Category Archives: News

Holland: FNV takes on work toxics and cancer risks on Workers’ Memorial Day

Dutch union FNV has been very much involved in various actions that have built up pressure on employers such as a municipality, national railroad company (NS) and the airline KLM, which in the future might prevent more victims from the use of Chrome VI, a cause of occupational cancers. FNV will this year also celebrate Workers’ Memorial Day on the 28th of April in Rotterdam with special attention for toxic substances at work.

Related information (in Dutch).

Global: ITUC call to action for International Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April 2019

April Call to Action

On April 28th, Workers’ Memorial Day, ITUC will organise under the theme, Taking control – removing dangerous workplace substances from the workplace. This year ITUC will focus on Zero Cancer, with a new poster showing risk factors for cancers at work.

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Asia: ANROEV call for Action – International Workers Memorial Day, 28 April

Greetings from ANROEV secretariat!

International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD), 28 April 2019 is knocking at the door.

Every year IWMD observed on April 28 as a day of commemoration and action for workers those who killed, disabled, injured, intoxicated by chemical exposure or made unwell by lack of safety and health at work. It is a day to commemorate for those who died at work, fight for the rights of injured workers and to acknowledge the grievous suffering experienced by families and communities.

This day is also an opportunity for us to highlight the OSH awareness , demands and promotion of preventative safety culture.

This year the proposed theme of ANROEV for IWMD is: ʺRaising Voice to Ratify ILO Convention no. 155 (Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981)ʺ.

It will be appreciated if you could share us your organisation’s plan of action on 28 April.

Furthermore, we also request you to send us activities picture or produced materials (if any) after the event.

With best regards,


USA: AFL-CIO 28 April materials

The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)  has posted 2019 Workers Memorial Day materials on their website that can be downloaded and ordered.

Materials, in English and Spanish, include posters, fliers, factsheets, stickers, WMD kits and their Death on the Job report (available late April). 



Safe Jobs, Every Worker's Right

28 April ‘dangerous substances’ campaign theme confirmed

Global union confederation ITUC has confirmed the theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April 2019.

‘Taking control – removing dangerous substances from the workplace’ will be this year’s focus for what has become the world’s largest annual health and safety event. The union-led campaign will emphasise a ‘Zero Cancer’ approach, urging reps to seek to eliminate or minimise exposure to carcinogens in the workplace.

ITUC says it will be developing resources ahead of the event to support union preparation of campaign materials. It adds that new resources and events will be featured on the regularly updated dedicated webpages. It is urging organisations to use the hashtag #iwmd19. ITUC is also highlighting key existing resources:

The high profile event, which in 2018 saw tens of thousands of activities in over 70 countries, has ‘trended’ on twitter in recent years.

Global: 28 April theme this year is ‘dangerous substances’

The global union confederation ITUC has confirmed the 2019 theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day, held on 28 April each year, will be: “Dangerous substances – get them out of the workplace”.

The focus will be mainly on carcinogens but unions can adapt the theme to whatever is most relevant in a particular workplace or area, as many substances can also cause illnesses such as asthma or dermatitis.

When it comes to cancer risks caused by substances at work, asbestos and diesel exhaust are high profile issues for many workers at the moment – and the TUC has prepared detailed guides to help reps negotiate improvements. The TUC has created a dedicated 2019 Workers’ Memorial Day webpage, which will list all events being held on the day.

TUC 2019 Workers’ Memorial Day events page and asbestos, diesel exhaust, and workplace cancers guides. ITUC/Hazards 28 April 2019 events and resources webpage and cancerhazards blog.

Send details of your 28 April 2019 events to the TUC health and safety department, email:

United Kingdom: TUC publishes 28 April resources and events


The UK’s national trade union federation  TUC has created a dedicated 2019 Workers’ Memorial Day webpage, which will list all events being held on the day.

The 2019 theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day will be: “Dangerous substances – get them out of the workplace”. The focus will be mainly on carcinogens but unions can adapt the theme to whatever is most relevant in a particular workplace or area, as many substances can also cause illnesses such as asthma or dermatitis.

When it comes to cancer risks caused by substances at work, asbestos and diesel exhaust are high profile issues for many workers at the moment – and the TUC has prepared detailed asbestos, diesel exhaust, and workplace cancers guides to help reps negotiate improvements.

28 April 2019: Taking control – getting dangerous substances out of the workplace

28 April 2019 International Workers’ Memorial Day theme

Taking control – removing dangerous substances from the workplace

The ITUC is proposing the following theme for 28 April 2019: “Taking control – removing dangerous substances from the workplace.” There will be a particular focus on Zero Cancer – how to eliminate or minimise exposure to carcinogens in the workplace. Affiliates are of course free to adapt or change the theme to suit local priorities.

The ITUC will be developing resources in the coming weeks to support preparation of campaign materials. To assist with this we are seeking evidence of union action leading to workplace, legislative or sectoral improvements, and the human and economic payoff from this protective action. Please send details to ITUC health and safety adviser, Rory O’Neill at

Updates to the dedicated  webpages will start as materials, activities and events are confirmed.

In the meantime, these existing ITUC/international trade union resources may be of use:

Yours sincerely

Sharan Burrow

General secretary, ITUC

le 28 avril 2019 – « Prendre le contrôle – éliminer les substances dangereuses du lieu de travail »

Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs, le 28 avril 2019 – annonce du thème

« Prendre le contrôle – éliminer les substances dangereuses du lieu de travail »

La CSI propose le thème général suivant pour la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs, le 28 avril 2019: « Prendre le contrôle – éliminer les substances dangereuses du lieu de travail ».  Un accent particulier sera mis sur le «cancer zéro» – comment éliminer ou minimiser l’exposition aux substances cancérogènes sur le lieu de travail. Les organisations affiliées sont, bien entendu, libres d’adapter ou de changer le thème en fonction de leurs priorités locales.

La CSI élaborera des outils au cours des semaines à venir afin de soutenir la préparation du matériel de campagne. À cette fin, nous recueillons des données sur les actions syndicales entraînant des améliorations sur les plans législatif, sectoriel ou sur le lieu de travail, ainsi que sur les avantages humains et économiques de cette action de protection. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir envoyer toute information au conseiller en santé et en sécurité de la CSI, Rory O’Neill, à

En attendant, ces ressources syndicales internationales existantes de la CSI et autres organisations peuvent être utiles:

Les pages web consacrées à cette Journée,, seront mises à jour dès que les supports, les activités et les événements seront confirmés.

Salutations fraternelles,

Sharan Burrow

28 de abril de 2019 – “Tomar el control: eliminar sustancias peligrosas del lugar de trabajo”

Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores, 28 de abril de 2019 – Anuncio del tema

“Tomar el control: eliminar sustancias peligrosas del lugar de trabajo”.

La CSI propone como tema general para la Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración de los trabajadores y trabajadoras fallecidos y lesionados, el 28 de abril de 2019, “Tomar el control: eliminar sustancias peligrosas del lugar de trabajo”. Habrá un enfoque particular en “cáncer cero”: cómo eliminar o minimizar la exposición a carcinógenos en el lugar de trabajo. Naturalmente, las organizaciones afiliadas tienen la libertad de cambiar el tema para adaptarlo a las prioridades locales.

En las próximas semanas, la CSI elaborará material para apoyar la preparación de materiales de campaña. Para ayudar en esta trabajo, buscamos muestras de medidas sindicales que han realisado mejoras a nivel del lugar de trabajo, en los sectores o en la legislación , así como los beneficios económicos y humanos que aporta esta medida de protección. Envíe los detalles al Asesor de Salud y Seguridad de la CSI, Rory O’Neill al correo

Mientras tanto, estos recursos existentes de la CSI y otras organizaciones internacionales pueden ser util:

La actualización de las páginas web dedicadas a este tema,, dará comienzo a medida que se confirmen los materiales, las actividades y los eventos.

Sin otro particular, reciba un fraternal saludo,

Sharan Burrow