Croatia: National union SGH plans a safety conference and several meetings for 28 April

BWI affiliate SGH will be holding a safety conference to mark 28 April.  It is also is planning a series meetings with trade union members.

Georgia: Union organised conferences and meetings will mark 28 April

There are multiple 28 April activities planned by union affiliates to BWI in Georgia . LS will hold a conference  that will launch an occupational health and safety campaign and call for solidarity support. GBFWU is planning safety action meetings with union members.

Global: ILO ‘fundamental’ OHS dialogue on 28 April

A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work

In June 2022, the International Labour Conference (ILC) decided to include “a safe and healthy working environment” in the ILO’s framework of fundamental principles and rights at work.

On 28 April 2023, the ILO will celebrate this decision, bringing together experts and constituents to discuss the implications it has for the world of work, as well as how to practically implement this right in the world of work. It will also serve to present the findings of research on the implementation status of various provisions of the fundamental Conventions No. 155 and No. 187. Keynote speakers include ITUC deputy general secretary Owen Tudor. Rebecca Reindel, health and safety director with the US national union federation AFL-CIO, is a panellist.

  1. Live on Friday, 28 April from 13:30 to 15:00 CEST

How can we promote the fundamental right to a safe and healthy working environment? 

Join the ILO global dialogue on how to implement a safe and healthy working environment as a fundamental principle and right at work.

To inform 28 April discussions, ILO has also produced a detailed report, Implementing a safe and healthy working environment: Where are we now?

ILO notes: “In the context of the 2023 World Day for Safety and Health at Work celebrating the recognition of a “safe and healthy working environment” as a fundamental principle and right at work, this report provides information on the global implementation status of some of the key provisions contained in the fundamental Conventions Nos 155 and 187.”

The report provides a sobering analysis of the challenges ahead. It found over a fifth (21 per cent) of ILO member states do not as yet have a national tripartite consultative structure on health and safety. Almost a third (32 per cent) do not provide legal protection for workers who remove themselves from serious or imminent dangers at work, a requirement ILO Convention 155.

Sri Lanka: NTUF planning activities for International Workers’ Memorial

BWI affiliate NTUF has announced that it is making plans to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April.

Further details to follow.

Pakistan: Unions promote safety awareness through meetings and seminars on 28 April

To mark 28 April, BWI affiliates ACEEU and PFBWW  both plan to raise awareness of health and safety issues through meetings and seminars at infrastructure sites.

Nepal: PPE and safety awareness are the themes for 28 April activities

Nepalese BWI affiliate BWI-NAC is conducting a worksite awareness meeting and distribution of personal protective equipment on 28 April. There will be a joint visit with a construction contractor to distribute the masks and gloves. The brick kiln owner with whom the  joint declaration on OHS has been signed, is expected to attend.


Jordan: The focus for 28 April is mental health at work

BWI affiliate GTUCW is focusing on the issue of work mental health this International Workers’ Memorial Day.

Lebanon: Mental health at work is the GFBCTU focus for 28 April

BWI affiliated GFBCTU is organising an OHS awareness campaign  focusing on Mental Health at work to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day.

Egypt: 28 April union activities will raise understanding and awareness of OHS issues

GTUBWW is planning two separate workplace meetings to raise awareness and understanding of work safety and health issues.

India: Multiple union activities are planned to mark 28 April across India

Across India BWI affiliated unions are planning activities to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day including:

RPKNMS and AHBWU will each organise seminars for stone quarry owners who are signatories to the occupational safety and health declaration where they will discuss safety and health measures at their worksites.

CLU Safety and health awareness raising will be held for the construction and stone quarry industries.

TKTMS is planning an occupational health and safety  oriented  mass meeting and rally – this will be a multi-stakeholder event with the  participation of selected employers, Govt. representatives and union members – including participation of the Joint Declaration on occupational health and safety signatory Chennai Civil Engineers Association with whom the

HKMP and UPGMS  are each organising awareness raising activities with selected brick kiln owner joint signatories to the   joint declaration on occupational health and safety.

AHPWDIPHCWU  is organising a rally followed by meeting including participation of selected contractors with whom joint declarations were signed.

BMS Gujarat is organising a joint safety and health awareness raising meeting.

INCWF is running a meeting to raise the issue of occupational health and safety at a cement plant in Karnataka State.

KSCWCU is organising a joint safety and health awareness raising meeting.

CFBWU will be holding a candle lit vigil and promote the awareness of occupational health and safety issues.

MAMU will organise a  worker safety meeting involving grass roots workers.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living