All posts by Jawad

Costa Rica: UNATROPYT held construction site meetings on 28 April

On construction sites in San Ramón BWI affiliate UNATROPYT held health, safety and security meetings to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day.

USA: Workers’ Memorial Week – Love, support and standing up for safety – report and pictures

The National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (National COSH) federation reported events from all over the U.S. and around the globe, 2018 was another amazing Workers’ Memorial Week.

Check out  their  blog at for a wrap-up of just a few of the vigils, memorials, rallies and other events that took place in churches, synagogues, City Council chambers and other locations from Maine to California – and many points in between.


United Kingdom: Unite says unions make work SAFE – Decent work for all!

BWI’s UK affiliate Unite produced a comprehensive list of its International Workers’ Memorial Day actions.

Australia: Put your boots out on 28 April

To mark International Workers’ Memorial Day CFMEU asked workers to take a photo of empty pairs of work boots and share it on social media with the hashtags #IWMD #PutYourBootsOut. BWI affiliates CFMEU and ETU  also called on their members to attend the many ACTU commemorations that took place around the country.

Sri Lanka: Unions issue 28 April warning on the deadly impact of corruption

Some trade unionists present at a 28 April forum told the ‘Business Times’ (BT) that the Labour Department is one place infested with bribery and corruption where decisions against the workers could be manipulated.

During the discussion, Leon Joseph, Secretary, National Free Trade Union pointed out that in one incident there were 350 workers taken to hospital, 100 were treated in-house, three were treated in the intensive care and one died.

The medical officer who held the post-mortem on the death of the worker ruled that the death was due to natural causes, but when the family of the worker protested and a second post-mortem was held, a completely different verdict was returned.

This shows the extent of corruption and even such professionals like medical officers could be influenced. Mr Joseph said that most of the employers do not want to reveal these accidents and in many instances they try to hide them as they are usually caused due to their negligence.

More: The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Greece: OETYTE joins global campaign for safe work at Lafarge-Holcim

BWI affiliate The Greek Federation of Workers and Employees in Cement Industry (OETYTE) sent a message to LafargeHolcim management calling for safer work (below).


Denmark: Unions and campaigners highlight risks from heavy lifting and stress

General union 3F and workplace health campaign group AAA highlight workplace risks from heavy lifting and stress. Activities took place in both Copenhagen and  Elsinore. The union says around 2,000 workers every year die as a result of their working conditions.

Source: Janne Hansen, 3F

Georgia: On 28 April GTUC demands tougher Georgian safety legislation

In his 28 April message Irakli Petriashvili, President of the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation, notes:

“Since the abolition of the labour inspection in 2006, the number of accidents has increased significantly in the workplace. According to the data of the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC), in the period from 2007 to 2018, as a result of occupational incidents, 473 persons died and 806 people were seriously injured. The highest rate of fatal cases is in construction and mining industries.”

Read more • GTUC website

Philippines: 28 April -Workers call for safe workplaces and end to contractualisation

Workplace safety NGO Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development (IOHSAD) held a candle lighting activity in Zambales province to mark Workers’ Memorial Day and remember all the Hanjin workers who died due to work since the largest shipyard company started its operations in the country in 2006.

This annual red-letter day is aimed to gather workers in different parts of the world to remember all workers who have died due to work. IOHSAD slammed the government’s failure to ensure safe workplaces and pass a pro-worker occupational safety and health (OSH) bill amid recent workplace tragedies such as the NCCC mall fire in Davao last December 2017 that claimed the lives of 38 workers.

“This government’s track record of broken promises includes its failure to pass a pro-worker OSH Bill. Ending contractualization and ensuring safer workplaces are not in President Duterte’s priorities,” says Nadia De Leon, IOHSAD advocacy officer.

IOHSAD said the commemoration of this year’s Workers’ Memorial Day is more significant as the Filipino workers prepare for a huge and historic mobilization on May 1.

“Contractual workers do not only suffer from insecure jobs but they also handle the most hazardous work. Their stories reveal how they are deprived of necessary medical attention during emergencies at work. They even shell out from their pockets to provide for their own personal protective equipment such as goggles, safety shoes and ear plugs,” added De Leon.

Majority of the workers who died in the Kentex factory fire three years ago, were contractual and agency workers. This workplace tragedy exposed not only the employers’ grave violations of safety standards that caused the workers’ deaths but also the miserable plight of contractual workers. They were overworked, underpaid and exposed to unsafe work. These deplorable working conditions and precarious work claimed the lives of more than 72 Kentex workers.

“Our call for safe workplaces is part of the Filipino workers demand to end contractualization. Regular jobs, decent wages and strong unions are the workers’ most reliable shields against deadly and unsafe work,” ended De Leon.

Sweden: Säg ja till ILO-konvention mot könsbaserat våld, regeringen!

Vill du skriva debatt eller replik?

Debatt Den svenska regeringen och svenska arbetsgivare har i juni chansen att ställa sig bakom en ILO-konvention mot könsbaserat våld och trakasserier i arbetslivet. Idag på Världsarbetsmiljödagen uppmanar vi dem att säga ja, skriver tre LO-företrädare.

Könsbaserat våld och trakasserier är ett av de mest vanligt förekommande och mest osynliggjorda arbetsmiljöproblemen runt om i världen. För den fackliga rörelsen är det emellertid ingen nyhet.

Det globala facket, IFS, har visat att könsbaserade trakasserier möter kvinnor oavsett position och yrke. Men oftast är det kvinnor med osäkra anställningar och lågstatusarbeten som utsätts, såväl av chefer och kollegor som av kunder, gäster eller brukare.

Ensamarbete och arbete i andras hem är riskfaktorer som särskilt sätter hushållsarbetare, omsorgspersonal och städpersonal i utsatta situationer.

Ensamarbete och arbete i andras hem är riskfaktorer som särskilt sätter hushållsarbetare, omsorgspersonal och städpersonal i utsatta situationer. Osäkerheten i arbetsvillkoren gör att få har möjlighet att säga ifrån och kontakta sin arbetsgivare. Inte minst när arbetsgivaren står för problemen. Därför är den kollektiva fackliga rösten mycket viktig.

Idag, den 28 april firas Världsarbetsmiljödagen av fackliga organisationer runt om i världen. Syftet med dagen är att understryka vikten av ett förebyggande arbetsmiljöarbete på alla områden. Arbetsmiljöarbete bygger på en lång tradition av trepartssamverkan mellan arbetstagare, arbetsgivare och staten. Inom FN:s organ för arbetslivsfrågor, ILO, finns alla parter representerade.

Just i år finns en unik chans för den svenska regeringen och svenska arbetsgivare att ge arbetstagare ett världsomspännande skydd mot könsbaserat våld och trakasserier i arbetslivet. Det som krävs är att man ställer sig bakom förslaget till ny ILO-konvention som ska behandlas på ILO:s arbetskonferens i juni.

Det är viktigt att stater och arbetsgivare enas om att det är nog. Därför vill vi att regeringen driver på för en ILO-konvention mot våld och trakasserier i arbetslivet. Vi måste se till att skapa tryggare arbetsplatser för kvinnor.

Bara genom att stå enade kan vi få ett stopp på könsbaserat våld och trakasserier på arbetsplatser runt om i världen.

Berit Müllerström, andre vice ordförande LO

Joa Bergold, utredare LO:s enhet för välfärd, utbildning och arbetsmarknad

Oscar Ernerot, Ombudsman LO:s enhet för internationella frågor

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