Category Archives: 2021 Asia-Pacific

Philippines: It’s official, Covid-19 is an occupational disease in the Philippines

The Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) in the Philippines has confirmed Covid-19 is now recognised as an occupational disease in the country, with those affected eligible for compensation payments.

Formal recognition of Covid-19 as on occupational disease, with compensation available to all those affected, is a central demand of the global union confederation ITUC on International Workers’ Memorial Day.

Kazakhstan: Семинар по безопасности и охране труда — ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ПРОФСОЮЗОВ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН

Семинар по безопасности и охране труда

Новости Новости профсоюзов

27 апреля 2021

В этом году Международная организация труда объявила тему Всемирного дня охраны труда – «Предвидеть кризис и быть готовым к нему – ИНВЕСТИРОВАТЬ СЕЙЧАС В АДЕКВАТНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ ОХРАНЫ ТРУДА».

«Необходимо создавать благоприятные условия труда в процессе трудовой деятельности для реализации прав работников на достойный труд» —  беря данное правило за основу, 27 апреля филиалом ОО «Отраслевой профессиональный союз работников сельского хозяйства» по Костанайской области был проведен семинар «Безопасность и охрана труда» для  профсоюзного актива, руководителей предприятий и организаций, ответственных лиц за безопасность и охрану труда.

В приветственном слове Ирина Аронова, председатель Профсоюзного центра Костанайской области, отметила приоритетность безопасности и охраны труда в деятельности профсоюза. В рамках Областного соглашения между акиматом Костанайской области, территориальным объединением профсоюзов «Профсоюзный Центр Костанайской области» и Ассоциацией содействия предпринимательской деятельности в Костанайской области на 2021 – 2023 годы, обеспечение приоритета сохранения жизни и здоровья работников является одним из важных пунктов документа. Сравнивая цифры по травматизму прошедшего периода в прошлом году, в Костанайской области за прошедшие три месяца можно отметить снижение, тем не менее 21 человек получили производственные травмы.

Зауре Жумабекова, председатель  филиала профсоюза работников сельского хозяйства, говоря об органах государственного контроля, общественных объединениях работников, подчеркнула важность профилактической работы по предупреждению производственного травматизма и поиска новых форм и методов работы с организациями, в первую очередь с теми, у которых имеют место повторные несчастные случаи с тяжёлым и смертельным исходом.

О состоянии производственного травматизма в Костанайской области в сфере сельского хозяйства, процедурах по расследованию и учету несчастных случаев, связанных с трудовой деятельностью, подробно рассказала Гуля Каратаева, руководитель отдела контроля трудовых отношений Управления по инспекции труда.

Продолжая работу в формате диалога и вопросов-ответов выступили председатели профкомов ТОО «КазНИИМЭСХ» — Владимир Ткаченко, ТОО СХОС «Заречное» — Ольга Галайко, КГП «ВЕТЕРИНАРНАЯ станция» Костанайского района – Нурболат Какимбеков.

Далее интерактивная часть семинара прошла динамично — работая в формате «Деловой игры», участники показали свои знания в области безопасности и охраны труда, предложили свои механизмы и правила по профилактике травматизма.

Приятным завершением работы семинара стало вручение почетных грамот и благодарственных писем от ТОП «Профсоюзный центр Костанайской области и филиала ОО «Отраслевой профессиональный союз работников сельского хозяйства» по Костанайской области.

Мероприятия в рамках Всемирного дня охраны труда продолжаются во всех отраслевых и локальных профсоюзах Костанайской области.



Australia: VTHC – International Workers’ Memorial Day: 28.04.21 – We Are Union

International Workers’ Memorial Day: 28.04.21

Posted by James Raynes · April 27, 2021 10:03 AM

Every year, Victorian Trades Hall Council hosts a memorial service to remember those Victorians who lost their lives at work. On Wednesday April 28, International Workers’ Memorial Day will be held in person at Trades Hall (subject to COVID-19 conditions). The ceremony will include speeches from Tim Pallas, Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations; Ingrid Stitt, Minister for Workplace Safety and Minister for Early Childhood; Colin Radford, WorkSafe CEO; Madeleine Harradence, ANMF Assistant Secretary; and Luke Hilakari, Secretary of Victorian Trades Hall Council.

Since this day last year, there have been Victorian workplace deaths. For the first time, WorkSafe is now counting in that tally those killed on the road while working, suicides attributable to a workplace health and safety failure, deaths from industrial diseases such as silicosis, and workplace deaths resulting from a criminal act.

This International Workers’ Memorial Day will remember workers who have lost their lives, and will also provide an opportunity to reflect deeply on the importance of Victoria’s swift, proactive response to COVID-19 – a response that played a critical role in preventing countless more deaths, such as on the scale experienced in many other parts of the world.

Quotes attributable to Victorian Trades Hall Council Secretary Luke Hilakari

“On International Workers’ Memorial Day this year, we respect, remember and pay our respects to the 48 Victorian workers who tragically lost their lives since we marked this day 12 months ago.

“Since July 2020, WorkSafe has chosen to include, in their tally, fatalities of workers from occupational illness, road incidents and suicide attributable to workplace OHS failure. We strongly support this change; recognising these fatalities as work-related is critical to preventing further deaths. In particular, 2020 has shown why it is vital to include occupational illnesses in this tally. Internationally, over 17,000 healthcare workers died in 2020 as a result of providing medical care to patients with COVID-19. This pandemic has been a stark reminder of the importance of our state’s collective solidarity in following health experts’ advice, and of having empowered unionists and Health and Safety Reps committed to ensuring their workplaces are safe.

“We call on the Federal Government to swiftly make vaccinations available to the whole community and to provide the best possible protections to prevent the spread of COVID-19, particularly to those working on the frontline of this pandemic.”

Event details

The event will be live streamed through the Victorian Trades Hall Council Facebook page or members of the press are welcome to attend VTHC in person, at Memorial Rock, corner Lygon and Victoria Street, Carlton.

10:30am: Event begins

11am: One minute’s silence, laying of wreaths

For media inquiries, please contact Suzi Taylor, VTHC Communications: 0447 333 834

الاتحاد العام لنقابات عمال البحرين يشارك في الحملة العالمية لليوم العالمي للصحة والسلامة المهنية :Bahrain

الاتحاد العام لنقابات عمال البحرين يشارك في الحملة العالمية لليوم العالمي للصحة والسلامة المهنية/ اليوم العالمي لذكرى العمال بمشاركة العمال المهاجرين
GFBTU Bahrain #IWMD21
The General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions participates in the global campaign for the International Occupational Health and Safety Day / World Memory Day with the participation of migrant workers
GFBTU Bahrain #IWMD21

India: Remembering workers killed, injured and disabled by their work

Wednesday 28 April is International Workers Memorial Day. An annual day of remembrance & action for workers killed, disabled, or injured by their work. 
#IWMD #savelivesatwork #RememberTheDead #IWMD2021 #Safety #MayDay21 #MayDay2021 #IWMD21


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Kazakhstan: Webinar held on workplace safety issues

Проведен вебинар по вопросам безопасности труда

Новости Новости профсоюзов

22 апреля 2021

100 представителей внутреннего и общественного контроля по безопасности и охране труда предприятий Павлодарской области прошли обучение.

22 апреля 2021 года инженеры служб безопасности и охраны труда, технические инспекторы по охране труда и председатели первичных профсоюзных организаций предприятий металлургии, железнодорожного транспорта, энергетики, электротеплоэнергетики, химической и нефтегазовой промышленности, жилищно-коммунального хозяйства, сельского хозяйства, образования и культуры приняли участие в вебинаре учебно-экспертного центра ALTYN ENBEK на тему «Требования по обучению работников в области безопасности и охраны труда, промышленной и пожарной безопасности».

Conducted by webinar on safety issues

Union News

April 22, 2021

100 representatives of internal and public control on health and safety of enterprises of Pavlodar region were trained.

On April 22, 2021, health and safety engineers, health and safety inspectors and chairmen of the primary trade union organizations of the steel industry, railway transport, energy, electric and oil and gas industries, housing and utilities, agriculture, education and culture took part in the webinar of the ALTYN ENBEK training and expert center on the topic of “Safety and Safety Training.”

New Zealand: NZCTU backs call for safety as an ILO ‘fundamental right at work’

Tuesday, 27 April 2021, 3:27 pm
Press Release: Council of Trade Unions


On April 28th, Workers’ Memorial Day, working people all around the world remember those killed at work.

CTU President Richard Wagstaff wants to see more done to ensure that everyone is able to return home safe and well at the end of their working day. “The facts clearly speak for themselves, too many working Kiwis are being killed at work. We must do more to hold employers to account. Workplace deaths are always avoidable and preventable. Employers who fail to keep working people safe should face serious consequences.”

“From May 2020 – January 2021 37 people were killed at work. 37 people went to work and never returned home. The most dangerous industries are agriculture (8), construction (4) and forestry (4). Employers in these industries need to really examine what they are doing wrong, why their business models are so problematic that people are being killed just by doing their jobs.”

“As well as the 37 people who were killed at work, more than 33,000 New Zealanders have been so seriously injured at work in the last year that they have needed more than a week off work. 33,000 is more people than the entire population of Timaru, we clearly have urgent work to do to ensure people are safe at work.”

“Another huge health and safety issue is occupational deaths. Between 750-900 New Zealanders died in the last year as a direct result of work. Many of these deaths are from long term exposure at work to things like asbestos, silica, and other chemicals/substances which has resulted in death.”

“The problems are clear. The solutions include employers needing to do more to enable working people to speak out. Working people need to demand safe and healthy workplaces and to feel empowered and freely able to speak up when they see things at work which are unsafe.”

“The CTU is a member of the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) and we support their campaign calling on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to adopt occupational health and safety as a fundamental right at work,” Wagstaff said.

Asia-Pacific: Workers do not deserve to die because of work. Recognise occupational health and safety as a fundamental right

Turkey: Workers Memorial Day – Kesk

Health and safety is your right.

28 April – Workers Memorial Day

Philippines: Remembrance and Resistance: Struggle for Health, Safety, Livelihood and Rights!


April 28 is Workers’ Memorial Day.

Remembrance and Resistance: Struggle for Health, Safety, Livelihood and Rights!

After more than a year of the longest lockdown in the world, Covid-19 cases in the Philippines continue to rise, peaking at 15,000 in just one day. The socio-economic conditions continue to worsen, while the country’s already weak healthcare system has completely broken down. As we near April 28 International Workers’ Memorial Day and May 1 International Labour Day, we strengthen our demands to save workers’ lives.

The government has failed to strengthen the country’s healthcare system. Hospitals are overwhelmed and overran due to lack of facilities, equipment, and staff. Hospital beds are fully booked with Covid patients, leaving no room for other sick and even emergency cases. Last year, an estimate of 1,245 healthcare workers were infected, 27 of whom had died (21 doctors and 6 nurses). We have then demanded to fast-track and prioritize the protection of health workers and other front liners through production and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE), and implementing hazard benefits and mass hiring. Yet, as of April 11 this year, the number of infected healthcare workers reached 16, 510 while a total of 86 had died.

The government has failed to protect workers’ safety and health. While countries all over the world underwent economic crisis due to work stoppage, workers bore the brunt of reviving the receding economies. In the name of doing business, workers’ safety and lives have been traded off.

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) recorded 7,781 confirmed Covid cases in 2,234 workplaces. While this does not present the actual total number of infected, especially due to lack of mass testing and aggressive contact tracing, the highest recorded cases belong to regions of big labor force population. In the recent surge of Covid cases, the National Capital Region (NCR), Region IV-A, Region III and Region VII recorded the highest cases. These regions have the greatest number of manufacturing ecozones and information technology parks and centers. According the data of Department of Health (DOH), the age group 20-49 recorded the highest number of positive cases, presenting a high probability of these belonging to the labor force population.

Last year, when companies and workplaces went back to full operation, cases of Covid outbreak occurred in occupation sites such as Taguig Construction Site (300 construction workers), Metro Rail Transit (200 employees), business-processing outsource sites in different regions (415 workers), companies in special economic zones of Laguna (more than 400 workers), manufacturing company in Central Luzon (more than 200 workers), and a food manufacturing plant in Cavite (more than 700 tested positive.) For returning overseas Filipinos, a total of 16, 233 were tested positive as of April 11, fourteen of whom had died.

Amid the pandemic, workers’ health has become more vulnerable due to the economic systems in place. Without free mass testing and treatment, workers are not convinced to take the necessary measures to ensure their health and safety. This coupled with meager wages, lack of cash aid from the government, and “no work, no pay” scheme, contributes to the workers’ fear of losing daily income.

The Filipino workers continue to strengthen demands for health, safety, and social protection. Workers’ health and safety is government responsibility, yet our own government has brought us to the brink of death due to sickness and poverty. On this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day, also known as World Day for Safety and Health, we remember those who have died due to the pandemic and government negligence, those who have laid their lives in the cause to improve and save workers’ lives. We mourn the dead, consolidate our ranks, and collectively demand:

  1. Mass testing and aggressive contact tracing in workplaces!
  2. Free and safe vaccine for all workers!
  3. Classify Covid-19 as an occupational disease!
  4. Cash aid for all!
  5. Pass the Paid Pandemic Leave Bill now!

Join the national day of action on April 28, 2021. Wear black shirt and join the social media protest by posting on your individual and organizational social media pages with our demands. At 6:00 PM, join the nationally coordinated candle lighting protest in your homes or offices, and post photos or videos on your pages. These activities will serve as build up actions for the upcoming Labour Day.

Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living! Save Workers’ Lives!

Occupational Safety and Health is a Fundamental Right!

Workers’ Safety from Covid-19 is Government Responsibility!


