, ha declarado: “Toda persona trabajadora tiene derecho a esperar volver a casa después de su jornada laboral. Nadie debería morir solo por ganarse la vida”.

Los sindicatos logran que el trabajo sea más seguro, y ya han salvado muchas vidas en los siguientes ámbitos:


Las empresas siguen exponiendo a millones de trabajadores a unos niveles excesivos de polvo de sílice, una sustancia que puede provocar cánceres y enfermedades pulmonares mortales. Los sindicatos australianos han conseguido que se impongan nuevas restricciones a los productos que contienen sílice, y que se reduzca a la mitad el límite de exposición de los trabajadores al sílice, lo que podría reducir los casos de silicosis mortal a una sexta parte del nivel actual.

Gente de mar

En 2022 un tribunal holandés otorgó una importante victoria a los sindicatos ITF, FNV Havens y Nautilus NL, que habían presentado una demanda contra Marlow Cyprus, Marlow Netherlands y Expert Shipping. El tribunal dictaminó que los gestores de buques, los propietarios de buques y los fletadores deben cumplir la cláusula de trabajo para no marinos, en virtud de la cual los trabajadores portuarios profesionales, y no los marinos, deben realizar el exigente trabajo de trinca cuando estén disponibles. La decisión implica mayor seguridad para los marinos y garantiza puestos de trabajo para los estibadores.

Residencias de la tercera edad

En 2020-2021, 75.000 personas que vivían en residencias de la tercera edad en Estados Unidos fallecieron por el virus de SARS-CoV-2, y más de 1 millón de trabajadores de dichas residencias han dado positivo en las pruebas de coronavirus. Las residencias de la tercera edad que están organizadas registraron tasas de mortalidad por Covid-19 un 10,8% más bajas entre los residentes, y tasas de infección un 6,8% más bajas entre los trabajadores.

Global: Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs morts ou blessés au travail 2023 – organisation en faveur de lieux de travail sains et sûrs

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs morts ou blessés au travail, le 28 avril, les syndicats promeuvent le rôle essentiel que joue l’organisation syndicale pour garantir des lieux de travail plus sûrs et plus sains, à l’heure où nous nous souvenons de tous les travailleurs et travailleuses qui ont perdu la vie des suites d’accidents du travail ou de maladies professionnelles.

Les syndicats comptent recourir au nouveau droit fondamental de l’OIT à un milieu de travail sûr et salubre pour réduire le nombre effroyable de victimes – trois millions de travailleurs qui meurent chaque année à cause de leur travail et des dizaines de millions de travailleurs qui subissent des lésions ou rencontrent des problèmes de santé qui changent le cours de leur vie.

Les syndicats recourront à l’organisation pour veiller à ce que le nouveau droit fondamental soit mis en oeuvre et ait un effet positif sur la vie quotidienne des travailleurs et des travailleuses. Les deux Conventions de l’OIT (155 et 187) appuient l’organisation syndicale moyennant l’établissement de comités de sécurité sur le lieu de travail, composés de représentants des travailleurs, et de représentants en matière de sécurité des travailleurs au travail.

Cette organisation contribuera à améliorer le milieu de travail moyennant le droit de refuser un travail dangereux et le droit de consultation en ce qui concerne l’évaluation des risques, les services de santé au travail et la fourniture d’équipements de protection individuelle. La Convention 187 exige, en outre, l’établissement d’instances nationales tripartites chargées de la santé et de la sécurité, regroupant des représentants du gouvernement, des travailleurs et des employeurs.

Lutter contre des lieux de travail toxiques

Aux quatre coins du globe, les syndicats profiteront du 28 avril pour lutter contre les risques, notamment l’amiante et les produits chimiques toxiques, et les dangers, tels que les longues heures de travail et le stress sur le lieu de travail, tout en réclamant une augmentation du nombre de pays qui ratifient et mettent en oeuvre toutes les Conventions de l’OIT en matière de santé et de sécurité.

Le secrétaire général adjoint de la CSI, Owen Tudor, a déclaré : « Tous les travailleurs et travailleuses sont en droit d’espérer rentrer chez eux à la fin de leur journée de travail. Personne ne devrait mourir en cherchant à gagner sa vie. »

Les syndicats rendent le travail plus sûr et ont déjà sauvé de nombreuses vies dans les domaines suivants :


Les entreprises continuent d’exposer des millions de travailleurs à des niveaux excessifs de poussière de silice, une substance qui peut causer des cancers et des maladies pulmonaires mortelles. Les syndicats australiens ont obtenu l’imposition de nouvelles restrictions aux produits contenant de la silice, ainsi que la réduction de moitié de la limite d’exposition professionnelle à la silice, ce qui pourrait ramener les cas de silicose mortelle à un sixième du taux actuel.

Gens de mer

En 2022, un tribunal néerlandais a offert une victoire importante aux syndicats ITF, FNV Havens et Nautilus NL, qui avaient intenté une action en justice contre les sociétés Marlow Cyprus, Marlow Netherlands et Expert Shipping, en concluant que les exploitants de navires, les armateurs et les affréteurs doivent respecter la clause selon laquelle les dockers professionnels, et non les marins, doivent effectuer le travail exigeant d’arrimage lorsqu’ils sont disponibles. La décision implique une plus grande sécurité pour les marins et garantit des emplois aux dockers.

Maisons de retraite

En 2020-2021, aux États-Unis, 75 000 résidents de maisons de retraite ont perdu la vie à cause du virus SARS-CoV-2 et plus d’un million de travailleurs des maisons de retraite ont été testés positifs au coronavirus. Les maisons de retraite syndiquées ont déclaré des taux de mortalité due à la Covid-19 inférieurs de 10,8 % parmi les résidents et des taux d’infections inférieurs de 6,8 % parmi les travailleurs.

Global: International Workers’ Memorial Day 2023 – Organise for safe and healthy workplaces #iwmd23

On International Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April, trade unions are promoting the role that organising plays in making workplaces safer and healthier as we remember all working people who have lost their lives to workplace accidents and disease.

Workers’ unions are planning to use the new ILO fundamental right to a safe and healthy working environment to tackle the shocking death toll of three million workers who die each year because of their work, with tens of millions more suffering life-changing injuries and ill health.

Trade unions will use organising to ensure that the new fundamental right is put into practice and makes a positive difference to the daily lives of working people. The two ILO Conventions (155 and 187) provide backing for union organising, through the creation of workplace safety committees with worker representation, and worker safety representatives in workplaces.

This organising can improve the working environment through the right to refuse dangerous work and consultation rights over risk assessments, occupational health services and the provision of personal protective equipment. Convention 187 also requires the creation of national tripartite health and safety bodies with representation for government, workers and employers.

Combatting toxic workplaces

Around the world, unions will use 28 April to fight risks like asbestos and toxic chemicals, and hazards like long hours and stress in the workplace, as well as demanding an increase in the number of countries ratifying and implementing all ILO health and safety Conventions.

ITUC Deputy General Secretary Owen Tudor said: “Every working person has the right to expect to return home at the end their day’s work. No one should die just to make a living.”

Trade unions make work safer, and they have already saved lives in these areas:


Companies are continuing to expose millions of workers to excessive levels of silica dust, which can cause deadly cancers and lung diseases. Australian unions won new restrictions on products containing silica and cut in half the exposure limit to silica for workers, which could see cases of deadly silicosis drop to one-sixth of the current level.


In 2022, a Dutch court handed an important victory to the ITF, FNV Havens and Nautilus NL who had brought a legal case against Marlow Cyprus, Marlow Netherlands and Expert Shipping. The court ruled that ship managers, ship owners and charterers must honour the non-seafarer’s work clause that only professional dockers do demanding, skilful lashing work when they are available, rather than seafarers. The decision means greater safety for seafarers and secures jobs for dockers.

Nursing homes

In 2020/21, 75,000 nursing home residents in the USA died from the SARS-CoV-2 virus with more than one million nursing home workers testing positive. Unionised nursing homes reported Covid-19 mortality rates of residents 10.8% lower and an infection rate of workers 6.8% lower.

Global: ILO ‘fundamental’ OHS dialogue on 28 April

A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work

In June 2022, the International Labour Conference (ILC) decided to include “a safe and healthy working environment” in the ILO’s framework of fundamental principles and rights at work.

On 28 April 2023, the ILO will celebrate this decision, bringing together experts and constituents to discuss the implications it has for the world of work, as well as how to practically implement this right in the world of work. It will also serve to present the findings of research on the implementation status of various provisions of the fundamental Conventions No. 155 and No. 187. Keynote speakers include ITUC deputy general secretary Owen Tudor. Rebecca Reindel, health and safety director with the US national union federation AFL-CIO, is a panellist.

  1. Live on Friday, 28 April from 13:30 to 15:00 CEST

How can we promote the fundamental right to a safe and healthy working environment? 

Join the ILO global dialogue on how to implement a safe and healthy working environment as a fundamental principle and right at work.

To inform 28 April discussions, ILO has also produced a detailed report, Implementing a safe and healthy working environment: Where are we now?

ILO notes: “In the context of the 2023 World Day for Safety and Health at Work celebrating the recognition of a “safe and healthy working environment” as a fundamental principle and right at work, this report provides information on the global implementation status of some of the key provisions contained in the fundamental Conventions Nos 155 and 187.”

The report provides a sobering analysis of the challenges ahead. It found over a fifth (21 per cent) of ILO member states do not as yet have a national tripartite consultative structure on health and safety. Almost a third (32 per cent) do not provide legal protection for workers who remove themselves from serious or imminent dangers at work, a requirement ILO Convention 155.