Category Archives: News

Cymru: Diwrnod Coffa Gweithwyr Rhyngwladol 2019

Wales TUC Workers’ Memorial Day message on YouTube

Global: ITF adds its voice to the international campaign against dangerous substances

The International Transport Workers’ Federation has encouraged everyone to join the international call to take control and remove dangerous substances from work.


España: Un año más desde USO conmemoramos el Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo

Un año más desde USO conmemoramos el Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, denunciando el aumento de la siniestralidad laboral y el ocultamiento de las enfermedades profesionales en nuestro país, este año el 28 de abril queda sepultado por la convocatoria de elecciones generales. En 2018, tenemos que lamentar y denunciar, que fueron 652 los trabajadores y trabajadoras que perdieron la vida en su jornada laboral o en el trayecto de ida o vuelta del trabajo.

Desde USO llevamos años denunciando que, debido a los recortes en prevención y a la falta de cultura preventiva, las evaluaciones de riesgos son genéricas o lo que denominamos de “corta y pega” no recogiendo los riesgos específicos del puesto de trabajo, ni las características concretas del trabajador o trabajadora que va a desempeñar dicha actividad. Además, no se actualizan ante los cambios que se producen en las condiciones laborales, ni por los daños que se producen en la salud.

Por todo esto, desde USO hemos centrado nuestra campaña del 28 de abril en reivindicar que la evaluación de riesgos es el principio de la prevención y si en esta pieza clave ya se falla, el trabajo en prevención está viciado desde la base y nunca será efectivo, por ello nuestro lema es “Sin Evaluación no hay Prevención”.

Te adjunto el cartel y el manifiesto, como en otras ocasiones se realizarán actos reivindicativos y asambleas el día 26 de abril en toda España.


Recibe un cordial saludo

Global: Sharan Burrow (ITUC) on workers’ safety- if you expose us, we’ll expose you [VIDEO]

Sharan Burrow’s (International Trade Union Confederation General Secretary) International Workers’ Memorial Day message on occupational health and safety (YouTube).

UK: Work cancer risk warning after government safety cuts

New evidence confirming a cancer risk to tyre and rubber workers may go ignored because of the UK government’s safety deregulation and cuts, the union Unite has warned. The union was commented after research published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine revealed that workers in the tyre and rubber industry remain at significant risk of developing cancers caused by exposure to N-nitrosamines and rubber dust.

Unite noted the study findings were “particularly timely as it comes just before International Workers’ Memorial Day as the theme for this year’s event is dangerous substances – get them out of the workplace,” with the 28 April global event having a particular focus on occupational cancer prevention. The union, which represents thousands of workers in the industry, says it is unable to properly address the new health concerns as there is no longer an effective body where it can raise such issues. It charges that this “is a result of the Conservative government’s attacks on safety laws.”

The union says the  UK government safety regulator, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), previously had a Tyre and Rubber Industries Safety Action Group (TRISAG), with active involvement of both employers and unions, where safety concerns could be raised and dealt with. “However TRISAG has been scrapped as a result of government pressure and no similar body has replaced its work,” Unite says.

The new study confirms earlier findings that “N-nitrosamines exposures are associated with mortality from cancers of the bladder, lung, stomach, leukaemia, multiple myeloma, oesophagus, prostate, pancreas and liver.”

Unite national officer for the rubber industry Tony Devlin said: “This authoritative study is a stark reminder of the long-term health implications of being exposed to rubber. These dangers are being neglected as a direct result of the government’s cuts which are denying workers an effective voice in the corridors of power.” He added: “The lack of an effective forum to deal with exposure to cancer causing substances is another example of how the government has washed it hands of workplace health and safety. Cancer deaths will not be reduced unless effective measures are taken to cut exposure levels to N-nitrosamines and rubber dust.”

Unite news release. Mira Hidajat and others. Lifetime exposure to rubber dusts, fumes and N-nitrosamines and cancer mortality in a cohort of British rubber workers with 49 years follow-up, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, volume 76, number 4, pages 250-258, April 2019. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2018-105181
Cancers and their work causes: An ITUC/Hazards at-a-glance guide to cancer hazards. Also in French and Spanish.

Australia: ACTU – 28 April activities state-by-state

ACTU logoThe Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has published the following list of International Workers’ Memorial Day events:

New South Wales

Unions NSW International Workers’ Memorial Day event
28 April 2019
Reflection Park Little Pier Street (off Harbour St), Darling Harbour, Sydney


VTHC International Workers’ Memorial Day event
29 April 2019
Victorian Trades Hall (Lygon St Entrance), Melbourne
10.30am – 11.15am
Including a minute’s silence at 11am and an opportunity to lay wreaths.

Northern Territory

Unions NT International Workers’ Memorial Day event
29 April 2019
Rain Tree Park at Smith St Mall, Darwin
Time TBC.
Unions NT Secretary Joel Bowden will MC the event – there will be a eulogy, guest speaker and will finish with the workers’ prayer.

Western Australia

Unions WA International Workers’ Memorial Day event
29 April 2019
Solidarity Park, West Perth
10am – more details


QCU International Workers’ Memorial Day event
29 April 2019
Queen of Apostles Catholic Church, 70 Appleby Rd, Stafford


Also see 27 and 28 April events listing for Tasmania.

Europe: ETUC – Work is to earn living, not cause death

ETUC News release 23, April, 2019
Work is to earn living, not cause death

Almost two hundred thousand people die every year in the European Union as a result of workplace diseases, illnesses and accidents.

The reality is much worse – there is massive under reporting by employers, and when a worker is killed by their work it harms whole families.

The ETUC is calling for the European Union – in particular the new European Parliament to be elected in May and the new European Commission to be appointed following the elections – to

• Set a target of zero workplace cancer, and as a step towards that target set ‘binding occupational exposure limits’ for at least 50 cancer-causing substances (24 have been agreed by the current Parliament and Commission);

• Introduce a Directive on stress at work to make all employers adopt initiatives to identify and prevent stress, and procedures to tackle stress;

• Introduce a Directive to tackle back, knee and finger-joint (and other musculoskeletal) pain at work;

• Launch a debate on preventing work-related road deaths and work-related suicide with a view to taking new measures in the lifetime of the new Parliament and Commission.

“Work is to earn a living” said Esther Lynch, ETUC Confederal Secretary “not cause death.

“The EU should work towards no work-related deaths and adopt an official target of zero workplace cancer. EU law is needed to oblige employers to put in place actions to prevent and tackle work-related stress and to stop the misery and suicide caused by work-related stress.

“The EU must also act to reduce the distress of millions of workers who suffer from musculoskeletal pain – like back, knee and other pain in people’s tendons, joints, muscles and bones.”

On work-related road deaths and suicides, Lynch added “We know that a large proportion of road deaths are work-related, and with the digital economy there is an increase of people delivering goods by road. We need those platforms who create the conditions to be responsible and take actions to protect workers and prevent work-related road deaths. We also know that these delivery workers are subject increasingly to violence. On work-related suicide we need studies and statistics as well as a actions to prevent such suicides.”

April 28 is the day trade unionists throughout the world ‘remember the dead and fight for the living’ and press decision-makers and employers on the need to work with trade unions to stop workplace fatalities, injuries and disease.

There were estimated to be some 500,000 work-related cancer deaths 2014-19 (the period in office of the current European Commission and Parliament), part of a total of 900,000-1 million work-related deaths over the same period in EU member states.


Global: Worldwide support for International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April 2019!

With four days to go to International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April 2019, unions and safety campaigns in over 50 countries have already had their activities and resources added to the ITUC 28 April website and featured on the global events map.

If events are taking place in your country, make sure we know about them! We particularly want to hear from national union centres and national unions and campaigns.


28 April resources

Other tools

Find out more


ITUC 28 April website, facebook page and twitter hashtag #iwmd19.


Global: ILO activities on 28 April

The International Labour Organisation marks International Workers’ Memorial day on 28 April with its World Day for Health at Work.
New safety and health issues emerge as work changes – report.

Journée mondiale de la sécurité et de la santé au travail: Sécurité, santé et avenir du travail – OIT, 28 avril 2019.
De nouveaux problèmes de sécurité et de santé émergent avec les changements au travail – rapport.

Día Mundial de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo: Seguridad y Salud y el Futuro del Trabajo – OIT, 28 de abril de 2019.
Surgen nuevos problemas de seguridad y salud a medida que el trabajo cambia – informe.

Global: Events map | 28 April – put your events on the map!

Our global events map for 28 April 2019 activities is taking shape.

Make sure we include details of trainings, protests, workplace activities or other events to mark the day.

See also country by country , resources and graphics .

Enough! International Trade Union Confederation Wants to End Dangerous Chemicals

Chemicals are everywhere. The global chemistry industry is expected to quadruple by 2060. However, exposure to hazardous toxic substances in the workplace already costs the lives of at least one million people each year. Sharan Burrow , General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), explains why a new trade union campaign is an essential step to end this slaughter.


¡Todos fuera! The Confederación Sindical Internacional (CSI) will take care of the productos químicos asesinos

Los productos químicos están en todas partes. Se prevé que la industria mundial se multiplique por cuatro para 2060. Las exposiciones a sustancias tóxicas en el lugar de trabajo se cobran al menos un millón de vidas cada año. Sharan Burrow, secretaria general de la Confederación Sindical Internacional (CSI), explica la trascendencia de una nueva campaña sindical para frenar esta carnicería química.


All out! Global union confederation ITUC wants to show killer chemicals the door

Chemicals are everywhere. The global industry is set to grow four-fold by 2060. But toxic workplace exposures are already claiming at least a million lives each year. Sharan Burrow , head of the global union confederation ITUC, spells out why a new trade union campaign is an essential step to stopping the chemical carnage.
