Category Archives: #iwmd22

USA: USW is organising to raise the level of safety protections for everyone

Continue reading USA: USW is organising to raise the level of safety protections for everyone

Austria: GBH 28 April message – Heute heißt es: Den Toten gedenken, für die Lebenden kämpfen!

Heute heißt es: Den Toten gedenken, für die Lebenden kämpfen! Continue reading Austria: GBH 28 April message – Heute heißt es: Den Toten gedenken, für die Lebenden kämpfen!

Moldova: SINDICONS 28 April workplace inspection, flash mob and vigil

? On the International Day of Safety and Health in Work, marked today, April 28, the leadership of the Federation of Construction and Construction Materials “SINDICONS”, together with the leadership of the State Inspectorate of Labor i and the Federation of the Patronage of Construction and Production of Construction Materials in the Republic of Moldova have paid a visit at the mine in Chisinau
✅The working conditions were analyzed from the mine, how the requirements in the field of safety and health in work are respected, which are the benefits of mining. Social partners in the construction branch organized a flashmob in which they called for the respect of standards in the SSM field, emphasizing that the right to safety and health in work is a primordial right. At the same time, those present commemorated the victims of the work accidents.
!! According to official statistics, in the Republic of Moldova during the year 2021, 627 incidents of injuries were reported to the State Inspectorate of Labor in the field of labor, due to which 664 people suffered, 78 of which have died.

Moldova: Declarația Confederației Naționale a Sindicatelor din Moldova cu ocazia Zilei internaționale a securității și sănătății în muncă – 28 aprilie


‼️Declarația Confederației Naționale a Sindicatelor din Moldova cu ocazia Zilei internaționale a securității și sănătății în muncă – 28 aprilie

?Anul acesta suntem chemați de Confederația Internațională a Sindicatelor de a susține promovarea dreptului la securitate și sănătate în muncă ca drept fundamental în cadrul Conferinței anuale a Organizației Internaționale a Muncii.

✅Toate acestea sunt promovate, fiind fundamentate la nivel mondial pe o statistică foarte tragică: aproximativ 2,9 milioane de lucrători mor în fiecare an din cauza accidentelor și bolilor profesionale și cel puțin 402 milioane de persoane, anual, sunt vătămate la locul de muncă.

?În Republica Moldova, statistica, la fel, nu este îmbucurătoare: pe parcursul anului 2021, la Inspectoratul de Stat al Muncii au fost comunicate 627 de evenimente de accidentare a lucrătorilor în câmpul muncii, în urma cărora au avut de suferit 664 de persoane, dintre care – 78 au decedat.

➡️Accesați pagina web a CNSM pentru a citi mai multe detalii


Nepal/Bangladesh: Workers demand recognition of the right to safe and healthy work

BWI Affiliates in Nepal and Bangladesh demand the recognition of occupational health and safety as a fundamental right of workers. #IWMD2022

Philippines: Building workers protest low paid, unsafe work on 28 April



The National Union of Building and Construction Workers (NUBCW) commemorated the International Workers Memorial Day 2022 last 24 April 2022 in Quezon City, Philippines. In attendance are NUBCW local members from Evergreen Mfg Corp. Regular project-based Employees Union (EMCRPEU), Women Welders Guild (WWG), and Association of Women Workers in the Construction Industry (AWWCI). NUBCW Secretary General, Santiago Nolla, lead the discussion on the current status of Filipino workers, and the Occupational Health and Safety laws in the Philippines. The members also echoed their concerns that most workers in the Philippines are underpaid yet the work is hard and dangerous. Women workers see that discrimination and harassment are still rampant, especially in the construction industry, that is why mainstreaming women in the construction industry plays an important role in eradicating this problem. #iwmd22

Cambodia: Women construction and brick kiln workers mark 28 April

Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia (BWTUC) commemorates International Workers’ Memorial Day together with women workers from the construction and brick kiln sectors. #JobsShouldntKill #IWMD2022

USA: Black and latino workers are at higher risk of death at work – AFL-CIO


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America’s labor movement is fighting for a time where no one has to go to work in fear of injury, sickness, or death.

On International Workers’ Memorial Day and everyday, we “Mourn the Dead, and Fight Like Hell for the Living!” #IWMD2022


Germany: Am heutigen Workers‘ Memorial Day erinnern wir an alle Arbeitnehmer innen, die aufgrund ihrer Arbeit erkrankt


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2021 wurden alleine zwischen Januar und September 77.115 Arbeitsunfälle auf deutschen Baustellen gemeldet. 69 Bauarbeiter*innen sind tödlich verunglückt. Am heutigen Workers‘ Memorial Day erinnern wir an alle Arbeitnehmer*innen, die aufgrund ihrer Arbeit erkrankt oder gestorben sind.

Der Europäische Gewerkschaftsbund @etucces ruft heute dazu auf, bis 2030 das Ziel von 0 Todesfällen durch Arbeitsunfälle oder arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen zu erreichen. Obwohl die tödlichen Arbeitsunfälle in der EU abnehmen, steigt die Zahl der Arbeitnehmer*innen, die ihre Arbeit krank macht.

Im Beschäftigungs- und Sozialausschuss (EMPL) haben wir uns dafür eingesetzt, Arbeitnehmer*innen besser vor krebserregenden Stoffen zu schützen. Es bleibt trotzdem viel Handlungsbedarf, da beispielsweise die Gesundheitsbelastung bei der Arbeit unter freiem Himmel durch extreme Wettererscheinungen (Hitze, Unwetter) steigt. Aber auch die mentale Belastung für Arbeitnehmer*innen in den klassischen Bürojobs steigt durch die zunehmende Entgrenzung von Arbeit und das Gefühl, ständig erreichbar sein zu müssen.

Ich unterstütze die Forderung nach #ZeroDeathAtWork und werde daran arbeiten, dass wir den europäischen Rahmen für Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz verbessern. #iwmd22

Montenegro: Otkada je usvojena stogodišnja deklaracija

Montenegro #iwmd22 International Workers’ Memorial Day