BWI affiliate SNTBB will be marking International Workers’ Memorial Day by holding a campaign on safety compliance in the construction sector. The intention is to create workplace awareness, in particular in the construction sector.
BWI affiliate SNTBB will be marking International Workers’ Memorial Day by holding a campaign on safety compliance in the construction sector. The intention is to create workplace awareness, in particular in the construction sector.
BWI affiliated unions CBMWU, GCMQWU, PUWU and PSWU are plunge a joint occupational health and safety campaign. The initiative includes workplace visits to raise safety awareness among workers and to promote and evaluate the impact of safety campaigns in construction.
Another BWI affiliate, TWU, is planning similar activities with workplace visits and discussion on drafting workplace policy with activists, workers and inspectors.
ACTU Centre for Health and Safety Update 2023/10
International Workers’ Memorial Day takes place annually around the world on 28 April – it is an international day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work.
This year, Trades and Labour Councils (TLCs) have returned to holding in-person events.
You can find details of the various TLC events around the country here, and we encourage you to attend.
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UBCCECAWU – The Uganda Building Workers’ Union plans a safety awareness raising campaign at a China Railway construction site.
The BWI affiliate National Union of Building, Engineering and General Workers (NUBEGW) has reported plans to run occupational health and safety awareness activities in six separate organised workplaces.
In Mozambique the union SINTAICAF will join with the national centre to conduct a campaign stressing the importance of Occupational health and safety.
On International Workers ‘Memorial Day the union and BWI affiliate Construction Workers’ Union of Mauritius (CMWEU) is planning training and campaigning activities with the national centre including pamphlet distribution.