Indonesia: Building and wood workers’ union federation BWI announces 28 April plans

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of its Indonesia affiliate SERBUK that will hold area-based rallies and a national social media campaign.

Myanmar: Building and wood workers’ union federation BWI announces 28 April plans

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of its Myanmar affiliate. BWFM will hold a candlelit vigil to honour workers killed on the job.

Philippines: Building and wood workers’ union federation BWI announces 28 April plans

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of its Philippines affiliates.

NUBCW will hold a discussion on worker safety amongst union members. This will be followed with a ceremonial candle-lighting activity to commemorate those who have suffered work  incidents and deaths.


Cambodia: Building and wood workers’ union federation BWI announces 28 April plans

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of its Cambodia affiliate BWTUC.

BWTUC plans to hold a tribute rally and news conference based around the issue of building collapses. They intend to create awareness of the severity of the issue of building collapses in Cambodia and the importance of regulated occupational health and safety during construction projects. BWTUC also wishes to stress  the importance of government work safety laws and policies, and also insists companies that have signed a safety agreements with BWTUC  implement those policies immediately.


Bangladesh: Building and wood workers’ union federation BWI announces 28 April plans

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of its Bangladesh affiliates.

BSBWWF, will hold a worker safety and  Covid-19 awareness meeting for Metro Rail Workers in Dhaka. Also in Dhaka, BBWWF, will hold a health and safety sensitisation program.

Nepal: Building and wood workers’ union federation BWI announces 28 April plans

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of its Nepal affiliates BWI-NAC (CUPPEC, CAWUN, ANCWU).  The affiliates will be running work safety awareness training for the IFI Projects’ Cadre .

India: Building and wood workers’ union federation BWI announces 28 April plans

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced its India affiliates 28 April plans. These include meetings, vigils and training sessions.

BMS, Gujarat OHS Conference for Construction Workers
AHPWDIPHCWU, Himachal Pradesh Health and Safety Seminar for Construction Workers (Specific focus on IFI Projects)
CFBWU, Uttar Pradesh Public Awareness Meeting on OHS
INCWF, Chhattisgarh OHS Awareness Meeting at Selected Cement Plants (Shree Cement & ACC)
DANMU, Delhi OHS Sensitisation and Candle Light Vigil in Workers’ Community
MAMU, Delhi OHS Awareness and Sensitisation Program
TKTMS, Tamil Nadu OHS & TU Rights Meeting (for Chennai Metro Rail Workers)
AHBWU, Rajasthan OHS Awareness Meeting and Candle Lighting

Global/USA: April – The Month of Workplace Disasters

Reproduced in full with the kind permission of the author: Jordan Barab – the article appeared first on 20 April 2022  in his excellent newsletter Confined Space

April 28 is Workers Memorial Day — a day dedicated to memorializing those killed on the job and rededicating ourselves to fighting for the living. April 28 was picked because it’s the anniversary of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  And coincidentally, April is an especially tragic time to remember some of the most serious workplace tragedies in American — and world —  history.

Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster, Raleigh County, WV,  April 5, 2010: An explosion at the Upper Big Branch mine killed 29 miners. The Mine Safety and Health Administration concluded that flagrant safety violations contributed to the explosion. It issued 369 citations at that time, assessing $10.8 million in penalties

Ammonium Nitrate Explosion, Texas City, TX, April 16, 1947: A fire on the French-registered vessel SS Grandcamp detonated her cargo of about 2,300 tons of ammonium nitrate. This started a chain reaction of fires and explosions in other ships and nearby oil-storage facilities, ultimately killing at least 581 people, including all but one member of the Texas City fire department.   It was the deadliest industrial accident in U.S. history and one of history’s largest non-nuclear explosions.

West Fertilizer Explosion, West, TX, April 17, 2013:  An ammonium nitrate explosion occurred at the West Fertilizer Company storage and distribution facility in West, Texas. Fifteen people were killed, including 12 firefighters, more than 160 were injured, and more than 150 buildings were damaged or destroyed.

Deepwater Horizon Explosion, April 20, 2012: A fire and explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig killed 11 workers and resulted in the largest marine oil spill and environmental disaster in history.

L’Ambiance Plaza Collapse, Bridgeport, CT,  April 23, 1987: The L’Ambiance Plaza apartment building collapsed due to a faulty lift slab construction technique while under construction, killing 28 construction workers.

Rana Plaza Factor Collapse, Bangladesh, April 24, 2013: The eight-story Rana Plaza factory building collapsed, killing 1134 people.  The shops and the bank on the lower floors were immediately closed after cracks were discovered in the building the day before the collapse. But the building’s owners ignored warnings ordering garment workers to return the following day and the building collapsed during the morning rush-hour.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, Ukraine, USSR April 26, 1986:  No. 4 reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded during a safety test  It was the worst nuclear disaster in history. Dozens of operators and response workers died due to massive radiation exposure and hundreds more from the nuclear fallout.

Willow Island Collapse, Willow Island, WV, April 27, 1978: A cooling tower under construction at the Pleasants Power Station at Willow Island, West Virginia, collapsed, killing 51 construction workers. It was the deadliest construction accident in U.S. history


Canada: National Day of Mourning – April 28

Refugee Rights Day – April 4
8.5″ x 11″ Poster

April 28 marks the National Day of Mourning for workers injured or killed on the job. This year’s Day of Mourning is especially significant given the devastating toll COVID-19 continues to inflict on workers across the country.

Frontline workers are still disproportionately affected by the pandemic, with countless falling sick and many succumbing to illness. Everyone has a role to play in ensuring that workers make it home at the end of each day, and that includes employers, unions, and governments.

UFCW Canada encourages every worker to make workplace health and safety a personal priority and help spread the word that every worker has the right to refuse unsafe work.

On April 28, let us remember those who have been injured or killed on the job, and keep them in our thoughts. Let us honour the memory of those killed or injured on the job, and never forget the importance of our commitment to keep workers safe.

For a full list of local events happening in solemn observance, click here.

Source: UFCW  Canada

Wales: Workers Memorial Day event- Cardiff | Wales TUC

The Wales TUC invites you to join us at an early day memorial to commemorate those we have lost.

Speeches will be made by Mark Drakeford MS the First Minister of Wales and Shavanah Taj, Wales TUC General Secretary followed by a wreath laying ceremony and a minutes silence.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living