Global: Countdown to Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April

With fewer than three weeks to go until International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April, a welter of new resources has become available to help union safety reps promote the global event.

Hazards Campaign Unions make work safer poster (printed A4 and A3 available in single or multiple orders, for the price of postage only) and other 28 April 2018 resources. To order, telephone: 0161 636 7557 or email:

ITUC 28 April 2018 poster in English Spanish and  FrenchITUC/Hazards 28 April 2018 international events and campaign website and theme announcement in EnglishSpanish and French.

TUC 28 April 2018 webpages. Email details of UK events to the TUC health and safety office to be included in the TUC listing. When tweeting details of your 28 April plans and resources, use the hashtag #iwmd18

Sharan Burrow: World of trouble: Unions are organising for safer, healthier and decent work, Hazards magazine, Number 141, 2018. Risks 8437 April 2018

Australia: On 28 April VTHC will campaign for industrial manslaughter laws

Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC) is marking International Workers Memorial Day with a focus on industrial manslaughter legislation.

Boots and shoes will be laid out to represent each workplace fatality in Victoria over the past 12 months. VTHC will also run a forum on the campaign and a very striking poster has been produced.

Click on the image for a larger version or download the PDF here.

For further information contact Renata Musolino
Victorian Trades Hall Council

Croatia: Healthy workplaces manage hazardous chemicals (SGH)

Sindikat graditeljstva Hrvatske (SGH ), the Croatian affiliate of the global construction union BWI, observes every year at the end of April, a day or two before 28 April SGH  traditionally organises a  round table or conference.

This year on 27th April  there will be a tripartite conference “Healthy workplaces manage hazardous chemicals.”

Further information:

Sindikat graditeljstva Hrvatske
Trade Union of Construction Industry of Croatia
t/f: +385 1 465 5014
m:  +385 99 253 6590


Slovenia: SDGD press conference, exhibition and survey to mark 28 April

Global construction federation BWI affiliate Sindikat Delavcev Gradbenih Dejavnosti Slovenije (SDGD) reports that on April 28th the construction union will hold a traditional press conference to inform the public about the Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije/ Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS) messages on the occasion of the World Health and Safety Day.

They will also have an online survey of occupational diseases and then publish the results with an exhibition planned for the 6th floor of the union HQ.

Traditionally, at the same time, they publish statistics for last year, how many injuries, occupational diseases, how many died …

One month ago, the union sent questions to the state authorities that kept official statistics on all of these and asked them to send the data by 19 April 2018.

They  work on press and communication on April 28 from 2003 onwards every year.


Spain: Manifiesto de CCOO y UGT ‘Trabajo seguro es tu salud, es tu derecho’

28 de abril 2018: Manifiesto de CCOO y UGT/manifesto prepared by CCOO and UGT.

Canada: Day of Mourning British Columbia

Last year, 158 B.C. workers died from a workplace injury or disease. Now, families and communities are left to mourn.

Across Canada, April 28 has been designated the Day of Mourning. As workers, families, employers, and communities come together at ceremonies held around the province to remember those who have lost their lives to work-related incidents or occupational disease, and renew the commitment to creating healthy and safe workplaces.

Day of Mourning BC has published an excellent set of resources to support activities on International Workers’ Memorial Day.

International Workers’ Memorial Day 2018

Download the posters: EspañolFrançais • English



Quote: Sharan Burrow, ITUC

“Work shouldn’t be dangerous. We should be making things, not making orphans. Our strategy will use the full union rep toolbox – from negotiation, to representation, to action – to organise for decent, safe and healthy work.”

Sharan Burrow, ITUC general secretary

CSI: Les syndicats rendent le travail plus sûr

Toutes les 11 secondes, un travailleur meurt dans le monde en raison des conditions de travail. Tous les décès sont évitables. Les connaissances existent, la technologie existe, mais la volonté n’y est pas. L’organisation syndicale est un antidote avéré.

CSI: Les syndicats organisent en faveur d’un travail décent, plus sûr et plus sain

Toutes les 11 secondes, un travailleur meurt dans le monde en raison des conditions de travail. Tous les décès sont évitables. Les connaissances existent, la technologie existe, mais la volonté n’y est pas. L’organisation syndicale est un antidote avéré.

Les syndicats organisent en faveur d’un travail décent, plus sûr et plus sain

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living