Cambodia: Global alliance for healthy and safe workplaces – BWTUC/BWI

Building and Wood Workers Trade Union of Cambodia (BWTUC) signed two Declarations on Healthy and Safe Workplaces today with Thai Boon Roong Cement and Charkrey Ting Cement covering 786 workers!
#SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD21


Finland: Tänään on kansainvälinen työntekijöiden muistopäivä – 28 April

Seitsemän tapaturmaista kuolemaa työmailla vuonna 2020. Tänään on kansainvälinen työntekijöiden muistopäivä.

Keskiviikkona 28.4. vietetään kansainvälistä työturvallisuuspäivää ja työntekijöiden muistopäivää. Päivän aikana muistetaan ihmisiä, jotka ovat kuolleet, vammautuneet tai sairastuneet työssään sekä kampanjoidaan tulevien tapaturmien ja sairastumisten ehkäisemiseksi.

Viime vuonna Suomen rakennustyömailla menehtyi tapaturmaisesti 7 rakentajaa, joista 5 talonrakennusalan töissä ja 2 infra-alalla. Jokainen kuolema ja tapaturma on liikaa, ja otamme osaa läheisten ja työkavereiden suruun.

Kansainvälisen työntekijöiden muistopäivän teemana on tänä vuonna Työsuojelu on oikeutemme. Rakennustyöntekijöiden maailmanjärjestö BWI ja Euroopan rakennus- ja puutyöväen liitto EFBWW kampanjoivat terveellisten ja turvallisten työpaikkojen puolesta.

#iwmd21 Rakennusliitto

Philippines: Call for justice for the workers who died of disease, hunger, and bullets

No photo description available.AMA Sugbo – KMU union marks International Workers’ Memorial Day with a candelit vigil and a strong message. Facebook

Turkey: Global alliance for healthy and safe workplaces – TARIM ORMAN-IS/BWI

BWI affiliate Civil Servants’ Union of Agriculture, Forestry, Husbandry and Environment (TARIM ORMAN-IS) signed 4 Declarations with 2 forest workers’ cooperatives, one forest product company and one forest directorate on 28 April to mark the day and to join the call to make OHS right a fundamental one!

The union also conducted an OHS training for forest workers.

Netherlands: FNV event for 28 April

FNV vice-chairman @ KittyJong1 and executive member Cor Dekker laid a wreath today at the #WorkersMemorialDay statue in Utrecht. In the Netherlands, 4,000 people die every year as a result of their work. You can follow the symposium (1 – 3.30 pm today)

FNV Homepage 


Gibraltar: Ceremony organised by Unite the Union in collaboration with Gibraltar Cultural Service [Photos]

Ceremony organised by Unite the Union in collaboration with Gibraltar Cultural Service. More details

Global: Here’s how to fight for the living: let’s make occupational health and safety a fundamental right – ITF

On April 28th, International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD), the ITF remembers all those across the world killed at or around  their place of work.

The ITF supports the campaign led by the International Trade Union Confederation calling on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to recognise occupational health and safety as a fundamental right at work. This would fulfil a pledge made at the 2019 ILO Centenary Declaration, adopted unanimously, to ensure OSH for all workers.

#IWMD21 is especially poignant this year as it comes amid a devastating surge in global Covid-19 infections. Last week over 5.8 million new cases of Covid-19 were registered globally, the highest number to date. Many of these infections will have been caught at, or on the commute to or from, people’s workplaces.

But even before Covid-19, thousands of transport workers were vulnerable to injury or death in the workplace. The pandemic has simply exposed just how urgently occupational health and safety measures are needed.

“Every death at work is a death too many: the ILO, governments and employers must take greater action to halt preventable workplace deaths. Recognition of occupational health and safety as an ILO Fundamental Right at Work would be a strong step in the right direction.” – Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary

Governments and employers also have a responsibility to protect workers from violence and harassment in the workplace, which disproportionately impacts women workers. ITF affiliates, activists and Global Union Federations were instrumental in enacting global legislation against violence and harassment in the world of work.

ILO Convention 190, along with other recommendations, must be signed onto by government to protect all workers from violence and harassment at work including the commute.

ITF Global

Kosovo: A 28 April message from Koalicioni për Drejtësi Shoqërore dhe të Drejta Socio-ekonomike

Koalicioni për Drejtësi Shoqërore dhe të Drejta Socio-ekonomike
2stS6 SpmSAnopdareoisnsml aslolremmt 1d0c:31h ·
In collaboration with FES, BSPK and the Labour Inspectorate, the Coalition for Social Justice organizes the week of workers and workers by implementing a number of activities that connect with safety and health at work, union organization and employment of women.
During this week there will be discussions on health and safety at work and social media campaigning. To continue with the media conference of independent unions and worker s’ rights shifts. In conclusion, the launch of the documentary and study ′′ Worthy work for women ′′ will be organized.
We invite you to follow us on social media:
Koalicioni për Drejtësi Shoqërore dhe të Drejta Socio-ekonomike
Qendra per Politika dhe Avokim
Iniciativa Kosovare per Stabilitet – IKS
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Prishtina Office
No photo description available.

Serbia: 28 April message from the Alliance of Independent Unions of Serbia (SSSS)

Duško Vuković, vice president of the Union of independent syndicates of Serbia (SSSS), points out that ′′ independents ′′ have been leading activities and campaigns since 2010., warning state authorities and employers that security and health are at low level.
– This is witnessed by a large number of tragic accidents, an average of about 50 employees per year at work, and 800 are injured. In addition, the number of professional diseases that are recorded annually can be counted on the fingers of one hand. All of this is a consequence of great legal insecurity and social irresponsibility, very pronounced work ′′ on black ′′ and almost no investment in labor safety. Starting from the state, through inspections where there is a very small number of labor inspectors, to the company, where there is a large influence of interesting groups led by agencies and other companies that sometimes organize those jobs for a table and more companies, points out Vuković.
Our negotiator estimates that all this affects safety and health at work formally. ′′ Various risks are being danced, and employees are not trained, neither theoretically nor practically for safe work and are not prepared for possible risks “, explains Vuković.
It adds that the Day of Safety and Health at work this year, as well as last, we celebrate in pandemic conditions, but also that safety at work in Serbia cannot be a topic to which we will give attention only on April 28.
– Among several thousand deaths from kovid-19 in Serbia, there are numerous workers infected at work. The health of employees is literally their lives, and Serbia had a weak record of the deceased from professional illnesses caused in the workplace before the epidemic. Cancer related to work and employee exposure to nearly 50 different carcinogenic substances is caused by tens of thousands of deaths. Even illnesses caused by physical hard work are not recorded, and diseases caused by psychosocial reasons such as stress, violence, harassment and job harassment are not recorded, treated with funny and frivolous.
He also believes that labor safety unions and unions play a vital role in ensuring the health and safety of employees.
– In every enterprise, institution and institution where we have formed safety and health committees, or where we are allowed, the number of injuries and diseases is reduced to a minimum. Because of all the above, we believe that no new legislation is worth us, if it does not apply and if what workers and unions fought for many decades ago now returns in time for the fight for basic worker s’ rights. We insist on real changes, starting from drastic increase in inspectors, changing the bad practice of the court, to introducing union controls for work in companies. Without that, no, even the ′′ most European ′′ paper will help us, said Vuković about the Independence portal.
The powerlessness of the controller Prasčević and Krstić from the Faculty of Labor Protection also believe that unions and the professional public need to focus on concrete solutions that will greatly improve practice.
Serbia has registered nearly 400 thousand business entities controlled by only 247 inspectors for work. This means that one labor inspector ′′ covers ′′ more than 1.550 companies. It is obvious that the number of inspectors compared to the number of economic entities is insufficient, so they have an insignificant influence on the situation in this area. In this sense, it is necessary to pay more attention to the organization of work protection jobs. It is necessary for the number of advisors, or employees for safety and health at work, the employer adjusts the type of activity, the technological process, dangers, harmfulness and estimated risks, the number of locally separate units, the number of employees and the organization of work…
The recommendation is, depending on the type of activity, that the employer who hires from 251 to 500 employees, concludes a contract to work with at least two advisors, or employees for safety and health at work, and employer from 500 to 1000 employees of at least three advisors. Those who employ several thousand employees should further conclude contract with at least one more advisor on every 1000 employees. Also, a revision of the workplace risk assessment act and in the work environment would contribute to a better organization of work safety and health jobs.
Professors Prasčević and Krstić say that considering the highest number of injuries to work with fatal results and serious injuries are happening in construction, the valid 1997. Rulebook on construction work needs to be revised. In fact, two new ones would leak from this rule: one only for working on height, and the other depending on the type of construction activity. According to this, it is necessary to innovate and shine of outdated, and very important rules concerning certain industries, professors point out.
They also point out that this whole area must be observed more because measures, activities and procedures are aimed at ensuring the safety and health of the population and the law on fire protection, the law on environmental protection, the law on health care, the law on infectious diseases the disease…
All our speakers believe that without constant education and training is not worth any normal change. In order to improve and develop professional competencies in the field of safety and health, professional improvement and ′′ lifelong learning ′′ of people who deal with safety and health jobs should be encouraged.

Hungary: #IWMD21 Savez samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske

Hungary, #IWMD21
Savez samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske
Today is National Work Protection Day and International Day of Remembrance of the dead workers – we pay tribute to all the victims at work and demand safe and healthy jobs!
And there is no health without mental health! If you missed it, listen to our conference yesterday on how the pandemic impacted workers:

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living