Tag Archives: #iwmd21 28april

Philippines: Covid safety calls on 28 April

April 28 is International Workers’ Memorial Day.
We remember those who have died due to the pandemic and government negligence, those who have laid their lives in the cause to improve and save workers’ lives. We mourn the dead, consolidate our ranks, and collectively demand:
1. Mass testing and aggressive contact tracing in workplaces!
2. Free and safe vaccine for all workers!
3. Classify Covid-19 as an occupational disease!
4. Cash aid for all!
5. Pass the Paid Pandemic Leave Bill now!
Join the national day of action on April 28, 2021. Wear black shirt and join the social media protest by posting on your individual and organizational social media pages with our demands. At 6:00 PM, join the nationally coordinated candle lighting protest in your homes or offices, and post photos or videos on your pages. These activities will serve as build up actions for the upcoming Labour Day.
Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living! Save Workers’ Lives!
Occupational Safety and Health is a Fundamental Right!
Workers’ Safety from Covid-19 is Government Responsibility!