USA: This Workers’ Memorial Day, report hazards says postal workers’ union

Each year, on April 28, we observe Workers’ Memorial Day. On this day, the labor movement remembers workers killed or injured on the job and vows to continue the fight for strong safety and health protections in the workplace. Without workers standing together and fighting for our safety, we would not enjoy the protections from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and our union contract.

This Workers’ Memorial Day, we are calling on our members to take part in collective action to make sure our workplaces are clean, safe, and healthy! On April 28, fill out and file a PS Form 1767 – Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition or Practice. Whether something small like sticky floors, or a persistent problem such as a toxic workplace, stand up with your co-workers to shine a light on the hazards in your workplace. If we don’t look out for each other, no one else will.

How a PS Form 1767 Works:

  • To report a hazard, find and fill out the PS Form 1767. These must be readily available to you. If it is not, you can fi nd a form on
  • APWU recommends that you utilize the 4-copy NCR form provided by the USPS in your workplace. This way you can see what actions were completed or ignored.
  • File a report of the condition on PS Form 1767 with the immediate supervisor and request an inspection of the condition.

The immediate supervisor must promptly (within the tour of duty): Investigate the alleged condition; Initiate immediate corrective action; Record actions or recommendations on the PS Form 1767; Forward the original PS Form 1767 and one copy to the next appropriate level of management (approving official); Give the employee a copy signed by the supervisor as a receipt; Immediately forward the third copy to the facility safety coordinator. If the hazard is not fixed within 7 days, you can file a grievance to ensure action is taken.

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