Global: Organising for health and safety on 28 April 2023

Announcing the theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April this year, ITUC’s deputy general secretary Owen Tudor noted ILO’s recognition that a safe and healthy work environment is a fundamental right for workers, adding: “This has given a new impetus to organising for health and safety – a crucial part of union action. This year’s Workers’ Memorial Day, April 28 is dedicated to this core union priority.”

ITUC/Hazards 28 April 2023 websiteTUC #iwmd23 webpagesITUC newsletter, 6 February 2023. Occupational health and safety adopted as an ILO fundamental right at work.

Health and Safety and Organising – A guide for reps, TUC and related interactive guide for union reps (you may need to register to access this resource).

More on organising for OHS15 February 2023

UK: Organising 101- Hazards magazine

Read the Organising 101 column by trade union activist, tutor and anti-blacklisting campaigner Dave Smith.

1. Using flower power at work
2. A walk in the park
3. If you want to win, you better listen
4. Blocking roads and turning a corner
5. Getting bugged by hot desking
6. Something for the weekend

7. Find a friend
8. Just ask what workers want
9. You gotta fight for your right to safety
10. Imagine you’re a tree
11. How to stress test your workplace
12. Unreasonable behaviour
13. Check your make up
14. Pilot study
15. All together now
16. Bright sparks
17. Corporate capture
18. No accident
19. Get back to the classroom
20. No accident [Part 2]


UK: 28 April organising resources from TUC and Hazards magazine

Health and Safety and Organising – A guide for reps, TUC and related interactive guide for union reps (you may need to register to access this resource).


Organising for OHS, Hazards website.






Global: la organización en favor de la salud y la seguridad –una parte crucial de la acción sindical

2023 será un año clave para los sindicatos y para los trabajadores y las trabajadoras. El año pasado conseguimos que se reconociera que un entorno laboral seguro y saludable es un derecho de los trabajadores. Esto ha dado un nuevo impulso a la organización en favor de la salud y la seguridad –una parte crucial de la acción sindical–. La Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Lesionados, el 28 de abril, está dedicada este año a esta prioridad sindical fundamental.

Owen Tudor, secretario general adjunto de la CSI.
Boletín de la CSI – Febrero 2023.


Global: l’organisation des travailleurs en faveur de la santé et de la sécurité – un volet primordial de l’action syndicale

2023 sera une année cruciale pour les syndicats et pour les personnes qui travaillent. L’année dernière, nous avons obtenu qu’un environnement de travail sûr et sain soit reconnu comme un droit pour les travailleurs. Cette reconnaissance a donné un nouvel élan à l’organisation des travailleurs en faveur de la santé et de la sécurité – un volet primordial de l’action syndicale. Cette année, la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleurs décédés et blessés, le 28 avril, sera dédiée à cette priorité syndicale essentielle.

Owen Tudor, secrétaire général adjoint de la CSI.
Bulletin d’information de la CSI – Février 2023.


Global: Organising for health and safety – a crucial part of union action

2023 will be a key year for trade unions and working people. Last year, we secured recognition that a safe and healthy work environment is a right for workers. This has given a new impetus to organising for health and safety – a crucial part of union action. This year’s Workers’ Memorial Day, April 28 is dedicated to this core union priority.

Owen Tudor, ITUC deputy general secretary.
ITUC newsletter, 6 February 2023.


Global: Graphic resources for 28 April – #iwmd23 and

USA: Are you ready for Workers’ Memorial Week 2023?

In April, we will say their names.

The names of the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters who are killed each year in U.S. workplaces. Sadly, we can’t say all of them because there are too many.

At least 5,000 U.S. workers die each year from acute workplace trauma, like drowning in a trench or falling from a height. And nearly 100,000 more die from long-term exposure to highly hazardous working conditions, like repeated exposure to toxic chemicals.

We all know that behind the devastating statistics about worker deaths are real people who leave behind grieving families and shattered co-workers. Their lives will be honored with vigils, rallies, memorial services and other events during Workers’ Memorial Week this year from April 23 through April 30th.

When we say the names of workers who can and should have gone home safely, we want to make sure we are heard loud and clear. By families who deserve better. By workers who can join together to improve their workplaces. By opinion leaders and policymakers who can make a difference.

In solidarity,

Jessica E. Martinez and Marcy Goldstein-Gelb
Co-executive directors, National COSH

Global: IWMD 2022 – 105 BWI affiliates in 50 countries call to recognise OHS as a fundamental right

To commemorate this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day, BWI-affiliated trade unions once again raised their voices to persuade the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to recognise health and safety as a fundamental right.

Through meetings with workers, nationwide tours on occupational health and safety (OHS), press conferences, OHS training workshops and social media use for campaigning, 105 BWI-affiliated unions from 50 countries took part in the global union’s month-long IWMD campaign.

Some of the highlights of BWI affiliates’ various IWMD actions worldwide were:

  • The action by the Belgian affiliate ACV where more than 1,000 ACV activists and staff members visited nearly 15,000 industry workers in the spread of more than 2,000 sites. The trade union took advantage of the opportunity to give workers good advice on health and safety.
  • In South Korea, KFCITU opened a union hotline for the reporting of dangerous work, and held various rallies to support disclosure of serious accidents and occupational diseases. It also held a memorial ceremony on the second anniversary of the Han Express Accident (29 April)
  • In Montenegro, the Association of Occupational Safety and Health of Montenegro awarded Nenad Markovic, President of the Trade Union of Construction and Industry of Building Materials of Montenegro (SGIGMCG), for his union’s exemplary contribution to the promotion of occupational health and safety.
  • In Zimbabwe, the affiliates CLAWUZ, ZCATWU and GAPWUZ organised an Occupational Safety and Health Workshop on IWMD. During the workshop, participants shared their OHS experiences, discussed the key principles and aims of OHS, and highlighted the various types of occupational hazards.
  • In Brazil, BWI affiliates, together with other trade unions and government organizations, launched a book titled “Rosca sem Fim: Basta de mortes, acidentes e doenças do trabalho.”
  • BWI’s youth affiliates celebrated IWMD 2022 by once again carrying the theme “life before profit.” This was led by young trade unionists from FILCA CSIL (Italy), SERBUK (Indonesia), CMWEU (Mauritius), FOCRA (Argentina), STICC POA (Brasil) and INTERGREMIAL (Colombia), among many others. The youth section of BYGGNADS released a video commemorating the 44 workers who lost their lives in 2021 to work-related accidents. Meanwhile, an OHS exhibit was mounted by CMWEU young unionists in Mauritius near a monument in Rose Hill to honour of workers.

Labour inspections and workplace sensitisation activities were also held at construction projects in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Turkey, Tajikistan, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, El Salvador, Brazil and Argentina to ensure safety, hygiene and health measures are taken at worksites.

The big presence of BWI affiliates on conventional and social media is also worth mentioning. Such presence ensured BWI’s messages were conveyed far and wide and further stressed the importance of this year’s International Labour Conference (ILC) to declare OSH as a fundamental right.

To cap the campaign, BWI recognised the achievement of its affiliates in gathering signed joint OHS declarations with different construction, building materials and wood companies and employers’ associations. In total, over 450 OHS declarations have now been signed covering over 483,000 employers, and 18 million workers.

Source: BWI 

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living