Category Archives: 2024 Asia Pacific

Nepal: BWI-NAC – 28 April meetings and rally

The BWI-NAC (Nepal Affiliates Committee) will participate in a rally organised by CTUs. Following the rally BWI-NAC will convene worksite interactions with the distribution of safety equipment to workers.

India: BWI affiliates to host multiple 28 April activities countrywide

A large number of Indian affiliates of Building and Wood Workers International – the federation that groups unions from the building, building materials, wood, forestry and allied sectors – are holding a very wide range of activities to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day.  Below are details of the various activities in a listing that will be continually updated as we hear of more:

Bandhkam Mazdoor Sangathan (BMS) – Safety awareness meeting  – Awareness generation followed by a seminar on OHS on 1 May in cooperation with employers.

Rajasthan Patthar Khan evam Nirman Mazdoor Sangathan (RPKNMS) – OHS awareness campaign and stone quarry workers meeting.

Gujarat Forest Produce Gatherers and Forest Workers Union (GFPGFWU) – OHS awareness meeting, minor forestry workers meeting.

Akila India Kattida Thozhilalargal Madhya Sangam (AIKTMS) – Union executive committee meeting including OHS discussions

Thamizhaga Kattida Thozhilalargal Mathiya Sangam (TKTMS) – Mass meeting on occupational health and safety and a trade union awareness program.

Delhi Asangathit Nirman Mazdoor Union (DANMU) – Two worksite meetings on occupational health and safety awareness  for construction workers.

Delhi Nirman Mazdoor Sangathan (DNMS) – Consultation on work safety  awareness and a consultation meeting with workers and key stakeholders.

Mahanagar Asangathit Mazdoor Union (MAMU) will hold a meeting to promote occupational health and safety awareness for workers.

Indian National Cement Workers Federation (INCWF) – will hold a plant level activity raising worker safety awareness  at ACC Adani,  Amethi District, Uttar Pradesh.

All India Cement Employees Federation (AICEF) – will will hold a plant level activity raising worker safety awareness.

Azad Hind Building Workers Union (AHBWU) is holding a workers safety  awareness meeting for construction and stone quarry workers.

28 April news and updates from Tashkent, Uzbekistan

28 апрель – ( “Бутунжаҳон меҳнатни муҳофаза қилиш куни” (…/safeday2024/lang–en/index.htm)
✅ Тадбирлар доирасида фойдаланиш учун айрим тавсиялар (

Australia: ACTU posts a listing of 28 April activities and free to use social media assets

ACTU reminds us that International Workers’ Memorial Day takes place annually around the world on 28 April – it is the international day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work.

This year, IWMD falls on a Sunday, but many (although not all)  events being held around the Australia will take place on Monday 29 April.

You can find details of the various TLC events around the country here, and ACTU encourages all to attend.

The ACTU has also prepared freely available social media assets

Australia: VTHC – International Workers’ Memorial Day 2024

Every year, Victorian Trades Hall Council hosts a memorial service to remember those Victorians who lost their lives at work.

The service will be held on Monday 29 April for International Workers Memorial Day 2024 to commemorate the workers who have been lost in the past year.

The ceremony will include a minute’s silence at 11am and an opportunity to lay wreaths.

The event will be live-streamed through the Victorian Trades Hall Council Facebook page, but all are encouraged to attend the ceremony at Argyle square in Carlton.

More details

New Zealand: NZCTU announces a wide range of actions for 28 April

NZCTU has published information on its activities to mark 28 April that include a listing of 28 April events, a poster, an NZCTU Health and Safety starter pack, a corporate manslaughter law ‘Stand with Pike’ campaign plus information on engineered stone and more.

Further details from the NZCTU 28 April webpages

April 28: Remembering the unknown workers [IUF Asia/Pacific]

IUF Asia/Pacific remembers and speaks powerfully for those workers who die in silence – whose deaths go unreported and unrecognised. Workers who die without justice for themselves or their families:

“For every worker who dies of a long term illness caused by or exacerbated by work – sometimes years after retirement – her or his death is not recorded as work-related. An unknown death of an unknown worker, unrecorded. Every worker who dies in an unreported industrial “accident” is another unknown death. For every worker not considered a worker by legal definition and excluded in employment statistics, she or he dies in silence.

“In our continued call to stop the killing on International Workers’ Memorial Day, April 28, we must also remember the workers whose injuries and deaths are not recognized or recorded as they fall through the gaps.”

Read the full article

Australia: New worker protections against silica will save lives

Australian national union federation ACTU has welcomed a 22 March 2024 decision by the country’s Labor government and work health and safety (WHS) ministers to move closer to a full ban on engineered stone and implement new regulations to protect all workers from exposure to silica dust.

ACTU assistant secretary Liam O’Brien: “Next month we mark International Workers’ Memorial Day, a day where we remember those who have lost their lives at work and fight to ensure others don’t have the same fate. The passing of these protections is a fitting tribute and testament to the hard work of unions in keeping us all safe at work.

“Unions will always fight to keep workers safe from harm. Unions thank WHS Ministers for listening to workers and health experts in banning engineered stone. None of this would’ve been possible without the campaign of unions, like the CFMEU, and organisations that demanded strong action to keep workers safe.

“The war on silicosis is not over until these new rules are in place, properly enforced, and employers and workers are aware of them. The best way to protect yourself and your workmates is to join your union.”