Germany: Activities for International Workers’ Memorial Day [Video]


Serbia: Employers should be held responsible for workers’ safety and put people before profit – BWI

Employers should be held responsible for workers’ safety and put people before profit – #iwmd20,  BWI


Pakistan: Hunger strikes, occupations and work stoppages to mark 28 April

Healthworkers in Pakistan are on their thirteenth day of hunger strike and occupying hospitals to try and get proper PPE.
11 am, tomorrow: walk out of work and stay out for the day – support key workers taking action for PPE Reel News

UK: Preparing for the return to work outside the home – TUC

Preparing for the return to work outside the home

Summary of recommendations

This TUC report, Preparing for the return to work outside the home: a trade union approach, sets out what we believe the government must do now to ensure a safe transition from lockdown, looking at how to safely return to work outside the home, the enforcement measures needed to protect workers, and how best to protect workers’ livelihoods.

  • The government must ensure that workers’ mental health and wellbeing is prioritised alongside physical safety.
  • The government must run a public information campaign to ensure working people can be confident that health and safety at work is a priority as they return to work.
  • Every employer must carry out a specific Covid-19 risk assessment.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be provided where necessary, and no-one should be asked to re-use PPE inappropriately.
  • Government must provide specific advice and protection for those groups most at risk.
  • The EHRC must ensure that the return to work strategy seeks to prevent this disproportionate impact and complies with the public sector equality duty.
  • Unions should be consulted when the government prepares sector-specific guidance, and when employers seek to implement it.
  • The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) must act quickly to sanction employers that do not risk-assess for Covid-19 or fail to provide safe working arrangements.
  • The HSE must run a public information campaign to ensure workers know their rights.
  • No worker should face a sanction for refusing to work in an unsafe workplace.
  • Government must ensure the job retention scheme continues to protect jobs.
  • Those who lose their jobs must be protected by a strengthened safety net.
  • We need decent sick pay for all
  • Government must ban zero-hours contracts, tackle false self-employment, and guarantee all workers day-one employment rights.

    read full list of recommendations

Download full report (pdf)

UK: Minute’s silence to remember workers who have died of work related injuries and diseases – Prospect

This year will be even more significant as we honour those who have died from #coronavirus.#IWMD20 #NeverForgotten

Zimbabwe: CLAWUZ youth urge Government and employers to protect young people

A video message from the Chair of the CLAWUZ youth-Zimbabwe.

“We demand governments and employers to take urgent action to protect young workers’ health, jobs and their future.” #BWI2020IWMD

Australia: Stop the pandemic, protect health and safety, save lives – ACTU

ACTU Assistant Secretary, Liam O’Brien has sent the following message regarding International Workers’ Memorial Day:

Every worker has the right to safe, healthy and respectful work. In times like COVID-19, these rights are more important than ever.

Next Tuesday on International Workers’ Memorial Day, we remember those who weren’t afforded this right. We remember those who were tragically injured and lost their lives at work.

This year’s global theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day is Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives. This is an important opportunity to highlight what must be done to ensure workers’ health is protected during COVID-19, including psychological health.

Here’s some ways that you can get involved:

  1. Remember the dead, fight for the living

Attend an online International Worker’s Day memorial event on Tuesday 28 April.Click here to find your local event or activity.

  1. Remember those who passed away and acknowledge today’s struggle

Share your story on social media and use the hashtag #IWMD2020 [and #IWMD20]. It could be memories of someone close to you or a shout out to an essential worker.

  1. Fight for the future

Stay connected, join your union and continue the fight for health and safety, whether at work or working from home.

Everyone has a right to be safe and healthy, have a good, secure job and return to their family and friends at the end of the day. Australian Unions will never give up this fight.

In solidarity,

Liam O’Brien, Assistant Secretary

USA: NC AFL-CIO | Workers’ Memorial Day and COVID-19

Post your selfie and leave a review on the NC Department of Labor’s Facebook page: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit us online:

Nepal: CEPHED calls for COVID-19 to be recognised as an occupational disease

Center for Public Health and Environmental Development (CEPHED) has requested the Nepal government recognise Covid-19 as an occupational disease.

Call for information: Covid-19 compensation and official recognition as an occupational disease by country

CEPHED notes a number of countries have already recognised Covid-19 as an occupational disease and agreed that work-related cases of Covid-19 must be reported to the authorities and now qualify for workers’ compensation. In some examples, cases of Covid-19 in frontline workers are presumed by the compensation authorities to be caused by the job (with ‘frontline workers’ covering a wide-range of job categories).

CEPHED wishes  to make available information on best practice. and is seeking information from  with regard to:

a) compensation (and if possible any conditions/restrictions on eligibility)

b) official recognition of Covid-19 as an occupational disease, and any related reporting/recording requirements.

Thank you for your assistance. It will be extremely helpful in our efforts to secure prevention of Covid-19 and justice for all affected workers.

CEPHED initiative of COVID 19 in Nepal

Center for Public Health and Environmental Development (CEPHED)
Mahalaxmi Municipality,
Ward No.2, Lalitpur ,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel/Fax: +977-1-5201786

UK: ‘Lean on me’ – Families Against Corporate Killers 28 April [Video]

UK  campaigning network work Families Against Corporate Killers (FACK) has produced a moving and forceful 28 April video memorial which you can view here.

Also read FACK’s 28 April statement If you do not protect the workforce in a pandemic, you do not protect the public.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living